Malmö University Publications
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Arbetsliv: forskning och utvärdering
Caucasus Studies
Current Themes in IMER Research
Dissertation Series in Migration, Urbanisation, and Societal Change
Dissertation Series in New Media, Public Spheres, and Forms of Expression
Dissertation Series in Urban studies
Doctoral Dissertation in Odontology (Closed down 2023-01-01)
FoU-rapport Hälsa och samhälle
Gudrun Malmers stiftelse: rapporter
Malmö högskolas utvärderingsrapporter
Malmö Studies in Educational Sciences: Doctoral Dissertation Series
Malmö Studies in Educational Sciences: Licentiate Dissertation Series
Malmö Studies in Global Politics
Malmö Studies in International Migration and Ethnic Relations
Malmö Studies in Sport Sciences
Malmö University Critical-Vitalist Studies in Childhood, Education and Society
Malmö University Health and Society Dissertations
Malmö University Odontological Dissertations
Malmö University Studies in Children’s Literature, Culture and Media
Malmö University Studies in Class and Culture
Malmö University Studies in Ethnography and Phenomenology
Medea Vox
MIM Working Paper Series
New Perspectives on Professions
Occasional Papers in Disability & Rehabilitation
Pedagogisk rapport från Fakulteten för hälsa och samhälle
Praktik & teori
Rapporter om utbildning
Rapport från fritidsvetenskapligt program
SBV Working Paper Series
School of Arts and Communication Dissertation Series
Skrifter från Malmö högskolas bibliotek
Skrifter med historiska perspektiv
Sociala konflikter och kulturella processer
Studies in Applied Physics
Studies in Arts and Communication
Studies in Computer Science
Willy Brandt Series of Working Papers in International Migration and Ethnic Relations
Arbetsliv: forskning och utvärdering
Caucasus Studies
Current Themes in IMER Research
Dissertation Series in Migration, Urbanisation, and Societal Change
Dissertation Series in New Media, Public Spheres, and Forms of Expression
Dissertation Series in Urban studies
Doctoral Dissertation in Odontology (Closed down 2023-01-01)
FoU-rapport Hälsa och samhälle
Gudrun Malmers stiftelse: rapporter
Malmö högskolas utvärderingsrapporter
Malmö Studies in Educational Sciences: Doctoral Dissertation Series
Malmö Studies in Educational Sciences: Licentiate Dissertation Series
Malmö Studies in Global Politics
Malmö Studies in International Migration and Ethnic Relations
Malmö Studies in Sport Sciences
Malmö University Critical-Vitalist Studies in Childhood, Education and Society
Malmö University Health and Society Dissertations
Malmö University Odontological Dissertations
Malmö University Studies in Children’s Literature, Culture and Media
Malmö University Studies in Class and Culture
Malmö University Studies in Ethnography and Phenomenology
Medea Vox
MIM Working Paper Series
New Perspectives on Professions
Occasional Papers in Disability & Rehabilitation
Pedagogisk rapport från Fakulteten för hälsa och samhälle
Praktik & teori
Rapporter om utbildning
Rapport från fritidsvetenskapligt program
SBV Working Paper Series
School of Arts and Communication Dissertation Series
Skrifter från Malmö högskolas bibliotek
Skrifter med historiska perspektiv
Sociala konflikter och kulturella processer
Studies in Applied Physics
Studies in Arts and Communication
Studies in Computer Science
Willy Brandt Series of Working Papers in International Migration and Ethnic Relations
Subject / course
Educational program
GPS program
HS Biomedical Surface Science
HS Biomedicinsk laboratorievetenskap
HS closed program
HS Criminology
HS Folkhälsovetenskap (Closed down 2020-01-01)
HS Handikapp- och rehabiliteringsvetenskap
HS Ledarskap och organisation (Closed down 2010-01-01)
HS Omvårdnad
HS Omvårdnad, nätbaserad distanskurs (Closed down 2019-01-01)
HS Omvårdnad, uppdragsutbildning (Closed down 2020-01-01)
HS Polisprogrammet
HS program
HS Receptarieprogrammet
HS Sexologi
HS Sjuksköterskeutbildning
HS Socialpsykiatri
HS Socialt arbete
HS Socionomutbildning
K3 program
KS GPS closed program
KS GPS European Studies
KS GPS Genusvetenskap (Closed down 2019-01-01)
KS GPS Human Rights
KS GPS International Migration and Ethnic Relations
KS GPS International Relations
KS GPS Peace and Conflict Studies
KS GPS Political Science - Global Politics
KS GPS Statsvetenskap
KS K3 closed program
KS K3 Communication for development
KS K3 Culture and Change
KS K3 English studies
KS K3 Grafisk design
KS K3 Interaction Design (bachelor)
KS K3 Interaction Design (master)
KS K3 Kulturproduktion (Closed down 2019-01-01)
KS K3 Kulturvetenskap och Litteraturvetenskap (Closed down 2019-01-01)
KS K3 Media and Communication Studies (bachelor)
KS K3 Media and Communication Studies (master)
KS K3 Produktdesign
KS K3 Scenproduktion (Closed down 2019-01-01)
KS K3 Visuell kommunikation
KS program
KS SPS Arbetsvetenskap med inriktning kompetensutveckling (Closed down 2019-01-01)
