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  • 1.
    Agebjörn, Anders
    et al.
    Malmö University, Faculty of Education and Society (LS), Department of Culture, Languages and Media (KSM).
    Walldén, Robert
    Malmö University, Faculty of Education and Society (LS), Department of Culture, Languages and Media (KSM). Malmö University, Disciplinary literacy and inclusive teaching.
    Effekten av språkpraktik på sfi-elevers utveckling av kommunikativ språkförmåga2024In: Språk och kommunikation i en digitaliserad värld, ASLA 2024, 18–19 april 2024: Abstrakthäfte, Högskolan Dalarna, 2024, p. 12-13Conference paper (Other academic)
    Abstract [sv]

    Tidigare studier om svenska för invandrare (sfi) har undersökt klassrumsinteraktion (NorlundShaswar & Wedin, 2019), transspråkande och multimodalitet i elevernas skrivande (Wedin m.fl., 2018), lärarrespons på elevernas texter (Jacobson, 2019), samt olika aktörers uppfattningom utbildningen (Ahlgren & Rydell, 2020). Med tanke på att sfi-undervisningen oftakritiserats för att inte erbjuda sina elever tillräckliga förutsättningar att utveckla enkommunikativ språkförmåga (Lindberg & Sandwall, 2017; Skolinspektionen, 2018) är detförvånande att inga studier undersökt språkutvecklingen på sfi. Föreliggande studie bidrar tillatt fylla denna kunskapslucka genom att, med både longitudinella data och entvärsnittsdesign, undersöka utvecklingen av kommunikativ språkförmåga hos elever på ensydsvensk sfi-utbildning. Forskning har föreslagit att utvecklingen av en kommunikativspråkförmåga hos vuxna andra språks inlärare kan främjas genom att deras utbildning kopplastill verkliga kommunikationssituationer utanför klassrummet, till exempel genomarbetsplatspraktik. Samtidigt visar denna forskning att praktikplatser inte alltid erbjuder sinapraktikanter goda möjligheter att använda och utveckla målspråket (Sandwall, 2013; Walldén,2023). Inga studier, varken nationella eller internationella, har dock testat effekten av praktikpå elevernas språkutveckling. Föreliggande kvantitativa effektstudie bidrar till att fylla ävendenna kunskapslucka. I studien deltog 37 sfi-elever på kurs C och D. Alla ingick i enkommunal satsning på yrkesinriktad svenska. Elva av deltagarna följde därutöver en parallellkurs som inbegrep att de två dagar i veckan var på en så kallad språkpraktik. Dennaspråkpraktik innebar bland annat att uppgifter med koppling till arbetsplatsen förbereddes ochföljdes upp i klassrummet. Studiens material utgörs av texter – personliga brev med fokus påyrkesliv – som deltagarna, under kontrollerade förhållanden, skrev vid två tillfällen med tremånaders mellanrum. Texternas kvalitet bedömdes holistiskt av fem erfarna andraspråksläraremed metoden jämförande bedöm ning (Pollitt, 2012). På så sätt tillskrevs varje text en poäng,vilken sedan användes som beroende variabel i en regressionsmodell av typen mixed effects.Jämförelser mellan skrivtillfälle 1 och 2 (den longitudinella studien) och mellan kurs C och D(tvärsnittsstudien) visar tydligt att den kommunikativa språkförmågan utvecklades hoseleverna på den aktuella sfi-utbildningen. Beträffande en eventuell effekt av språkpraktik sågvi att utvecklingen hos eleverna med praktik i genomsnitt var något större än utvecklingen hoseleverna utan, men standardfelet var stort och effekten var långt ifrån signifikant. Dettabekräftar vad som framkommit i tidigare studier, nämligen att arbetsplatspraktik inte perautomatik erbjuder vuxna andraspråksinlärare goda möjligheter att utveckla sinkommunikativa språkförmåga (Sandwall, 2013; Walldén, 2023). Detta resultat innebär intenödvändigtvis att den kommunala satsningen på språkpraktik var misslyckad. Trots färreundervisningstimmar uppvisade eleverna med praktik inte en långsammare språkutvecklingän eleverna utan, och deras upplevelser av praktiken var mestadels positiva (Walldén , 2023). Sammantaget är vår förhoppning är att resultaten ska bidra till en mer nyanserad diskussion,både när det gäller i vilken utsträckning sfi- undervisning leder till språkutveckling och närdet gäller eventuella effekter av specifika didaktiska modeller, i detta fall språkpraktik.

    Referenser Ahlgren, K., & Rydell, M. (2020). Continuity and change: Migrants’ experiences of adultlanguage education in Sweden. European Journal for Research on the Education andLearning of Adults, 11(3), 399–414. Jakobson, L. (2019). Skriftlig lärarrespons för vuxna nybörjare i svenska som andraspråk.Teoretiska perspektiv,responspraktik och uppfattningar. Göteborgs universitet.Lindberg, I., & Sandwall, K. (2017). Conflicting agendas in Swedish adult second languageeducation. I: Kerfoot, C., & Hyltenstam, K. (red.). (2017). Entangled discourses: South-Northorders of visibility. Taylor & Francis, 119–136.Norlund Shaswar, A., & Wedin, Å. (2019). Language learning strategies and teachingpractices in adult l2 education: The case of swedish for immigrants. Apples: Journal ofApplied Language Studies, 13(3), 17–34., A. (2012). The method of adaptive comparative judgement. Assessment in Education:Principles, Policy & Practice, 19(3), 281–300., K. (2013). Att hantera praktiken: Om sfi-studerandes möjligheter till interaktionoch lärande på praktikplatser. Göteborgs universitet.Skolinspektionen (2018). Undervisning i svenska för invandrare. Stockholm:Skolinspektionen.Walldén, R. (2023). Adult migrants’ voices about learning and using Swedish at workplacements in basic language education. Studies in the Education of Adults, 1– 23., Å., Rosén, J., & Hennius, S. (2018). Transspråkande och multimodalitet igrundläggande skriftspråksundervisning inom sfi. Pedagogisk forskning i Sverige, 23(1–2),15–38.

  • 2.
    Agebjörn, Anders
    et al.
    Malmö University, Faculty of Education and Society (LS), Department of Culture, Languages and Media (KSM).
    Walldén, Robert
    Malmö University, Faculty of Education and Society (LS), Department of Culture, Languages and Media (KSM). Malmö University, Disciplinary literacy and inclusive teaching.
    Vad kan du om att lära sig svenska som andraspråk?: Bildningsquizet2024Other (Other (popular science, discussion, etc.))
  • 3.
    Alhadi Alhasani, Huda
    et al.
    Malmö University, Faculty of Education and Society (LS), Department of Natural Science, Mathematics and Society (NMS).
    Svensson Källberg, Petra
    Malmö University, Faculty of Education and Society (LS), Department of Natural Science, Mathematics and Society (NMS). Malmö University, Disciplinary literacy and inclusive teaching.
    Ryan, Ulrika
    Malmö University, Faculty of Education and Society (LS), Department of Natural Science, Mathematics and Society (NMS). Malmö University, Disciplinary literacy and inclusive teaching.
    Zaki, Sundus
    ’Vi’ och ’dom’: Sociopolitiska dimensioner av matematikutbildning där olika språk och kulturer möts2022In: Matematikundervisningens sociopolitiska utmaningar / [ed] Valero, Paola ; Björklund Boistrup, Lisa ; Christiansen, Iben Maj ; Norén, Eva, Stockholm: Stockholm University Press, 2022, p. 299-321Chapter in book (Refereed)
    Abstract [sv]

    Bokens kapitel utgör viktiga bidrag i en kritisk granskning av svenskmatematikutbildning utifrån sociopolitiska samhällsperspektiv. Motbakgrund av bokens olika kapitel belyser vi upplevelser och konsekvenser av att konstrueras som den andre i svensk matematikutbildning.Med hjälp av begreppet andrafiering synliggör vi författare till dettakapitel tillsammans ’dom andra’ och deras erfarenheter i relation tillmigration och matematikutbildning. Vi som författat detta kapitel, tvånyutexaminerade lärare och två forskare, har därför ingått en så kalladallians. Vårt kapitel visar hur matematikutbildning bidrar till processerav andrafiering och skapandet av den andra och hur dessa processerpåverkar flerspråkiga elevers och lärarstudenters identitetsskapandeoch därmed även deras möjligheter att lära matematik. Flerspråkighetbehöver synliggöras och normaliseras. Alla elevers och lärarstudentersspråk och kulturer måste få ta plats, inte som exotiska inslag av kulturella uttryck utan som en del av den ordinarie matematikutbildningen. 

