In my final exam project 2023 for 15hp in the Media and Communication Studies I studied the connections between young aspiring music creators’ view of artificial intelligence (AI) and the music industry and their aesthetic experience. This study was based on a focus group where the participants were introduced to AI-generated music and the AI-program Soundraw, along with being able to discuss their opinions of AI, aesthetic experiences, and the music industry. This focus group was later analyzed through the Actor Network Theory. Through my study participants voiced that they have a harder time creating aesthetic experiences through AI-generated music. There were signs that this was connected to what the participants saw as low aesthetic and emotional quality of the music, but it can also be connected to the admitted bias against AI in the music industry. The study also showed that no of the participants had much against AI’s involvement in the industry, which was interesting given that AI was still criticized through out the study. But this is something that still needs to continue to be studied to gain a lager understanding of how these actors are connected to each other and what other actors and factors are connected.