KS SPS closed program (Closed down 2019-01-01)
KS SPS Communication in English (Closed down 2019-01-01)
KS SPS Kommunikativ svenska (Closed down 2019-01-01)
KS SPS Language and Cultural Studies (Closed down 2019-01-01)
KS SPS Språk- och kulturstudier (Closed down 2019-01-01)
KS US Arbetsvetenskap (Closed down 2019-01-01)
KS US Arkitektur, visualisering och kommunikation
KS US Business Administration: Transport Management
KS US Business Administration III
KS US Byggdesign (Closed down 2019-01-01)
KS US Byggteknik (Closed down 2019-01-01)
KS US closed program
KS US Fastighetsföretagande
KS US Fastighetsförmedling
KS US Fastighetsmäklarprogrammet (Closed down 2019-01-01)
KS US Företagsekonomi (Closed down 2019-01-01)
KS US Hållbar stadsutveckling: ledning och organisering
KS US Leadership and organisation: Societal challenges and organisational changes
KS US Leadership for Sustainability
KS US Ledarskap och offentlig organisation
KS US Ledarskap och organisation III
KS US Miljövetenskap - Kretsloppsprogrammet (Closed down 2019-01-01)
KS US Miljövetenskap - Människa, miljö, samhälle
KS US Social Entrepreneurship and Innovation (Closed down 2019-01-01)
KS US Stadsbyggnad, stadsutveckling och planering
KS US Sustainable Architecture and Urban Design
KS US Sustainable Urban Management (Closed down 2019-01-01)
KS US Urban Studies
KS US Urban Studies: Urban Business and Development - Real Estate and Transport
KS US Urban utveckling och planering (Closed down 2019-01-01)
LS Ämnesdidaktik (fristående kurs)
LS Bachelor of Arts in Early Years Education
LS Bachelor of Arts in Primary Education Extended School
LS Bachelor of Arts in Study and Career Guidance
LS closed program
LS Degree of Master of Arts in Primary Education
LS Education: Educational Theory, Master's Programme (Two-Year)
LS Education and Vocational Knowing: Master’s Program
LS English and Education: Master's Programme (Two-Year)
LS Gymnasielärarutbildning 270-300hp (Closed down 2015-01-01)
LS Gymnasielärarutbildning 60hp (Closed down 2015-01-01)
LS Historia med kulturanalys (Closed down 2015-01-01)
LS History: Specialisation in Cultural Heritage Studies
LS LALAR/LLÄRY Lärarutbildning 2001-2010
LS Lärarutbildning: 90hp (Closed down 2015-01-01)
LS Lärarutbildning: Arabiska med didaktisk inriktning (Closed down 2019-01-01)
LS Lärarutbildning: Barndoms- och ungdomsvetenskap (Closed down 2019-01-01)
LS Lärarutbildning: Bild och visuellt lärande (Closed down 2019-01-01)
LS Lärarutbildning: Den fria tidens lärande (Closed down 2019-01-01)
LS Lärarutbildning: Geografi, miljö och lärande (Closed down 2019-01-01)
LS Lärarutbildning: Historievetenskap och lärande (Closed down 2019-01-01)
LS Lärarutbildning: Idrott och fysisk bildning (Closed down 2019-01-01)
LS Lärarutbildning: Kultur, medier och estetik (Closed down 2019-01-01)
LS Lärarutbildning: Matematik och lärande (Closed down 2019-01-01)
LS Lärarutbildning: Moderna språk (engelska) (Closed down 2019-01-01)
LS Lärarutbildning: Moderna språk (tyska) (Closed down 2019-01-01)
LS Lärarutbildning: Naturvetenskap och lärande (Closed down 2019-01-01)
LS Lärarutbildning: Religionsvetenskap och lärande (Closed down 2019-01-01)
LS Lärarutbildning: Samhällsorienterande ämnen och barns lärande (Closed down 2019-01-01)
LS Lärarutbildning: Samhällsvetenskap och lärande (Closed down 2019-01-01)
LS Lärarutbildning: Svenska i ett mångkulturellt samhälle (Closed down 2019-01-01)
LS Lärarutbildning: Svenska och lärande (Closed down 2019-01-01)
LS Leisure studies (Closed down 2015-01-01)
LS Master's Programme in Sport Sciences: Sport in Transition
LS Master of Arts/Science in Secondary Education
LS Master of Arts in Primary Education PreSchool and School Years 1-3
LS Master of Arts in Primary Education School Years 4-6
LS Master of Arts in Secondary Education
LS Master of Arts in Upper Secondary Education
LS Masters programme in Historical Studies
LS Matematik för lärare (Closed down 2015-01-01)
LS Pedagogik (Closed down 2019-01-01)
LS Pedagogik (fristående kurs)
LS Pedagogik med inriktning forskning om handledning och vägledning (Closed down 2015-01-01)
LS Pedagogik m inriktning mot specialpedagogik (Closed down 2019-01-01)
LS Pedagogiskt drama (Closed down 2019-01-01)
LS Postgraduate Diploma in Special Educational Needs
LS Postgraduate Diploma in Special Needs Training
LS Pre-school teacher and recreation instructor education (Closed down 2015-01-01)
LS program
LS SÄL/KUT Grundskollärarutbildning (Closed down 2015-01-01)
LS SÄL/KUT Gymnasielärarutbildning (Closed down 2015-01-01)
LS SÄL/KUT Lärarutbildning (Closed down 2015-01-01)
LS SÄL Specialpedagogisk påbyggnadsutbildning (Closed down 2015-01-01)
LS Specialpedagogik överbryggande kurs (Closed down 2019-01-01)
LS Sport Sciences
LS Sport Sciences: Sport in Society, Master's Programme
LS Subject Didactis