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  • 4.
    Alvén, Fredrik
    Malmö University, Faculty of Education and Society (LS), Department of Society, Culture and Identity (SKI). Malmö University, Disciplinary literacy and inclusive teaching.
    Controversial issues in history teaching2024In: Journal of Curriculum Studies, ISSN 0022-0272, E-ISSN 1366-5839, Vol. 56, no 5, p. 537-553Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    Most of the history education research that addresses controversial issues suggests that disputes arising in the history classroom are rooted in students’ diverse identities that relate differently to history. Therefore, a history education that wants to ease tensions must try both to make these different identities and their relations to history visible and to enable an understanding of different relations to history based on identity. Starting with Gadamer’s concept of historically effected consciousness, this article outlines a model consisting of ontological third-order concepts and historical empathy in the history education as a suggestion to enable and corroborate constructive deliberative discussions in the history classroom. 

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  • 5.
    Alvén, Fredrik
    Malmö University, Faculty of Education and Society (LS), Department of Society, Culture and Identity (SKI). Malmö University, Disciplinary literacy and inclusive teaching.
    Digital historia för att överbrygga nationsgränser i EU2022Other (Other academic)
  • 6.
    Alvén, Fredrik
    Malmö University, Faculty of Education and Society (LS), Department of Society, Culture and Identity (SKI). Malmö University, Disciplinary literacy and inclusive teaching.
    Elever hamnar fel när de resonerar om orsaker till förintelsen2022In: Skola och samhälle, E-ISSN 2001-6727, no 2022-10-03Article in journal (Other (popular science, discussion, etc.))
    Abstract [sv]

    Förintelsen är viktig i svensk historieundervisning. Men när elever fokuserar på medborgerligt ställningstagande i svar på provfrågor om Förintelsen, underkänns deras svar ofta. Fredrik Alvén beskriver problemet med historieämnets dubbla uppdrag (red).

  • 7.
    Alvén, Fredrik
    Malmö University, Faculty of Education and Society (LS), Department of Society, Culture and Identity (SKI). Malmö University, Disciplinary literacy and inclusive teaching.
    Historiemedvetande och jämställdhetstankar hos svenska ungdomar2021In: Nordidactica: Journal of Humanities and Social Science Education, ISSN 2000-9879, Vol. 11, no 1, p. 22-53Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    Because Swedish teenagers bring with them a cultural background that affects their perception of history, this, in turn, affects how they understand and receive the history taught in school. For some decades now, the students´ historical consciousness should be the starting point to their history education in compulsory school in Sweden, that is, their understanding of their own lives in a temporal perspective. Consequently, educators should be interested in how the students understand societal issues through time, as this influences how they will understand history. This study explores the students’ understanding of gender equality in a temporal perspective. As the method is quantitative, the results must therefore be interpreted with caution. Nonetheless, there are some interesting results that should be taken into account before teaching gender equality in history. The girls understand the theme as mostly a conflict in the past, while the boys worry about the future. Moreover, the girls more easily imagine perspectives where women are the victims, while the boys more easily understand perspectives where men are the victims. These results call for a nuanced history teaching to reach both boys and girls.

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  • 8.
    Alvén, Fredrik
    Malmö University, Faculty of Education and Society (LS), Department of Society, Culture and Identity (SKI). Malmö University, Disciplinary literacy and inclusive teaching.
    Historieundervisning, självförståelse och empati2023In: Mellan kunskap och fostran: En bok om syfte och mål med skolans undervisning om etik / [ed] Olof Franck, Peder Thalén, Lund: Studentlitteratur AB, 2023, p. 161-172Chapter in book (Other academic)
  • 9.
    Alvén, Fredrik
    Malmö University, Faculty of Education and Society (LS), Department of Society, Culture and Identity (SKI). Malmö University, Disciplinary literacy and inclusive teaching.
    Historieämnet ska förnyas och användas varsamt2022In: Altinget, no 2022-04-19Article in journal (Other (popular science, discussion, etc.))
  • 10.
    Alvén, Fredrik
    Malmö University, Faculty of Education and Society (LS), Department of Society, Culture and Identity (SKI). Malmö University, Disciplinary literacy and inclusive teaching.
    Immigrant Students and the Swedish National Test in History2021In: Frontiers in Education, E-ISSN 2504-284X, Vol. 6, article id 774900Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    In Sweden, immigrant students with a non-European background perform worse in school than students from the majority group. Research has so far focused on language problems, and political investments have been concentrated around developing immigrant student’s language because it is hard to manage school without a functional language. However, social science in school also rests on cultural understanding, which is difficult if you are not a part of the culture. This is certainly true for the subject of history, which has a strong tradition of fostering a historical nationalistic canon. By analyzing the items in the national test in history relative to how the immigrant students perform, this study investigates whether there are certain types of items that, on the one hand, discriminate against them and, on the other hand, work to their advantage. This is important knowledge if we want to be able to make fair and just assessments.

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  • 11.
    Alvén, Fredrik
    Malmö University, Faculty of Education and Society (LS), Department of Society, Culture and Identity (SKI). Malmö University, Disciplinary literacy and inclusive teaching.
    Opening or closing Pandora´s box?: Third-order concepts in history education for powerful knowledge2021In: El Futuro del Pasado: Revista Electrónica de Historia, ISSN 1989-9289, Vol. 12, p. 245-263Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    In this article, I introduce third-order concepts in the history teaching as a way to reachpowerful knowledge. If we understand powerful knowledge as a means to give students a competenceto understand the contemporary world, to help them to engage in society ́s conversations and debatesabout itself, and to understand the grounds for accepting or rejecting knowledge claims, we must thenhelp them to understand what ontology the discipline of history rests upon. Consequently, third-orderconcepts can help students as these concepts shed a light on what perception of reality the historicalnarratives and the first-order concepts build upon in the history classroom. However, at the end of theday, I have my doubts – what if we provide arguments for groups that have an anti-liberal and anti-democratic agenda?

