Subject didaktik as a field has contact points to (1) other educational sciences such as general didactics, pedagogy, pedagogical work and educational studies, (2) the school subject / subject area, and (3) teaching practice (e.g. Sjöström, 2018; Cramer & Schreiber, 2018). Many subfields of subject didaktik have in recent decades evolved from experience-based methodology to quite independent research fields. This applies, for instance, to “science didaktik” (“naturvetenskapernas didaktik” in Swedish and “Science Education” in English), which in Sweden has developed since the mid-1980s. Over the past twenty years, the country has got many new doctors and professors within this (sub)field. I am especially at home in Science Education, but am also very interested in general aspects of subject didaktik (e.g. Sjöström, 2017; Vollmer, 2021). Six years ago, at NoFA6 in Odense, I first presented a framework with ten analysis areas to be used to analyze and develop subject didaktik in whatever subject area (Sjöström, 2017, 2018). These ten areas are about: 1) subject didaktik research especially in the specific school subject area; 2) meta-perspectives on the subject area; 3) meta-perspectives on the school subject; 4) culture and traditions of the school subject; 5) students’ relationship to the subject (area); 6) teachers’ (and student teachers’) relationship to the subject (area); 7) common praxis in the school subject: teaching, learning and assessment (concepts, values, aestetics, curriculum emphases, proven experience, textbooks, classroom communication, assessment practice, etc.); 8) alternative didacitical choices; 9) ”cross-curricular goals” (e.g. eco-reflexive Bildung, sustainability etc.); and 10) didaktik modelling (for the latter, see for instance Sjöström, 2022). In this paper I will present an updated version of the framework, developed based on recent literature in the area.
Cramer, C. & Schreiber, F. (2018). Subject didactics and educational sciences: Relationships and their implications for teacher education from the viewpoint of educational sciences. RISTAL: Research in Subject-matter Teaching and Learning, 1, 150-164.
Sjöström, J. (2017). General subject didactics – core knowledge and perspectives. Oral presentation at Nordisk ämnesdidaktisk konferens (NoFA), May 29-31, Odense, Denmark. (page 136-138 in the abstract book)
Sjöström, J. (2018). Didaktik i integrativa lärarprofessionsämnen, Studier i læreruddannelse og –profession, 3(1), 94-119. (doi: 10.7146/lup.v3i1.97571)
Sjöström, J. (2022). Didaktik modelling illustrated by sustainability teaching arrangements in preschool. Educare, (2), 249–280. (doi: 10.24834/educare.2022.5.8)
Vollmer, H. J. (2021). Powerful educational knowledge through subject didactics and general subject didactics. Recent developments in German-speaking countries. Journal of Curriculum Studies, 53(2), 229-246.