LS Supplementary Programme in Education
LS Teaching and Learning in Higher Education, Master’s Programme
LS Utbildningsvetenskap, praktisk pedagogik/utbildningsledarskap (Closed down 2019-01-01)
LS Utbildningsvetenskap m inriktning mot barndoms o ungdomsvetenskap (Closed down 2019-01-01)
LS Utbildningsvetenskap m inriktning mot historia, religion o samhällsvetenskap (Closed down 2019-01-01)
LS Utbildningsvetenskap m inriktning mot idrott o fysisk bildning (Closed down 2019-01-01)
LS Utbildningsvetenskap m inriktning mot kultur, språk o medier (Closed down 2019-01-01)
LS Utbildningsvetenskap m inriktning mot naturvetenskap, geografi, miljö o matematik (Closed down 2019-01-01)
LS Utbildningsvetenskap m inriktning mot skolutveckling, profession o ledarskap (Closed down 2019-01-01)
LS Utbildningsvetenskap m inriktning utbildningsledarskap (Closed down 2019-01-01)
LS VAL-projektets uppsatser samt grundskollärarutbildning före år 2000
LS Work Science: Career Development, Master's programme (one-year)
OD closed program
OD Dental Science: Master Program
OD Odontologie magisterprogram med inriktning oral hälsa
OD Odontologie magisterprogram med inriktning tandteknik
OD Påbyggnadsprogram för tandhygienister i oral hälsa (Closed down 2019-01-01)
OD program
OD Tandhygienistutbildning
OD Tandläkarutbildning
OD Tandteknikerutbildning
TS Affärssystem - Teknik, ekonomi och ledarskap, TELMah (Closed down 2019-01-01)
TS Byggingenjör
TS closed program
TS Computational Materials Science
TS Computer Science, Master Programme (Closed down 2020-12-31)
TS Computer Science: Applied Data Science
TS Computer Science: Innovation for Change in a Digital Society
TS Data- och elektroteknik (Closed down 2019-01-01)
TS Data- och telekom - Teknik, ekonomi och ledarskap, TELMah (Closed down 2019-01-01)
TS Datateknik och mobil IT
TS Datavetenskap och applikationsutveckling
TS Grafisk teknik och medieproduktion (Closed down 2015-01-01)
TS Högskoleingenjörsutbildning i data och telekom - Teknik, ekonomi och ledarskap, TELMah (Closed down 2019-01-01)
TS Informationsarkitekt
TS IT och ekonomi
TS Kemiteknik (Closed down 2010-01-01)
TS Maskin- och materialteknik
TS Media Software Design, Master's Programme in Computer Science (Closed down 2015-01-01)
TS Media Technology: Strategic Media Development
TS Medieproduktion och processdesign
TS Processdesigner - Media (Closed down 2018-01-01)
TS Produktionsledare - Media
TS Produktutveckling och design
TS program
TS Programvaruteknik (Closed down 2010-01-01)
TS Spelutveckling
TS Systemutvecklare
US program
x Closed program
GPS program
HS Biomedical Surface Science
HS Biomedicinsk laboratorievetenskap
HS closed program
HS Criminology
HS Folkhälsovetenskap (Closed down 2020-01-01)
HS Handikapp- och rehabiliteringsvetenskap
HS Ledarskap och organisation (Closed down 2010-01-01)
HS Omvårdnad
HS Omvårdnad, nätbaserad distanskurs (Closed down 2019-01-01)
HS Omvårdnad, uppdragsutbildning (Closed down 2020-01-01)
HS Polisprogrammet
HS program
HS Receptarieprogrammet
HS Sexologi
HS Sjuksköterskeutbildning
HS Socialpsykiatri
HS Socialt arbete
HS Socionomutbildning
K3 program
KS GPS closed program
KS GPS European Studies
KS GPS Genusvetenskap (Closed down 2019-01-01)
KS GPS Human Rights
KS GPS International Migration and Ethnic Relations
KS GPS International Relations
KS GPS Peace and Conflict Studies
KS GPS Political Science - Global Politics
KS GPS Statsvetenskap
KS K3 closed program
KS K3 Communication for development
KS K3 Culture and Change
KS K3 English studies
KS K3 Grafisk design
KS K3 Interaction Design (bachelor)
KS K3 Interaction Design (master)
KS K3 Kulturproduktion (Closed down 2019-01-01)
KS K3 Kulturvetenskap och Litteraturvetenskap (Closed down 2019-01-01)
KS K3 Media and Communication Studies (bachelor)
KS K3 Media and Communication Studies (master)
KS K3 Produktdesign
KS K3 Scenproduktion (Closed down 2019-01-01)
KS K3 Visuell kommunikation
KS program
KS SPS Arbetsvetenskap med inriktning kompetensutveckling (Closed down 2019-01-01)
KS SPS closed program (Closed down 2019-01-01)
KS SPS Communication in English (Closed down 2019-01-01)
KS SPS Kommunikativ svenska (Closed down 2019-01-01)
KS SPS Language and Cultural Studies (Closed down 2019-01-01)
KS SPS Språk- och kulturstudier (Closed down 2019-01-01)
KS US Arbetsvetenskap (Closed down 2019-01-01)
KS US Arkitektur, visualisering och kommunikation
KS US Business Administration: Transport Management
KS US Business Administration III
KS US Byggdesign (Closed down 2019-01-01)
KS US Byggteknik (Closed down 2019-01-01)
KS US closed program
KS US Fastighetsföretagande
KS US Fastighetsförmedling
KS US Fastighetsmäklarprogrammet (Closed down 2019-01-01)
KS US Företagsekonomi (Closed down 2019-01-01)
KS US Hållbar stadsutveckling: ledning och organisering
KS US Leadership and organisation: Societal challenges and organisational changes