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  • 12.
    Alvén, Fredrik
    Malmö University, Faculty of Education and Society (LS), Department of Society, Culture and Identity (SKI). Malmö University, Disciplinary literacy and inclusive teaching.
    Please let it be a history test with a content I can handle: How girls and boys perform in the national test in history in Sweden2021In: Handbook of Research on Teacher Education in History and Geography / [ed] Carrasco, C. J. G.; Martínez, P. M.; Facal, R. L., Berlin: Peter Lang Publishing Group, 2021Chapter in book (Refereed)
  • 13.
    Alvén, Fredrik
    Malmö University, Faculty of Education and Society (LS), Department of Society, Culture and Identity (SKI). Malmö University, Disciplinary literacy and inclusive teaching.
    Pojkars och flickors resultat på det nationella provet i historia: Bestämmer uppgifters historiska innehåll och form pojkars respective flickors resultat?2021In: Att bedöma i historieämnet.: Perspektiv på historisk kunskap, bedömning och prov / [ed] Ludvigsson, D.; Andersson Hult, L., Stockholm: Historielärarnas Förening , 2021, p. 205-226Chapter in book (Other academic)
  • 14.
    Alvén, Fredrik
    Malmö University, Faculty of Education and Society (LS), Department of Society, Culture and Identity (SKI). Malmö University, Disciplinary literacy and inclusive teaching.
    Pojkars och flickors temporala orientering och interesse för historia i Sverige2024In: Noter, no 240, p. 20-27Article in journal (Other (popular science, discussion, etc.))
  • 15.
    Alvén, Fredrik
    Malmö University, Faculty of Education and Society (LS), Department of Society, Culture and Identity (SKI). Malmö University, Disciplinary literacy and inclusive teaching.
    Tredje ordningens begrepp... i historieundervisningen2022In: Ämneslitteracitet och inkluderande undervisning / [ed] Jakobsson, Anders; Nygård Larsson, Pia; Bergman, Lotta, Lund: Studentlitteratur AB, 2022, p. 153-178Chapter in book (Other academic)
  • 16.
    Alvén, Fredrik
    Malmö University, Faculty of Education and Society (LS), Department of Society, Culture and Identity (SKI). Malmö University, Disciplinary literacy and inclusive teaching.
    Undervisa i historia: didaktik och metodik för ämneslärare2023 (ed. 1)Book (Other academic)
  • 17.
    Alvén, Fredrik
    Malmö University, Faculty of Education and Society (LS), Department of Society, Culture and Identity (SKI). Malmö University, Disciplinary literacy and inclusive teaching.
    Uses of the Moor in the Historical Culture of Spain2022In: Cross-sections : Historical Perspectives from Malmö University: [Tvärsnitt : Historiska perspektiv från Malmö universitet] / [ed] Joakim Glaser; Julia Håkansson; Martin Lund; Emma Lundin, Malmö: Malmö universitet, 2022, p. 19-40Chapter in book (Other academic)
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  • 18.
    Alvén, Fredrik
    Malmö University, Faculty of Education and Society (LS), Department of Society, Culture and Identity (SKI). Malmö University, Disciplinary literacy and inclusive teaching.
    Vad i hela världen säger du?2021In: Känsliga frågor, nödvändiga samtal: Att lära om och av kontroverser. / [ed] Flensner, K.K.; Larsson, R; Säljö, R., Lund: Studentlitteratur AB, 2021, p. 179-196Chapter in book (Other academic)
  • 19.
    Alvén, Fredrik
    Malmö University, Faculty of Education and Society (LS), Department of Society, Culture and Identity (SKI). Malmö University, Disciplinary literacy and inclusive teaching.
    Yttrandefriheten som lärobok2021In: Religion och livsfrågor, ISSN 0347-2159, Vol. 51, no 3, p. 8-9Article in journal (Other (popular science, discussion, etc.))
  • 20.
    Alvén, Fredrik
    et al.
    Malmö University, Faculty of Education and Society (LS), Department of Society, Culture and Identity (SKI). Malmö University, Disciplinary literacy and inclusive teaching.
    Ammert, Niklas
    Dansk historieundervisning i relation till svensk: Kommentarer till Eskelund Knudsen & Haue ”Historieundervisning i Danmark –epokale tendenser, kontinuitet og forandring i lærebøger og læremidler”2023In: Nordidactica: Journal of Humanities and Social Science Education, ISSN 2000-9879, no 1, p. 28-34Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [sv]

    De epokala tendenserna i dansk historieundervisning – deocentrism, antropocentrism och polycentrism – kan i viss mån sägas känneteckna också svensk historieunder-visning. En än mer träffande beskrivning av svensk historieundervisning skulle dock vara Gud och nytta, nationen samt demokrati och medborgarfostran. Svenska historie-läroböcker tycks mer kännetecknas av kontinuitet än av förändring (Gustafsson, 2017).

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  • 21.
    Alvén, Fredrik
    et al.
    Malmö University, Faculty of Education and Society (LS), Department of Society, Culture and Identity (SKI). Malmö University, Disciplinary literacy and inclusive teaching.
    Bohlin, Senait
    Malmö University, Faculty of Education and Society (LS), Department of Society, Culture and Identity (SKI).
    På väg mot läraryrket: en handbok för den verksamhetsförlagda utbildningen2021 (ed. 1)Book (Other academic)
  • 22.
    Alvén, Fredrik
    et al.
    Malmö University, Faculty of Education and Society (LS), Department of Society, Culture and Identity (SKI). Malmö University, Disciplinary literacy and inclusive teaching.
    Karlsson, Klas-Göran
    Lunds universitet.
    Sjöland, Marianne
    Malmö University, Faculty of Education and Society (LS), Department of Society, Culture and Identity (SKI).
    Den vetenskapliga frågan och det moraliska svaret: Förintelsen i elevers kunskaps- och föreställningsvärldar2022In: Scandia, ISSN 0036-5483, Vol. 88, no 1, p. 67-92Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    The scholarly question and the moral answer: The Holocaust in the knowledge and perception of students

    All over the world, the Holocaust occupies a prominent position in historical culture, the area in which a society evaluates and communicates the history considered the most valuable and useful. Sweden is no exception. Since the 1990s, the Nazi genocide of the Jews has attracted an enormous amount of attention, first in the political and educational spheres, gradually also in Swedish cultural life and historical scholarship. In the Swedish school history curriculum, the Holocaust has been singled out as the only mandatory content. Based on this multifaceted interest in genocide, this article analyzes student responses to a question in the national examinations in history for the final year of Swedish compulsory school regarding the causes of the Holocaust. The answers are analyzed based on two different templates, one focusing on a traditional historical understanding of the Holocaust as linked to a specific historical setting, the other being a “civic” interpretation, viewing the genocide as a time-transcending phenomenon with a clear moral message for the present. This is a distinction with international resonance in historical culture related to Holocaust history. One result of the analysis is that one of four students is incapable of giving a satisfactory answer to the question. Another result is related to quality and grades. Many weaker answers are not primarily morally oriented. Rather, they focus on perpetrators - Hitler, the Nazis and Germans – often simplistically depicted as exchangeable and driven by the same genocidal intentions but in want of a historical context. The best answers are based on historical aspects, such as Germany’s defeat in the First World War, as well as on more complex, functionally oriented explanations, even if the figure of Hitler remains a key explanatory factor. The conclusion is that history and morals must be understood and made operative as two reciprocally linked dimensions. From a scholarly perspective, it is certainly necessary to do justice to the Holocaust in its own, contemporary right. However, it is just as imperative to realize that the Holocaust belongs to those “borderline” events that cannot be enclosed into themselves but must be made to transcend their temporal boundaries, as lessons of history. How this is to be done is an urgent scholarly and didactical task.

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  • 23.
    Alvén, Fredrik
    et al.
    Malmö University, Faculty of Education and Society (LS), Department of Society, Culture and Identity (SKI). Malmö University, Disciplinary literacy and inclusive teaching.
    Ortuno-Molina, Jorge
    Universidad de Murcia, Spain .
    Temporal orientation in Spanish and Swedish teacher students’ narratives about gender equality2022In: Historical Encounters: A journal of historical consciousness, historical cultures and history education, E-ISSN 2203-7543, Vol. 9, no 2, p. 30-44Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    The main objective of the study was to analyze how Swedish and Spanish pre-service teachers’ temporal orientation influences their narratives and moral conceptions about gender inequality. 55 Spanish students and 76 Swedish students participated. The narratives were analyzed through a separate process of coding by both authors and the subsequence crossing of information in order to achieve agreement and reliability for the codes used. The analysis shows differences depending on cultural context, which may reflect the learning of narrative templates in History Education instead of a reflexive and critical learning. Mainly Spanish students described time under the concepts of change and continuity while Swedish students oftener saw time more as abrupt changes when describing the differences of current gender inequality regarding past times. Likewise, in almost all the narratives there is a naive way of understanding the sense of change over time. In the narratives there are no calls for individual action or descriptions of what possible actions there are for us to fight for a better future probably because history education does not provide examples in the past which mirror current social issues. These reflections make us to question why we teach history and how we do it. 

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  • 24.
    Alvén, Fredrik
    et al.
    Malmö University, Faculty of Education and Society (LS), Department of Society, Culture and Identity (SKI). Malmö University, Disciplinary literacy and inclusive teaching.
    Rudnert, Joel
    Malmö University, Faculty of Education and Society (LS), Department of Society, Culture and Identity (SKI).
    Historical digital literacy: Social media and the multicultural classroom2023In: Teaching History to Face the World Today: Socially-conscious approaches, activity proposals and historical thinking competencies / [ed] Juan Ramon Moreno-Vera; José Monteagudo-Fernandez; Cosme Jesus Gomez-Carrasco, Berlin: Peter Lang Publishing Group, 2023, p. 219-242Chapter in book (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    Over the past three years, the Western world has seen many conflicts aroundhistory. Statues have been torn down, anniversaries have been debated, historical figureshave been re-evaluated, and many have begun to question or defend their own nationalhistorical narrative. Social media has heightened the debate, with antagonists engaging infierce and usually not very nuanced debates on Twitter and Facebook. In this text, we try tobuild a digital historical didactic framework for how teachers can work with controversialhistory in the multi-cultural classroom by using social media as a resource. Through ananalysis of second order concepts such as significance, historical perspective, and historicalempathy based on a historical cultural perspective and with the use of history in focus, wehope that teachers in the classroom will be able to contribute to increased interculturalcompetence. In a final example, we analyze how people with different backgrounds anddifferent purposes in a thread on Twitter debate the history behind the celebration ofColumbus Day in a city in the USA.

