Background: There are several factors that affect women's sexual health, among those are biological and physiological wellbeing and gender. Furthermore gender is derived from society’s values that comes from history, politics, socio-economic prerequisites among other things. Previous studies have shown a lack of knowledge and a lack of follow-up of women’s sexual health the years after childbirth. The purpose of this study is to get a deeper understanding of women’s experiences of their sexual health the years after childbirth.
Aim: The aim of this study is to compile previous studies about women's experienced sexual health up til seven years after childbirth. This is done through the question “How do women experience their sexual health the years after childbirth?”
Method: This is a qualitative literature review that contains twelve articles. The inclusion criteria is previous healthy women with no pathological pregnancies, women who experienced episiotomy or cesarean section during childbirth. However, twins and spontaneous sphincter tears of the 3de or 4th degree have been excluded. This studies scope is limited to the first seven years after childbirth. The articles are written in swedish or english and published between 1960- 2020. Latent content analysis is used to analyse the material.
Result: Many women experience a loss in sexual health the years after childbirth. It depends on several different things such as physical changes, breast feeding, the impact of having a child, changes in relationships and how women experience the meeting with health care. All of this is presented through the four themes of our study.
Conclusion: There is a general loss in sexual health among women after childbirth and they wish for better support from health care professionals. To meet this demand healthcare professionals need more knowledge and to actually apply it. Furthermore, a deeper understanding how gender affects women’s sexual health is needed.