KS US Leadership for Sustainability
KS US Ledarskap och offentlig organisation
KS US Ledarskap och organisation III
KS US Miljövetenskap - Kretsloppsprogrammet (Closed down 2019-01-01)
KS US Miljövetenskap - Människa, miljö, samhälle
KS US Social Entrepreneurship and Innovation (Closed down 2019-01-01)
KS US Stadsbyggnad, stadsutveckling och planering
KS US Sustainable Architecture and Urban Design
KS US Sustainable Urban Management (Closed down 2019-01-01)
KS US Urban Studies
KS US Urban Studies: Urban Business and Development - Real Estate and Transport
KS US Urban utveckling och planering (Closed down 2019-01-01)
LS Ämnesdidaktik (fristående kurs)
LS Bachelor of Arts in Early Years Education
LS Bachelor of Arts in Primary Education Extended School
LS Bachelor of Arts in Study and Career Guidance
LS closed program
LS Degree of Master of Arts in Primary Education
LS Education: Educational Theory, Master's Programme (Two-Year)
LS Education and Vocational Knowing: Master’s Program
LS English and Education: Master's Programme (Two-Year)
LS Gymnasielärarutbildning 270-300hp (Closed down 2015-01-01)
LS Gymnasielärarutbildning 60hp (Closed down 2015-01-01)
LS Historia med kulturanalys (Closed down 2015-01-01)
LS History: Specialisation in Cultural Heritage Studies
LS LALAR/LLÄRY Lärarutbildning 2001-2010
LS Lärarutbildning: 90hp (Closed down 2015-01-01)
LS Lärarutbildning: Arabiska med didaktisk inriktning (Closed down 2019-01-01)
LS Lärarutbildning: Barndoms- och ungdomsvetenskap (Closed down 2019-01-01)
LS Lärarutbildning: Bild och visuellt lärande (Closed down 2019-01-01)
LS Lärarutbildning: Den fria tidens lärande (Closed down 2019-01-01)
LS Lärarutbildning: Geografi, miljö och lärande (Closed down 2019-01-01)
LS Lärarutbildning: Historievetenskap och lärande (Closed down 2019-01-01)
LS Lärarutbildning: Idrott och fysisk bildning (Closed down 2019-01-01)
LS Lärarutbildning: Kultur, medier och estetik (Closed down 2019-01-01)
LS Lärarutbildning: Matematik och lärande (Closed down 2019-01-01)
LS Lärarutbildning: Moderna språk (engelska) (Closed down 2019-01-01)
LS Lärarutbildning: Moderna språk (tyska) (Closed down 2019-01-01)
LS Lärarutbildning: Naturvetenskap och lärande (Closed down 2019-01-01)
LS Lärarutbildning: Religionsvetenskap och lärande (Closed down 2019-01-01)
LS Lärarutbildning: Samhällsorienterande ämnen och barns lärande (Closed down 2019-01-01)
LS Lärarutbildning: Samhällsvetenskap och lärande (Closed down 2019-01-01)
LS Lärarutbildning: Svenska i ett mångkulturellt samhälle (Closed down 2019-01-01)
LS Lärarutbildning: Svenska och lärande (Closed down 2019-01-01)
LS Leisure studies (Closed down 2015-01-01)
LS Master's Programme in Sport Sciences: Sport in Transition
LS Master of Arts/Science in Secondary Education
LS Master of Arts in Primary Education PreSchool and School Years 1-3
LS Master of Arts in Primary Education School Years 4-6
LS Master of Arts in Secondary Education
LS Master of Arts in Upper Secondary Education
LS Masters programme in Historical Studies
LS Matematik för lärare (Closed down 2015-01-01)
LS Pedagogik (Closed down 2019-01-01)
LS Pedagogik (fristående kurs)
LS Pedagogik med inriktning forskning om handledning och vägledning (Closed down 2015-01-01)
LS Pedagogik m inriktning mot specialpedagogik (Closed down 2019-01-01)
LS Pedagogiskt drama (Closed down 2019-01-01)
LS Postgraduate Diploma in Special Educational Needs
LS Postgraduate Diploma in Special Needs Training
LS Pre-school teacher and recreation instructor education (Closed down 2015-01-01)
LS program
LS SÄL/KUT Grundskollärarutbildning (Closed down 2015-01-01)
LS SÄL/KUT Gymnasielärarutbildning (Closed down 2015-01-01)
LS SÄL/KUT Lärarutbildning (Closed down 2015-01-01)
LS SÄL Specialpedagogisk påbyggnadsutbildning (Closed down 2015-01-01)
LS Specialpedagogik överbryggande kurs (Closed down 2019-01-01)
LS Sport Sciences
LS Sport Sciences: Sport in Society, Master's Programme
LS Subject Didactis
LS Supplementary Programme in Education
LS Teaching and Learning in Higher Education, Master’s Programme
LS Utbildningsvetenskap, praktisk pedagogik/utbildningsledarskap (Closed down 2019-01-01)
LS Utbildningsvetenskap m inriktning mot barndoms o ungdomsvetenskap (Closed down 2019-01-01)
LS Utbildningsvetenskap m inriktning mot historia, religion o samhällsvetenskap (Closed down 2019-01-01)
LS Utbildningsvetenskap m inriktning mot idrott o fysisk bildning (Closed down 2019-01-01)
LS Utbildningsvetenskap m inriktning mot kultur, språk o medier (Closed down 2019-01-01)
LS Utbildningsvetenskap m inriktning mot naturvetenskap, geografi, miljö o matematik (Closed down 2019-01-01)
LS Utbildningsvetenskap m inriktning mot skolutveckling, profession o ledarskap (Closed down 2019-01-01)
LS Utbildningsvetenskap m inriktning utbildningsledarskap (Closed down 2019-01-01)
LS VAL-projektets uppsatser samt grundskollärarutbildning före år 2000