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  • 25.
    Aminifar, Elahe
    et al.
    Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science, Shahid Rajaee Teacher Training University, Tehran.
    Malaki, Mohsen
    Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science, Shahid Rajaee Teacher Training University, Tehran.
    Ryan, Ulrika
    Malmö University, Faculty of Education and Society (LS), Department of Natural Science, Mathematics and Society (NMS). Malmö University, Disciplinary literacy and inclusive teaching.
    Mesgarani, Hamid
    Department of Mathematics, Faculty of Science, Shahid Rajaee Teacher Training University, Tehran.
    A long-term shift to include students’ first language in the mathematics teaching practice: socialization events and learning opportunities2024In: Educational Studies in Mathematics, ISSN 0013-1954, E-ISSN 1573-0816, Vol. 116, no 1, p. 113-135Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    The notion of multilingual students’ first language has been advocated as a resource in mathematics learning for some time. However, few studies have investigated how implementing students’ L1 in the teaching practice impacts multilingual students’ mathematics learning opportunities. Based on a 9-month-long ethnographic study conducted in Iran, we investigate what a long-term shift from mathematics teaching in the language of instruction (Persian) to mathematics teaching that includes students’ first language (Turkish) may mean in terms of learning opportunities. In language positive classrooms, students’ socialization into mathematics and language includes using students’ first languages and paying explicit attention to different aspects of language use in mathematics. Among other things, socialization events provide possibilities to share explanations of mathematical thinking. The results of this study suggest that using students’ first languages may reinforce other language positive socialization events and provide mathematics learning opportunities during individual assignment activities. Furthermore, the results suggest that the conceived value of mathematics education in the local communities changed with the introduction of students’ L1 in the teaching practice. Consequently, this study indicates that using students’ first languages in mathematics classrooms may be a key issue in multilingual contexts. 

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  • 26.
    Andersson, Annica
    et al.
    Malmö University, Faculty of Education and Society (LS), Department of Natural Science, Mathematics and Society (NMS). Malmö University, Disciplinary literacy and inclusive teaching.
    Wagner, David
    Faculty of Education, University of New Brunswick, Fredericton, E3B 5A3, NB, Canada.
    Remythologizing Mystery in Mathematics: Teaching for Open Landscapes versus Concealment2018In: Education Sciences, E-ISSN 2227-7102, Vol. 8, no 2Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    Mathematics is full of mystery. We illuminate the myth to expose two conflicting senses of mystery at work in mathematics and its education practices. There is a sense of boundlessness with mathematics-the idea that we never fully know. There is also a practice of concealment, in which an answer or solution is known by special people who may support or provide a scaffold for students' navigation to the "special" knowledge, but may also challenge their access to it by erecting barriers and boundaries. In remythologizing mystery, we identify that the valorization of mystery in mathematics is rooted in the wonder of exploring boundless landscapes and is used misleadingly to justify school mathematics with the other sense of mystery-uncovering the concealed.

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  • 27.
    Andersson, Annica
    et al.
    Malmö University, Faculty of Education and Society (LS), Department of Natural Science, Mathematics and Society (NMS). Malmö University, Disciplinary literacy and inclusive teaching.
    Wagner, David
    Univ New Brunswick, Fac Educ, Fredericton, NB, Canada.
    The Micro-Politics of Counting2018In: Toward Equity and Social Justice in Mathematics Education / [ed] Bartell, T G, Springer, 2018, p. 191-209Conference paper (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    When we count, we have to decide what counts and what does not count. Thus, counting is a political act. Certain language repertoires are necessary to convey the ideas and perhaps even to perform counting actions. At the same time, the language used to describe these ideas and enact the processes shapes the way we conceptualize them. Our interest in the experience of counting includes the way counting and its communication position people. In this chapter we identify how micro-political moves are manifested in language and counting situations, including reciting numbers, counting things present and not, and subordinating counting to another goal. In our analysis, we look for language strategies that enable the process of deciding what to (not) count as the process of establishing boundaries or categories, and we consider how these processes work as political acts.

  • 28.
    Andersson, Christian H.
    et al.
    Malmö University, Faculty of Education and Society (LS), Department of Natural Science, Mathematics and Society (NMS). Malmö University, Disciplinary literacy and inclusive teaching.
    Register, Jordan T.
    University of North Carolina at Charlotte, Unitied states.
    An examination of pre-service mathematics teachers’ ethical reasoning in big data with considerations of access to data2023In: Journal of Mathematical Behavior, ISSN 0732-3123, E-ISSN 1873-8028, Vol. 70, p. 101029-101029, article id 101029Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    Implementations of Big Data analysis are reshaping society. The novel ways mathematics operate in society warrants new efforts for mathematics education, both in teaching the new technology and in providing an ethical and critical awareness of its implications. This interview study investigates pre-service teachers' ethical reasoning in data science contexts, focusing on aspects of access to the data that underpin the technology. Findings show that pre-service teachers offer a wide array of ethical arguments related to access to data, that informs their effort to think critically on oppressive situations. However, there is also an indication that their reasoning can be limited by lacking understanding of the related data science methodology, implying that mathematics teacher education should encompass more of this.

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  • 29.
    Andersson, Irene
    et al.
    Malmö University, Faculty of Education and Society (LS), Department of Society, Culture and Identity (SKI).
    Liljefors Persson, Bodil
    Malmö University, Faculty of Education and Society (LS), Department of Society, Culture and Identity (SKI). Malmö University, Centre for Sexology and Sexuality Studies (CSS). Malmö University, Disciplinary literacy and inclusive teaching.
    Olsson, Hans
    Kunskapsområdet sexualitet och samlevnad i lärarutbildningen: En kartläggning av kursplaner och resonemang kring innehåll2020Report (Other academic)
    Abstract [sv]

    Denna rapport har som syfte att kartlägga kunskapsområdet sexualitet och samlevnad i svensk lärarutbildning 2016 med särskilt fokus på hiv, STI och SRHR. Resultatet visar att det finns skillnader mellan olika lärosäten, såväl i antal förekomster av indikatorer för kunskapsområdet i olika kurser som på olika utbildningsprogram och stadier. Flera lärosäten har kursplaner som skriver fram ett omfattande innehåll som rör kunskapsområdet sexualitet och samlevnad, medan andra lärosäten presenterar kursplaner med ett betydligt mer begränsat innehåll.

    I resultatdiagram synliggörs tydligt två kluster av indikatorer med höga antal förekomster i kursplanerna. Det ena klustret av indikatorer är etik, genus, demokrati, normer, normkritik, det andra värdegrund, barnkonventionen, mänskliga rättigheter, diskriminering och kränkande behandling. Dessa indikatorer förekommer vanligtvis i utbildningsvetenskapliga kurser på alla nivåer samt i olika samhällsorienterande kurser och i akademiska ämneskurser som historia, religionsvetenskap och samhällsvetenskap. Indikatorer som hivprevention, STI, graviditet och preventivmedel saknas helt i de undersökta kursplanerna, i både grundlärarutbildning och ämneslärarutbildning. De förekommer inte heller i biologi, naturkunskap eller i de naturorienterande ämnena för grundlärare i årskurserna 4-6.

    Utifrån kartläggningens resultat 2016 föreslås följande:

    1. Kunskapsområdet sex och samlevnad behöver ringas in så att åtminstone en slags baskurs innehållande moment som rör stora delar av indikatorerna i denna kartläggning kan konstrueras. Denna bör vara obligatorisk för alla blivande lärare.

    2. I enlighet med januariöverenskommelsen om att sex- och samlevnadsundervisning ska bli obligatorisk på alla lärarutbildningsprogram bör UKÄ lägga till ett examensmål, som behandlar kunskapsområdet sexualitet och samlevnad i examensordningen för lärarutbildningar för alla olika stadier inom den svenska skolan. Examensmålen bör omfatta såväl kunskap om och förståelse av sexualitet och forskningsbaserad undervisning, som färdighet och förmåga att undervisa om kunskapsområdet. (Ett examensmål om kunskapsområdet lades till i september 2020.)

    3. För att tillgodose god kvalitet och gedigen kompetens hos såväl lärarutbildare som lärarstudenter behövs kontinuerliga och fördjupade utbildningsinsatser.