LS Work Science: Career Development, Master's programme (one-year)
OD closed program
OD Dental Science: Master Program
OD Odontologie magisterprogram med inriktning oral hälsa
OD Odontologie magisterprogram med inriktning tandteknik
OD Påbyggnadsprogram för tandhygienister i oral hälsa (Closed down 2019-01-01)
OD program
OD Tandhygienistutbildning
OD Tandläkarutbildning
OD Tandteknikerutbildning
TS Affärssystem - Teknik, ekonomi och ledarskap, TELMah (Closed down 2019-01-01)
TS Byggingenjör
TS closed program
TS Computational Materials Science
TS Computer Science, Master Programme (Closed down 2020-12-31)
TS Computer Science: Applied Data Science
TS Computer Science: Innovation for Change in a Digital Society
TS Data- och elektroteknik (Closed down 2019-01-01)
TS Data- och telekom - Teknik, ekonomi och ledarskap, TELMah (Closed down 2019-01-01)
TS Datateknik och mobil IT
TS Datavetenskap och applikationsutveckling
TS Grafisk teknik och medieproduktion (Closed down 2015-01-01)
TS Högskoleingenjörsutbildning i data och telekom - Teknik, ekonomi och ledarskap, TELMah (Closed down 2019-01-01)
TS Informationsarkitekt
TS IT och ekonomi
TS Kemiteknik (Closed down 2010-01-01)
TS Maskin- och materialteknik
TS Media Software Design, Master's Programme in Computer Science (Closed down 2015-01-01)
TS Media Technology: Strategic Media Development
TS Medieproduktion och processdesign
TS Processdesigner - Media (Closed down 2018-01-01)
TS Produktionsledare - Media
TS Produktutveckling och design
TS program
TS Programvaruteknik (Closed down 2010-01-01)
TS Spelutveckling
TS Systemutvecklare
US program
x Closed program
Thesis level
Independent thesis Basic level (university diploma)
Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor)
Independent thesis Basic level (professional degree)
Independent thesis Advanced level (degree of Master (One Year))
Independent thesis Advanced level (degree of Master (Two Years))
Independent thesis Advanced level (professional degree)
Student paper first term
Student paper second term
Student paper other
Independent thesis Basic level (Higher Education Diploma (Fine Arts))
Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor of Fine Arts)
Independent thesis Advanced level (degree of Master of Fine Arts (One Year))
Independent thesis Advanced level (degree of Master of Fine Arts (Two Years))
Independent thesis Basic level (university diploma)
Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor)
Independent thesis Basic level (professional degree)
Independent thesis Advanced level (degree of Master (One Year))
Independent thesis Advanced level (degree of Master (Two Years))
Independent thesis Advanced level (professional degree)
Student paper first term
Student paper second term
Student paper other
Independent thesis Basic level (Higher Education Diploma (Fine Arts))
Independent thesis Basic level (degree of Bachelor of Fine Arts)
Independent thesis Advanced level (degree of Master of Fine Arts (One Year))
Independent thesis Advanced level (degree of Master of Fine Arts (Two Years))
Artistic work
Artistic works only
Exclude artistic work
Artistic works only
Exclude artistic work
External cooperation
External cooperation only
Exclude external cooperation
External cooperation only
Exclude external cooperation
Select department
Show departments that are closed down
Malmö University
Biofilms Research Centre for Biointerfaces (BRCB)
Centre for Sexology and Sexuality Studies (CSS)
Centre for Work Life Studies (CTA)
Citizen Health
Data Society
Faculty of Culture and Society (KS)
Collaborative Future Making (CFM)
Department of Global Political Studies (GPS)
Department of Urban Studies (US)
Institute for Studies in Malmö's history (IMH)
Rethinking Democracy (REDEM)
Russia, Ukraine and the Caucasus Regional Research (RUCARR)
School of Arts and Communication (K3)
Faculty of Education and Society (LS)
Centre for Teaching and Learning (CAKL)
Department of Childhood, Education and Society (BUS)
Department of Culture, Languages and Media (KSM)
Department of Natural Science, Mathematics and Society (NMS)
Department of School Development and Leadership (SOL)
Department of Society, Culture and Identity (SKI)
Department of Sports Sciences (IDV)
Faculty of Health and Society (HS)
Department for Police Work (IPA)
Department of Biomedical Science (BMV)
Department of Care Science (VV)
Department of Criminology (KR)
Department of Social Work (SA)
People, Places and Prevention
Faculty of Odontology (OD)
Faculty of Technology and Society (TS)
Department of Computer Science and Media Technology (DVMT)
Department of Materials Science and Applied Mathematics (MTM)
Institute for Urban Research (IUR)
Joint University Administration and Services
Malmö Institute for Migration Studies (MIM)
Malmö Research Centre for Imagining and Co-Creating Futures (ICF)
Malmö University Library
Research Centre for Literacy and Inclusive Teaching (LIT)
Sustainable Digitalisation Research Centre (SDRC)
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(*) Marks organisations that are closed down
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Malmö University
Biofilms Research Centre for Biointerfaces (BRCB)
Centre for Sexology and Sexuality Studies (CSS)
Centre for Work Life Studies (CTA)
Citizen Health
Data Society
Faculty of Culture and Society (KS)
Collaborative Future Making (CFM)
Department of Global Political Studies (GPS)
Department of Urban Studies (US)
Institute for Studies in Malmö's history (IMH)
Rethinking Democracy (REDEM)
Russia, Ukraine and the Caucasus Regional Research (RUCARR)
School of Arts and Communication (K3)
Faculty of Education and Society (LS)
Centre for Teaching and Learning (CAKL)
Department of Childhood, Education and Society (BUS)
Department of Culture, Languages and Media (KSM)
Department of Natural Science, Mathematics and Society (NMS)
Department of School Development and Leadership (SOL)
Department of Society, Culture and Identity (SKI)
Department of Sports Sciences (IDV)
Faculty of Health and Society (HS)
Department for Police Work (IPA)
Department of Biomedical Science (BMV)
Department of Care Science (VV)
Department of Criminology (KR)
Department of Social Work (SA)
People, Places and Prevention
Faculty of Odontology (OD)
Faculty of Technology and Society (TS)
Department of Computer Science and Media Technology (DVMT)
Department of Materials Science and Applied Mathematics (MTM)
Institute for Urban Research (IUR)
Joint University Administration and Services
Malmö Institute for Migration Studies (MIM)
Malmö Research Centre for Imagining and Co-Creating Futures (ICF)
Malmö University Library
Research Centre for Literacy and Inclusive Teaching (LIT)
Sustainable Digitalisation Research Centre (SDRC)
Choose subject
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Agricultural and Veterinary sciences
Agricultural Biotechnology
Genetics and Breeding in Agricultural Sciences
Plant Biotechnology
Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries
Agricultural Science
Fish and Aquacultural Science
Food Science
Forest Science
Soil Science
Wood Science
Animal and Dairy Science
Other Agricultural Sciences
Agricultural Economics and Management
Agricultural Occupational Health and Safety
Environmental Economics and Management
Environmental Sciences related to Agriculture and Land-use
Fish and Wildlife Management
Landscape Architecture
Other Agricultural Sciences not elsewhere specified
Renewable Bioenergy Research
Veterinary Science
Clinical Science
Medical Bioscience
Other Veterinary Science
Engineering and Technology
Chemical Engineering
Catalytic Processes
Chemical Process Engineering
Circular Food Process Technologies
Other Chemical Engineering
Polymer Technologies
Separation Processes
Surface- and Corrosion Engineering
Civil Engineering
Architectural Engineering
Building materials
Building Technologies
Construction Management
Geotechnical Engineering and Engineering Geology
Infrastructure Engineering
Other Civil Engineering
Structural Engineering
Transport Systems and Logistics
Water Engineering
Electrical Engineering, Electronic Engineering, Information Engineering
Communication Systems
Computer Systems
Computer Vision and Learning Systems
Control Engineering
Embedded Systems
Other Electrical Engineering, Electronic Engineering, Information Engineering
Power Systems and Components
Robotics and automation
Signal Processing
Environmental Biotechnology
Diagnostic Biotechnology
Other Environmental Biotechnology
Water Treatment
Environmental Engineering
Earth Observation
Energy Systems
Environmental Management
Marine Engineering
Mineral and Mine Engineering
Other Environmental Engineering
Industrial Biotechnology
Bio Materials
Biocatalysis and Enzyme Technology
Bioprocess Technology
Food Biotechnology
Other Industrial Biotechnology
Pharmaceutical and Medical Biotechnology
Materials Engineering
Ceramics and Powder Metallurgical Materials
Composite Science and Engineering
Manufacturing, Surface and Joining Technology
Metallurgy and Metallic Materials
Other Materials Engineering
Paper, Pulp and Fiber Technology
Textile, Rubber and Polymeric Materials
Mechanical Engineering
Applied Mechanics
Energy Engineering
Fluid Mechanics
Industrial engineering and management
Other Mechanical Engineering
Production Engineering, Human Work Science and Ergonomics
Reliability and Maintenance
Solid and Structural Mechanics
Vehicle and Aerospace Engineering
Medical Engineering
Medical Imaging
Medical Informatics Engineering
Medical Instrumentation
Medical Laboratory Technologies
Medical Materials
Medical Modelling and Simulation
Other Medical Engineering
Nano Technology
Nanotechnology for Electronic Applications
Nanotechnology for Energy Applications