    4. Ett nationellt centrum för kunskapsområdet sexualitet och relationer föreslås. Detta centrum bör vara ämnesövergripande och tvärvetenskapligt samt också fokusera på didaktik. Ett sådant centrum skulle kunna utgöra ett kunskapsstöd för lärarutbildningarna, särskilt under den inledande fasen, när sexualitet och relationer ska bli obligatoriskt och etableras på alla lärarutbildningar. Ett sådant centrum skulle öka möjligheten att alla lärarutbildningarna bygger upp och har tillräckligt hög kompetens inom kunskapsområdet. Ett nationellt centrum skulle dessutom vara ett stöd för verksamma lärare och skulle även kunna erbjuda fortbildning.

    5. För att utveckla kunskapsområdet sexualitet och samlevnad behövs ny och aktuell forskning som också kopplas till internationell pågående forskning. Denna forskning kan vara både ämnesinriktad och skolinriktad och av både kvantitativ och kvalitativ art.

    6. Den osäkerhet som lärare enligt Skolinspektionens rapport har när det gäller att undervisa om normer och om hbtq-frågor visar att lärarutbildningarna måste ha tydliga inslag som ger kunskaper om hur olika normer kan påverka och begränsa eleverna och även deras lärande.

    Avslutningsvis visar resultatet av kartläggningen från 2016 en bild av att kunskapsområdet sexualitet och samlevnad förekommer i alla programutbildningar för blivande lärare. Dessutom visar kartläggningen hur kunskapsområdet uttrycks i kursplaners olika delar genom förekomsten av antalet indikatorer enligt konstruktiv länkning. Tillsammans med de sex förslagen på åtgärder ovan kan därmed kartläggningens syften anses vara uppnådda.

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  • 30.
    Andersson, Ketty
    et al.
    Department of Clinical Sciences Lund, Logopedics, Phoniatrics, and Audiology, Faculty of Medicine, Lund University, Lund, Sweden.
    Hansson, Kristina
    Department of Clinical Sciences Lund, Logopedics, Phoniatrics, and Audiology, Faculty of Medicine, Lund University, Lund, Sweden.
    Rosqvist, Ida
    Department of Clinical Sciences Lund, Logopedics, Phoniatrics, and Audiology, Faculty of Medicine, Lund University, Lund, Sweden.
    Lyberg Åhlander, Viveka
    Department of Clinical Sciences Lund, Logopedics, Phoniatrics, and Audiology, Faculty of Medicine, Lund University, Lund, Sweden.
    Sahlén, Birgitta
    Department of Clinical Sciences Lund, Logopedics, Phoniatrics, and Audiology, Faculty of Medicine, Lund University, Lund, Sweden.
    Sandgren, Olof
    Malmö University, Faculty of Education and Society (LS), Department of School Development and Leadership (SOL). Malmö University, Disciplinary literacy and inclusive teaching. Department of Clinical Sciences Lund, Logopedics, Phoniatrics, and Audiology, Faculty of Medicine, Lund University, Lund, Sweden.
    The Contribution of Bilingualism, Parental Education, and School Characteristics to Performance on the Clinical Evaluation of Language Fundamentals: Fourth Edition, Swedish2019In: Frontiers in Psychology, E-ISSN 1664-1078, Vol. 10, no 1586, article id 1586Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    Assessment of bilingual children in only one language fails to acknowledge their distributed linguistic competence and has been shown to overidentify language disorder in bilingual populations. However, other factors, sometimes associated with bilingualism, may also contribute to low results in language assessments. Our aim was to examine the impact of these factors on language abilities. We used the Clinical Evaluation of Language Fundamentals - Fourth Edition, Swedish (CELF-4) to investigate core language abilities of 224 7- to 8-year-old children. Results showed 30 and 80% of monolinguals and bilinguals, respectively, performing more than 1 SD below the normative sample mean, calling into question the clinical utility of the test. However, participant and school characteristics provided a deeper understanding of the skewed results. In isolation, bilingualism predicted 38% of the variance in the CELF-4 Core scores. With level of parental education entered the variance explained by the model increased to 52%, but the unique contribution of bilingualism was reduced to 20%. Finally, with information added on school characteristics and enrollment in the school's recreation center the model explained an additional two percent, with the unique contribution of bilingualism further reduced to 9%. The results indicate an increased risk for low results on the CELF-4 Core when children present with multiple risk factors. This highlights the need to look beyond bilingualism in language assessment of bilingual children and adolescents and to consider other explanations to academic struggle. Available interventions must be considered and applied proportionately to their respective impact on the individual's development.

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  • 31.
    Augustsson, Dennis
    Malmö University, Faculty of Culture and Society (KS), School of Arts and Communication (K3). Malmö University, Disciplinary literacy and inclusive teaching.
    Videoproduction in educational settings: An activity theoretical approach to media litteracy2023Conference paper (Other academic)
    Abstract [en]

    Drawing from experiences of a European collaboration on Ocean literacy using video production for learning and representation, this paper proposes an activity theoretical approach to the curricular design. Using a model for different levels of operations, actions and activity, it highlights media literacy as being a key factor for success. Video production is a complex form of multimodal communication and media literacy was perceived as an underplayed aspect when connecting subject matters to media production and the skills required to achieve good results in the project. There is no clear boundary between the different levels and in the European collaboration, actions towards all intermediate objects were in motion simultaneously, which caused frustration and backlashes. The theoretical model made these different levels visible and tangible and enabled an analysis of professional development needs and to make the necessary connections between technology, media literacy and subject matter content.

  • 32.
    Augustsson, Dennis
    Malmö University, Faculty of Culture and Society (KS), School of Arts and Communication (K3). Malmö University, Disciplinary literacy and inclusive teaching.
    Videoproduktion i undervisningen2023In: Religion och samhällsförändring: Aktuella perspektiv i religionsvetenskaplig forskning / [ed] Dennis Augustsson; Charlotta Carlströ; Emma Hall; Bodil Liljefors Persson, Stockholm: Liber, 2023, 1, p. 147-162Chapter in book (Other academic)
    Abstract [sv]

    Digitaliseringen av skolan och nya krav på mediekunskap, kreativitet, entreprenörskap, samarbete och problembaserad undervisning skapar utmaningar kring hur lärande och undervisning ska organiseras och genomföras. Den didaktiska utmaningen för religionslärare ligger inte bara i att ha kunskap och insikt om olika mediers betydelser, utan även om hur designen av lärande för elever ger utrymme för skapande och problematiserande av medietexter och deras innehåll. Men dessa utmaningar erbjuder också möjligheter att bedriva en religionsundervisning där eleverna utgår från och undersöker religiösa fenomen och livsåskådningsfrågor i verkligheten utanför klassrummet. Detta kan stimulera ett lärande som väcker viktiga frågor och utmanar förenklade och stereotypa perspektiv.

    I det här kapitlet vill jag lyfta att videoproduktion som etnografisk metod för elever i religionskunskap stämmer väl överens med religionsdidaktiska perspektiv och ämnets centrala innehåll. Med utgångspunkt från mitt eget avhandlingsarbete presenteras även en modell som kan synliggöra utmaningar och kompetensutvecklingsbehov för både lärare och elever.

  • 33.
    Augustsson, Dennis
    et al.
    Malmö University, Faculty of Culture and Society (KS), School of Arts and Communication (K3). Malmö University, Disciplinary literacy and inclusive teaching.
    Carlström, CharlottaMalmö University, Centre for Sexology and Sexuality Studies (CSS). Malmö University, Faculty of Health and Society (HS), Department of Social Work (SA).Hall, EmmaMalmö University, Faculty of Education and Society (LS), Department of Society, Culture and Identity (SKI).Liljefors Persson, BodilMalmö University, Faculty of Education and Society (LS), Department of Society, Culture and Identity (SKI). Malmö University, Centre for Sexology and Sexuality Studies (CSS).
    Religion och samhällsförändring: Aktuella perspektiv i religionsvetenskaplig forskning2023Collection (editor) (Other academic)
    Abstract [sv]

    Denna antologi erbjuder forskningsbaserade och didaktiska perspektiv på religion och samhällsförändringar. Antologin är resultatet av ett samarbete mellan forskare från flera olika discipliner vid Malmö universitet och visar på den mångfald av forskningsperspektiv som ryms inom ämnesområdet religionsvetenskap i Sverige idag.