Nanotechnology for Material Science
Nanotechnology for/in Life Science and Medicine
Other Nanotechnology
Other Engineering and Technologies
Food Engineering
Interaction Technologies
Media Engineering
Other Engineering and Technologies
Humanities and the Arts
Art History
Literary Composition
Performing Art Studies
Performing Arts
Studies on Film
Visual Arts
History and Archaeology
Classical Archaeology and Ancient History
History of Science and Ideas
Technology and Environmental History
Languages and Literature
General Language Studies and Linguistics
General Literature Studies
Specific Languages
Specific Literatures
Translation Studies
Other Humanities
Cultural Studies
Interdisciplinary Studies in Humanities
Other Humanities not elsewhere specified
Philosophy, Ethics and Religion
History of Religions
Religious Studies
Medical and Health Sciences
Basic Medicine
Basic Cancer Research
Cell and Molecular Biology
Evolution and Developmental Genetics
Immunology in the medical area
Medical Bioinformatics and Systems Biology
Medical Biostatistics
Medical Epigenetics and Epigenomics
Medical Genetics and Genomics
Medical Informatics
Medical Life Sciences
Medicinal Chemistry
Microbiology in the medical area
Other Basic Medicine
Pharmaceutical Sciences
Pharmacology and Toxicology
Physiology and Anatomy
Social and Clinical Pharmacy
Clinical Medicine
Anesthesiology and Intensive Care
Autoimmunity and Inflammation
Cancer and Oncology
Cardiology and Cardiovascular Disease
Childbirth and Maternity care
Clinical Laboratory Medicine
Dermatology and Venereal Diseases
Endocrinology and Diabetes
Gastroenterology and Hepatology
General Practice
Gynaecology, Obstetrics and Reproductive Medicine
Infectious Medicine
Internal Medicine
Other Clinical Medicine
Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Medical Imaging
Respiratory Medicine and Allergy
Rheumatology and Autoimmunity
Urology and Nephrology
Health Sciences
Drug Abuse and Addiction
Health Care Service and Management, Health Policy and Services and Health Economy
Medical Ethics
Nutrition and Dietetics
Occupational Health and Environmental Health
Occupational Therapy
Oral Health
Other Health Sciences
Palliative Medicine and Palliative Care
Public Health, Global Health and Social Medicine
Rehabilitation Medicine
Sport and Fitness Sciences
Medical Biotechnology
Biomaterials Science
Biomedical Laboratory Science/Technology
Medical Biotechnology (Focus on Cell Biology, (incl. Stem Cell Biology), Molecular Biology, Microbiology, Biochemistry or Biopharmacy)
Other Medical Biotechnology
Other Medical Sciences
Forensic Science
Gerontology, specialising in Medical and Health Sciences
Other Medical Sciences not elsewhere specified
Natural Sciences
Biological Sciences
Behavioral Sciences Biology
Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
Bioinformatics and Computational Biology
Biological Systematics
Cell Biology
Developmental Biology
Evolutionary Biology
Genetics and Genomics
Molecular Biology
Other Biological Topics
Structural Biology
Chemical Sciences
Analytical Chemistry
Inorganic Chemistry
Materials Chemistry
Organic Chemistry
Other Chemistry Topics
Physical Chemistry
Polymer Chemistry
Theoretical Chemistry
Computer and Information Sciences
Artificial Intelligence
Bioinformatics (Computational Biology)
Computer Engineering
Computer graphics and computer vision
Computer Sciences
Formal Methods
Human Computer Interaction
Information Systems
Media and Communication Technology
Natural Language Processing
Networked, Parallel and Distributed Computing
Other Computer and Information Science
Security, Privacy and Cryptography
Software Engineering
Earth and Related Environmental Sciences
Climate Science
Environmental Sciences
Geosciences, Multidisciplinary
Meteorology and Atmospheric Sciences
Oceanography, Hydrology and Water Resources
Other Earth Sciences
Palaeontology and Palaeoecology
Physical Geography
Algebra and Logic
Computational Mathematics
Discrete Mathematics
Mathematical Analysis
Other Mathematics
Probability Theory and Statistics
Other Natural Sciences
Physical Sciences
Astronomy, Astrophysics and Cosmology
Atom and Molecular Physics and Optics
Condensed Matter Physics
Fusion, Plasma and Space Physics
Other Physics Topics
Statistical physics and complex systems
Subatomic Physics
Social Sciences
Economics and Business
Business Administration
Economic History
Educational Sciences
Other Educational Sciences
Pedagogical Work
Law and Society
Other Legal Research
Media and Communications
Communication Studies
Human Aspects of ICT
Information Studies
Information Systems, Social aspects
Media and Communication Studies
Other Social Sciences
Child and Youth Studies
Development Studies
Environmental Studies in Social Sciences
Gender Studies
Health and Diet Studies in Social Sciences
International Migration and Ethnic Relations
Other Social Sciences not elsewhere specified