    Antologin vänder sig till studenter och verksamma lärare samt en vidare intresserad läsekrets som önskar få tillgång till aktuell forskning och fördjupa sin ämnesteoretiska kunskap. Genom fyra teman belyses aktuella perspektiv på brännande frågor inom samtida religionsvetenskaplig forskning: Religion, kön och sexualitet, Religion, unga och skola, Religion, möten och förändringar samt Religion, politik och samtid.

    I en samtid som präglas av ständigt pågående förändring är religion och livsåskådningsfrågor synnerligen aktuella. Mötet mellan historiska traditioner och nutida samhällsutveckling visar hur inte bara religiösa rörelser, utan också människors trosuppfattningar och identiteter, omtolkas och förändras över tid. Undervisningen i religionskunskap i grund- och gymnasieskolan utgår från att kunskap om religion och andra livsåskådningar är central för vår förståelse av en omvärld som i allt större utsträckning präglas av mångfald och förändring.

  • 34.
    Axelsson Yngvéus, Cecilia
    et al.
    Malmö University, Faculty of Education and Society (LS), Department of Society, Culture and Identity (SKI). Malmö University, Disciplinary literacy and inclusive teaching.
    Johansson, Patrik
    Upptäck historien genom källorna2018In: Historiedidaktik i praktiken: För lärare 4-6 / [ed] Martin Stolare, Joakim Wendell, Gleerups Utbildning AB, 2018, p. 101-124Chapter in book (Other academic)
  • 35.
    Berggren, Lars
    et al.
    Lunds universitet.
    Johansson, Roger
    Malmö University, Faculty of Culture and Society (KS), Institute for Studies in Malmö's history (IMH). Malmö University, Disciplinary literacy and inclusive teaching. Malmö University, Faculty of Culture and Society (KS), Department of Urban Studies (US). Lund University.
    Anton Nilsson et l’écho d’une bombe. Malmö 1908-19172022In: Cahiers d'Histoire, Revue d'histoire critique, ISSN 1271-6669, no 154, p. 31-44Article in journal (Other academic)
    Abstract [sv]

    Anton Nilsson (1887–1989) är en av den svenska arbetarrörelsens mest kända personer och en framträdande aktivist med status av ikon. Medlem av den ungsocialistiska rörelsen i arbetarstaden Malmö placerade han i samband med en omfattande hamnarbetarkonflikt i de svenska hamnarna en bomb på logementsfartyget Amalthea som hyste 73 engelska strejkbrytare. Anton Nilsson dömdes till döden i en efterföljande rättegång, men efter omfattande protester, också utomlands, omvandlads dödsstraffet till livstids straffarbete. I samband med den första socialdemokratiska/liberala regeringen gavs han amnesti 1917 och släpptes ur fångenskapen. Midsommarafton 1919 tog Anton Nilsson ett internationellt flygcertifikat och med det begav han sig till den unga sovjetstaten och blev flygare i Röda armén.

  • 36.
    Bergman, Lotta
    Malmö University, Faculty of Education and Society (LS), Department of Culture, Languages and Media (KSM). Malmö University, Disciplinary literacy and inclusive teaching.
    Forskningscirkeln som resurs för utveckling av bibliotekariers läsfrämjande verksamhet2019In: Nordisk Tidsskrift for informations- og kulturformidling, ISSN 2245-2931, E-ISSN 2245-294X, Vol. 8, no 1, p. 36-50Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    In recent decades, changes in the professional role of librarians – in terms of both content and complexity – have led to an increased need for further education. This need is particularly prominent in reading promotion for groups where reading and reading proficiency is decreasing (Sverige. Litteraturutredningen 2010). This article concerns two “research circles” where librarians reflected on and explored different possibilities for reading promotion. The purpose of this article is to understand how the research circle was used as a resource for knowledge building, and for the changes and development of the librarians’ work with reading promotion in different contexts. The overarching theoretical framework is sociocultural (Vygotskij 1978, Bakhtin, 1984; Wertsch 1998). The source of data used includes audio-recorded meetings, the reflections I wrote in proximity to the meetings and interviews with the participants. The results show how the participants became important resources for each other through the exchange of experiences and through critical reflection. The investigations challenged the participants’ flexibility and ability to cope with uncertainty and to remain open to change. The interviews indicate that there have been changes in the participants' understanding of reading-promotion and that this kind of supplementary education has the prerequisites to achieve lasting results. The research circle work was linked to a discussion regarding the changed professional role of librarians and the challenge of linking the profession to a wider social and democracy perspective, where questions about access to language, knowledge, power and democratic influence are crucial for the development of librarians’ professional work.

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  • 37.
    Bergman, Lotta
    Malmö University, Faculty of Education and Society (LS), Department of Culture, Languages and Media (KSM). Malmö University, Disciplinary literacy and inclusive teaching.
    Från sårbar till hållbar skrivutveckling i högra utbildning2020In: Från sårbarhet till hållbarhet i lärande och undervisning / [ed] Barbro Bruce, Studentlitteratur AB, 2020, p. 189-206Chapter in book (Other academic)
  • 38.
    Bergman, Lotta
    Malmö University, Faculty of Education and Society (LS), Department of Culture, Languages and Media (KSM). Malmö University, Disciplinary literacy and inclusive teaching.
    Läsning som passion och social praktik: Om läspraktiken i en bokcirkel2018In: Educare, ISSN 1653-1868, E-ISSN 2004-5190, no 2018:1, p. 69-90Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    This article deals with research on the reading practice of ordinary readers in a book club. The background is the increasing interest in book club activities, but also the growing gap between professional reading within the academy, characterized by critical distance and analysis, and ordinary readers reading, often considered as immersive, naïve and uncritical. The lack of research on ordinary readers reading has been noticed by several scholars (Felski, 2008, Miall, 2006; Persson, 2011). The purpose of the study is to understand the characteristic features of the reading practice and the meaning making processes that takes place within it. The case study was carried out in a book club with seven women who meet regularly to discuss fiction. The material consists of four documented meetings, interviews with all participants and notes taken in connection with the meetings. The result show a multifaceted reading practice characterized by, on the one hand, immersion and strong emotions and, on the other hand, critical reflections on both the fictional and the real world. The reading practices affects the participants’ reflections on their lives and their place in society in a decisive way. The result can provide important insights for the teaching of literature.

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  • 39.
    Bergman, Lotta
    Malmö University, Faculty of Education and Society (LS), Department of Culture, Languages and Media (KSM). Malmö University, Disciplinary literacy and inclusive teaching.
    Students' reading in higher education: Challenges and ways forward2024In: Journal of Adolescent & Adult Literacy, ISSN 1081-3004, E-ISSN 1936-2706, Vol. 67, no 6, p. 414-423Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    This article deals with reading as a significant challenge for higher education students. The study aimed to understand students' experiences of challenges in reading during their first three semesters at university and how they handled these challenges. It is a qualitative case study built on in-depth interviews with nine people studying to be primary teachers and their diaries about reading experiences in the academy. The findings show that students experience considerable anxiety and stress regarding finding enough time for reading tasks and comprehending what they read. They soon discover that extensive reading is a prerequisite for writing, questioning, and active participation in lectures and seminars. Despite experiences of lack of support from their teachers, most students identify new approaches and strategies to develop their reading, moving from passive to active engagement with texts. The findings implicate that continuous support from disciplinary experts is crucial for students' reading and writing development. Such support includes inviting students to participate in disciplinary practices, its tools, concepts, ways of thinking, genres used, approaches to reading, and what it means to reason, analyze, and argue in a discipline.

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  • 40.
    Bergman, Lotta
    et al.
    Malmö University, Faculty of Education and Society (LS), Department of Culture, Languages and Media (KSM). Malmö University, Disciplinary literacy and inclusive teaching.
    Bringéus, Eva
    Malmö University, Faculty of Education and Society (LS), Department of Culture, Languages and Media (KSM).
    Economou, Catarina
    Malmö University, Faculty of Education and Society (LS), Department of Culture, Languages and Media (KSM).
    Litteraturundervisning och interkulturella möten2021 (ed. 1)Book (Other academic)
    Abstract [sv]

    I Litteraturundervisning och interkulturella möten behandlas frågor om hur ett väl genomtänkt arbete med skönlitteratur kan få oss att utmana föreställningar och tankemönster. I mötet med det som är främmande och annorlunda kan både elever och lärare lockas att gå utanför sina bekvämlighetszoner och kritiskt granska både sig själv och det egna samhället. Boken ger både konkreta exempel på arbete med skönlitteratur i heterogena klassrum och teoretiska perspektiv på läsande och lärande. Lärarnas viktiga roll i valet av texter, arbetsformer och i relation till eleverna ägnas särskild uppmärksamhet. Målet är att skapa en trygg arena som ger utrymme för en mångfald av engagerade röster och kritisk reflektion.  

  • 41.
    Bergman, Lotta
    et al.
    Malmö University, Faculty of Education and Society (LS), Department of Culture, Languages and Media (KSM). Malmö University, Disciplinary literacy and inclusive teaching.
    Davidsson, Eva
    Malmö University, Faculty of Education and Society (LS), Department of Natural Science, Mathematics and Society (NMS). Malmö University, Disciplinary literacy and inclusive teaching.
    Förstaårsstudenters akademiska skrivande och hur det kan utvecklas2023In: Educare, ISSN 1653-1868, E-ISSN 2004-5190, no 1, p. 152-182Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    A major challenge for first-year students is the demands on academic writing. The purpose of the study is to identify students' difficulties with writing at the beginning of their education to contribute to the discussion about how students' writing development can be supported. The overall theoretical perspective is systemic functional linguistics (SFL). The data consists of texts from the first examination of a primary teacher program. The analysis includes partly a corpus analysis of 125 texts concerning sentence length, word length, the proportion of long words, word variation, and lexical profile, and partly a qualitative text analysis of a selection of eleven students' texts from the larger group concerning text cohesion, composition and use of references. The results indicate that the task design is of great importance for how advanced the students' texts are, based on the proportion of long words, word variation, and lexical profile. Furthermore, students struggle with paragraph division and creating clear relationships between and within paragraphs to create coherent texts. The results also show that the students need support to develop their ability to write from sources. Based on the results, the authors discuss how subject teachers in higher education can support students' writing development. 

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  • 42.
    Bergman, Lotta
    et al.
    Malmö University, Faculty of Education and Society (LS), Department of Culture, Languages and Media (KSM). Malmö University, Disciplinary literacy and inclusive teaching.
    Hessel, Frida
    Laboratorio de Investigación en Ciencias Humanas (LICH), Escuela de Humanidades, Universidad Nacional de San Martín, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
    From “Confusion” and “Fear” to “Broadened Horizons.” Students’ Transformative Experiences in Two Higher Education Contexts: Argentina and Sweden2024In: Journal of Transformative Education, ISSN 1541-3446, E-ISSN 1552-7840, Vol. 22, no 2, p. 137-156Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    This article explores students' experiences of intellectual, social, and emotional growth during the first year at university and the extent to which these experiences can be considered transformative (Mezirow, 1981). The study is a qualitative interpretative multiple-case study built on semi-structured interviews with students in two higher education contexts, Argentina and Sweden. The results show that most students experience similarly interrelated changes concerning self-confidence, knowledge- and language abilities, critical thinking, and values and beliefs. For some students, these changes lead to profound shifts in how they perceive themselves and their possibilities. Such transformative experiences are emancipatory and empowering, giving students more control over their lives. Other students are gradually changing, experiencing growth in knowledge, literacy, and self-confidence. However, they do not yet experience profound changes in their worldview and how they perceive themselves. Contextual factors related to family life and future profession affect the significance the students attach to experienced changes.     

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  • 43.
    Bergman, Lotta
    et al.
    Malmö University, Faculty of Education and Society (LS), Department of Culture, Languages and Media (KSM). Malmö University, Disciplinary literacy and inclusive teaching.
    Wennås Brante, Eva
    Malmö University, Faculty of Education and Society (LS), Department of Culture, Languages and Media (KSM). Malmö University, Disciplinary literacy and inclusive teaching.
    "Vad är det som gäller här?": Förstaårsstudenters möten med akademiens litteracitetspraktiker2022In: Ämneslitteracitet och inkluderande undervisning / [ed] Anders Jakobsson, Pia Nygård Larsson, Lotta Bergman, Lund: Studentlitteratur AB, 2022, p. 303-332-Chapter in book (Other academic)
  • 44.
    Bosseldal, Ingrid
    et al.
    Lunds universitet.
    Lundberg, Janna
    Malmö University, Faculty of Education and Society (LS), Department of Society, Culture and Identity (SKI). Malmö University, Disciplinary literacy and inclusive teaching.
    Malmström, Martin
    Lunds universitet.
    En lättsam buse med blyg röst2021In: Ögonblick: En vänbok till Anders Persson om människor och deras möten / [ed] Ingrid Bosseldal; Janna Lundberg; Martin Malmström, Lund: Lund Studies in Educational Sciences, Lunds universitet , 2021, 1, p. 7-10Chapter in book (Other academic)
    Abstract [sv]

    Låt oss ta er med in i ett ögonblick. Någon har sagt något, som fått någon annan att säga något echaufferat, kinder hettar, hår smiter ur frisyrer, röster höjs. Rummet präglas av stigande intensitet. Någon ifrågasätter. Någon vill instämma. Någon ytterligare vill ställa till rätta. Så fortsätter det ett tag. En sorts intellektuell storm. Det kan vara i seminarierummet, föreläsningssalen, kafferummet. Och så, liksom mitt i, begär Anders Persson ordet. Hans röst är låg, så låg att den kräver att folk slutar skrapa med stolsben eller viska med grannen, den är infernalisk, den skär rakt in i och igenom det som just avhandlats och den ställer det på huvudet, eller riktar strålkastarljuset mot det från ett helt annat håll. Det han säger gör mycket lite för att inordna sig, likt den beskäftiga och irriterande främling sociologin kan vara (Bauman & May 2004, s. 22).

  • 45.
    Bosseldal, Ingrid
    et al.
    The Joint Faculties of Humanities and Theology, Department of Educational Sciences, Lund University, Lund, Sweden.
    Lundberg, JannaMalmö University, Faculty of Education and Society (LS), Department of Society, Culture and Identity (SKI). Malmö University, Disciplinary literacy and inclusive teaching.Malmström, MartinThe Joint Faculties of Humanities and Theology, Department of Educational Sciences, Lund University, Lund, Sweden.
    Ögonblick: En vänbok till Anders Persson om människor och deras möten2021Collection (editor) (Refereed)
    Abstract [sv]

    Vi människor möts alltid i ett sammanhang. Och för att förstå dem vi möter måste vi samtidigt förstå samman­hanget. Och bli överens om det. Den här boken handlar om sådana situationer, ögonblick, där människor möts. Det kan vara för att lära sig cykla, för att övertyga en rättsinstans om den egna förträffligheten som förälder eller för att hålla sams med en granne. Det kan också, bland mycket mer, vara för att begripa varför man just stämde in i ett hånskratt riktat mot sig själv eller den yttersta innebörden av att säga Jag älskar dig.

    Vi som skrivit den här boken har alla i olika sammanhang mött bokens mottagare: professor Anders Persson, Lunds universitet. Och vi har alla, med honom, ställt den där frågan: Vad pågår här?