Public Administration Studies
Science and Technology Studies
Social Sciences Interdisciplinary
Statistics in Social Sciences
War, Crisis, and Security Studies
Work Sciences
Political Science
Globalisation Studies
Peace and Conflict Studies
Political Science (Excluding Peace and Conflict Studies)
Applied Psychology
Psychology (Excluding Applied Psychology)
Social and Economic Geography
Economic Geography
Human Geography
Other Geographic Studies
Social Anthropology
Social Psychology
Social Work
Sociology (Excluding Social Work, Social Anthropology, Demography and Criminology)
Choose research subject
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Arbete och organisation
Care science
Child and youth studies
Global politics
Health and society studies
Mathematics education
Organisational studies
Real estate science
Science education
Sustainable studies
Transportation studies
Urban studies
Select educational program
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HS program
HS Biomedical Surface Science
HS Biomedicinsk laboratorievetenskap
HS Criminology
HS Handikapp- och rehabiliteringsvetenskap
HS Omvårdnad
HS Polisprogrammet
HS Receptarieprogrammet
HS Sexologi
HS Sjuksköterskeutbildning
HS Socialpsykiatri
HS Socialt arbete
HS Socionomutbildning
KS program
GPS program
KS GPS European Studies
KS GPS Human Rights
KS GPS International Migration and Ethnic Relations
KS GPS International Relations
KS GPS Peace and Conflict Studies
KS GPS Political Science - Global Politics
KS GPS Statsvetenskap
K3 program
KS K3 Communication for development
KS K3 Culture and Change
KS K3 English studies
KS K3 Grafisk design
KS K3 Interaction Design (bachelor)
KS K3 Interaction Design (master)
KS K3 Media and Communication Studies (bachelor)
KS K3 Media and Communication Studies (master)
KS K3 Produktdesign
KS K3 Visuell kommunikation
US program
KS US Arkitektur, visualisering och kommunikation
KS US Business Administration III
KS US Business Administration: Transport Management
KS US Fastighetsföretagande
KS US Fastighetsförmedling
KS US Hållbar stadsutveckling: ledning och organisering
KS US Leadership and organisation: Societal challenges and organisational changes
KS US Leadership for Sustainability
KS US Ledarskap och offentlig organisation
KS US Ledarskap och organisation III
KS US Miljövetenskap - Människa, miljö, samhälle
KS US Stadsbyggnad, stadsutveckling och planering
KS US Sustainable Architecture and Urban Design
KS US Urban Studies
KS US Urban Studies: Urban Business and Development - Real Estate and Transport
LS program
LS Bachelor of Arts in Early Years Education
LS Bachelor of Arts in Study and Career Guidance
LS Bachelor of Arts in Primary Education Extended School
LS Degree of Master of Arts in Primary Education
LS Education and Vocational Knowing: Master’s Program
LS Education: Educational Theory, Master's Programme (Two-Year)
LS English and Education: Master's Programme (Two-Year)
LS History: Specialisation in Cultural Heritage Studies
LS LALAR/LLÄRY Lärarutbildning 2001-2010
LS Master of Arts in Primary Education School Years 4-6
LS Master of Arts in Primary Education PreSchool and School Years 1-3
LS Master of Arts in Secondary Education
LS Master of Arts in Upper Secondary Education
LS Master of Arts/Science in Secondary Education
LS Master's Programme in Sport Sciences: Sport in Transition
LS Masters programme in Historical Studies
LS Pedagogik (fristående kurs)
LS Postgraduate Diploma in Special Educational Needs
LS Postgraduate Diploma in Special Needs Training
LS Sport Sciences
LS Sport Sciences: Sport in Society, Master's Programme
LS Subject Didactis
LS Supplementary Programme in Education
LS Teaching and Learning in Higher Education, Master’s Programme
LS VAL-projektets uppsatser samt grundskollärarutbildning före år 2000
LS Work Science: Career Development, Master's programme (one-year)
LS Ämnesdidaktik (fristående kurs)
OD program
OD Dental Science: Master Program
OD Odontologie magisterprogram med inriktning oral hälsa
OD Odontologie magisterprogram med inriktning tandteknik
OD Tandhygienistutbildning
OD Tandläkarutbildning
OD Tandteknikerutbildning
TS program
TS Byggingenjör
TS Computational Materials Science
TS Computer Science: Applied Data Science
TS Computer Science: Innovation for Change in a Digital Society
TS Datateknik och mobil IT
TS Datavetenskap och applikationsutveckling
TS Informationsarkitekt
TS IT och ekonomi
TS Maskin- och materialteknik
TS Media Technology: Strategic Media Development
TS Medieproduktion och processdesign
TS Produktionsledare - Media
TS Produktutveckling och design
TS Spelutveckling
TS Systemutvecklare
x Closed program
HS closed program
KS GPS closed program
KS K3 closed program
KS US closed program
LS closed program
OD closed program
TS closed program
v. 2.45.0
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