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  • 46.
    Bråten, Ivar
    et al.
    University of Oslo.
    Wennås Brante, Eva
    Malmö University, Faculty of Education and Society (LS), Department of Culture, Languages and Media (KSM). Malmö University, Disciplinary literacy and inclusive teaching.
    Strømsø, Helge
    University of Oslo.
    Teaching sourcing in upper-secondary school: A comprehensive sourcing intervention with follow-up data2019Conference paper (Other academic)
  • 47.
    Carlson, Elisabeth
    et al.
    Malmö University, Faculty of Health and Society (HS), Department of Care Science (VV). Malmö University, Malmö Institute for Studies of Migration, Diversity and Welfare (MIM).
    Stigmar, Martin
    Malmö University, Faculty of Education and Society (LS), Centre for Teaching and Learning (CAKL). Malmö University, Disciplinary literacy and inclusive teaching.
    Engberg, Maria
    Malmö University, Faculty of Technology and Society (TS), Department of Computer Science and Media Technology (DVMT). Malmö University, Data Society.
    Falk, Magnus
    Malmö University, Faculty of Health and Society (HS), Department of Biomedical Science (BMV). Malmö University, Biofilms Research Center for Biointerfaces.
    Stollenwerk, Maria Magdalena
    Malmö University, Faculty of Health and Society (HS), Department of Biomedical Science (BMV). Malmö University, Biofilms Research Center for Biointerfaces.
    Gudmundsson, Petri
    Malmö University, Faculty of Health and Society (HS), Department of Biomedical Science (BMV). Malmö University, Faculty of Health and Society (HS), Department of Care Science (VV).
    Enskär, Karin
    Uppsala universitet.
    Students´ Experiences of Participation in a Research Team: Evaluation of a Research-based Teaching Activity in HigherEducation2022In: International Journal for the Scholarship of Teaching & Learning, E-ISSN 1931-4744, Vol. 16, no 3Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    AbstractIn Sweden as well as internationally the teaching and research nexus has been described as the defining charac-teristics of higher education promoting generic skills such as information analysis and critical reflection. Vertically Integrated Projects has been proposed as one educational strategy where research and teaching are linked by in-viting students to take active part in actual research projects. The strategy is well aligned to Scholarship of teaching and learning enabling the transition from a teacher-centred accepted knowledge to a student-centred perspective where students are invited as producers of knowledge. The aim of the current study was to explore students’ experiences of participation in a research-based learning activity with academia and industrial partners, designed as a qualitative explorative study using focus group interviews. Findings describe not only factors students find motivating for learning, but also their experience of being part of professional life with its benefits and challenges.

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  • 48.
    Chronaki, Anna
    et al.
    Malmö University, Faculty of Education and Society (LS), Department of Natural Science, Mathematics and Society (NMS).
    Karlsson, Lena
    Malmö University, Faculty of Education and Society (LS), Department of Natural Science, Mathematics and Society (NMS).
    Petersson, Jöran
    Malmö University, Faculty of Education and Society (LS), Department of Natural Science, Mathematics and Society (NMS).
    Roos, Helena
    Malmö University, Faculty of Education and Society (LS), Department of Natural Science, Mathematics and Society (NMS).
    Ryan, Ulrika
    Malmö University, Faculty of Education and Society (LS), Department of Natural Science, Mathematics and Society (NMS). Malmö University, Disciplinary literacy and inclusive teaching.
    Boistrup, Lisa Björklund
    Malmö University, Faculty of Education and Society (LS), Department of Natural Science, Mathematics and Society (NMS).
    Perspektiv på matematikängslan2023In: Tema 2023 Matematikängslan, Sveriges MatematikLärarförening , 2023, , p. 4p. 10-13Chapter in book (Other (popular science, discussion, etc.))
    Abstract [sv]

    I denna text har några av oss som arbetar på Malmö universitet beskrivit perspektiv på matematikängslan, i relation till matematikundervisning i grundskola och gymnasium, till utbildning av blivande lärare i matematik och i relation till ett specialpedagogiskt perspektiv.Vi inleder med hur vi förhåller oss till matematikängslan.

  • 49.
    Chronaki, Anna
    et al.
    Malmö University, Faculty of Culture and Society (KS), Collaborative Future Making (CFM). Malmö University, Faculty of Education and Society (LS), Department of Natural Science, Mathematics and Society (NMS).
    Planas, Núria
    Autonomous University, Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain.
    Svensson Källberg, Petra
    Malmö University, Disciplinary literacy and inclusive teaching. Malmö University, Faculty of Education and Society (LS), Department of Natural Science, Mathematics and Society (NMS).
    Onto/Epistemic Violence and Dialogicality in Translanguaging Practices Across Multilingual Mathematics Classrooms2022In: Teachers College record (1970), ISSN 0161-4681, E-ISSN 1467-9620, Vol. 124, no 5, p. 108-126Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    Background: The focus on translanguaging practices in multilingual classrooms canbe seen, by and large, as responding to risks of violence entailed in diverse contextsof language use, including the teaching and learning of mathematics. However, thepractice of translanguaging alone cannot counteract the hegemonic authority ofmonolingual and monologic curricula being present through interactions amongteachers, students, and researchers, as well as material resources.Purpose: Drawing on Bakhtin’s philosophy of language, we discuss dialogicalityas a critical and democratic organizing principle for the pervasive polyphony thatcharacterizes every utterance constituting heteroglossia. Dialogicality reconstitutesour relation to language through the “other” and the need to see any utterance as anonteleological process among subjects and objects. As such, the aim is to explorehow acts of dialogicality may address the potential risks of onto/epistemic violence intranslanguaging practices. Focusing on either emergent or orchestrated translanguagingin three European states: Greece, Catalonia and Sweden, we discuss how dialogicalityallows for alternative accounts of language use in complex classroom events.Method: Methodologically, we start by encountering the sociopolitical contextof monolingual and monologic curricula in Europe, where the three cases wetheorize take place, along with our considerations for dialogicality in the realm oftranslanguaging. Our theorizing-in-practice unfolds a double effort in reading. First,what can we read today as risks of onto/epistemic violence in each of these cases?1Malmö University, Malmö, Sweden2Autonomous University, Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain3Malmö University, Malmö, SwedenCorresponding Author:Anna Chronaki, Malmö University, Skåne County, Malmö 205 06, Sweden.Email: anna.chronaki@mau.se1104040TCZXXX10.1177/01614681221104040Teachers College RecordChronaki et al.research-article2022  Chronaki et al. 109And second, what is the potential of dialogic translanguaging across the cases andwithin the boundaries of state monolingual policy and monologic discursive cultureof school mathematics?Findings: The present article contributes by discussing dialogicality as a relationalonto/epistemology toward addressing translanguaging practices. Concerning thefirst question, our theorizing-in-practice shares evidence of the inevitable presenceof onto/epistemic violence in every utterance. The limited scope of a crudemathematisation process through language appears continuously in mathematicsclassrooms, serving to place either the object or the subject into fixed narratives.Regarding the second question, our dialogical reading of translanguaging denotes theimportance of the importance of minor responding(s) to such moments of violentrisk. We understand them as “cracks” in the authoritative status of monolingual andmonologic mathematics curricula; we argue that such minor, yet crucial, cracks areof great significance for creating acts of dialogicality from “below,” disrupting thehegemonic authority of an assumed neutral mathematical language.Conclusions/Recommendations: The risk of onto/epistemic violence is inevitablein any discursive and embodied encounter in multilingual mathematics classrooms,including the translanguaging practices. The study suggests that acts of dialogicalitybecome minor responses to violence in ways that both counteract oppressivemonologic discourse and open toward a relational onto/epistemology withmathematics, children, teachers, material resources, and researchers. Rememberinghow Bakhtin insisted that “language is never unitary” and “dialogue” is not a panacea,we emphasize the need for a continuous focus on creating acts of dialogicality withlanguage and discourse.

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  • 50.
    Crespo Lopes, Juliana
    et al.
    Department of Theory and Foundations of Education, Federal University of Paraná, Curitiba 80060-000, PR, Brazil.
    Liljefors Persson, Bodil
    Malmö University, Faculty of Education and Society (LS), Department of Society, Culture and Identity (SKI). Malmö University, Disciplinary literacy and inclusive teaching.
    Young People Developing Their Identity Perception and Values: How Can School Support Such a Process by Bringing in Controversial Issues?2023In: Societies, E-ISSN 2075-4698, Vol. 13, no 12, p. 260-260Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    This article draws upon group conversations with young people (11–19 years old) from Europe, focusing on the Nordic countries. The participants’ identity perception showed more aspects as the deliberative, non-structured conversations advanced. From initially showing limited aspects of identity as being related to geographical and temporal aspects, a broader comprehension of identities as constructed, multiple, and at times subject to negotiation and change came to the fore during the discussions. Examples given showed an awareness that people, such as older relatives, develop diverse ways of thinking and acting due to historical and cultural contexts. Understanding that there is an intersection between psychosocial, post-structural, and sociocultural explanations for how identity formation progresses, we propose pedagogical actions working with controversial issues and values, raising critical consciousness of the context. During the conversations, a majority expressed that controversial issues were not something they dealt with at school. By working with controversial issues, the content of conflicts is made visible, and the possibility for students to recognize and respect each other’s diverse identities and perceptions increases. The goal of bringing controversial issues into education and conducting good discussions in the classroom is to help students develop and assess their opinions, gain an increased understanding, and consider new perspectives on various issues.

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