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  • 1.
    af Petersens, Fanny
    Malmö universitet, Fakulteten för kultur och samhälle (KS), Institutionen för globala politiska studier (GPS).
    A "New" Old War: The Wagner group in the Central African Republic2024Självständigt arbete på grundnivå (kandidatexamen), 12 hpStudentuppsats (Examensarbete)
    Abstract [en]

    This study delves into the conflict landscape in the form of a case study of the Central African Republic, with a specific focus on the involvement of the private military company Wagner Group, framed within Mary Kaldor's theory of New Wars. The theory emphasises that since the 1990s wars have been carried out in the name of identity politics, are between the state and non-state actors, that violence is directed at civilians and that the global economy is a driving condition. These characteristics are generally true for the conflict in CAR. The Wagner Group's role remains largely unexplored within academic circles, necessitating a closer examination of its impact on conflict dynamics to better understand the broader implications for regional stability and global power dynamics. Since CAR became independent in 1960, CAR has been imprinted by armed conflict and widespread violence against civilians. In 2018 the government ceded parts of its monopoly on violence to the Wagner group through an agreement where the group protects the state in exchange for access to natural resources. The Wagner group's presence also contributes to increased regional conflict dynamics and can lead to increased violence and criminal activity.

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  • 2.
    Agarwal, Pankhuri
    et al.
    University of Bristol.
    Djampour, PouranLinköping University.Farsakoglu, EdaLund University.Kolankiewicz, MartaLund University.Lundberg, ToveLund University.Nordling, VannaMalmö universitet, Fakulteten för hälsa och samhälle (HS), Institutionen för socialt arbete (SA).Scott, KatrineUniversity Collage Copenhage.Sixtensson, JohannaMalmö universitet, Fakulteten för hälsa och samhälle (HS), Institutionen för socialt arbete (SA).Söderman, EmmaLund University.
    The Politics and Ethics of Representation in Qualitative Research: Addressing Moments of Discomfort2021Samlingsverk (redaktörskap) (Refereegranskat)
    Abstract [en]

    This book offers insights on politics and ethics of representation that are relevant to researchers concerned with struggles for justice. It takes moments of discomfort in the qualitative research process as important sites of knowledge for exploring representational practices in critical research.

    The Politics and Ethics of Representation in Qualitative Research draws on experiences from research processes in nine PhD projects. In some chapters, ethical and political dilemmas related to representational practices are analyzed as experienced in fieldwork. In others, the focus is on the production of representation at the stage of writing. The book deals with questions such as: What does it mean to write about the lives of others? How are ethics and politics of representation intertwined, and how are they distinct? How are politics of representation linked to a practice of solidarity in research? What are the im/possibilities of hope and care in research?

    Drawing on grounded empirical research, the book offers input to students, PhDs, researchers, practitioners, activists and others dealing with methodological dilemmas from a critical perspective. Instead of ignoring discomforts, or describing them as solved, we stay with them, showing how such a reflective process provides new, ongoing insights.

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  • 3.
    Ahlström, Stella
    et al.
    Malmö universitet, Fakulteten för hälsa och samhälle (HS), Institutionen för kriminologi (KR).
    Gustafsson, Andrea
    Malmö universitet, Fakulteten för hälsa och samhälle (HS), Institutionen för kriminologi (KR).
    Lärares tankar om skolattacker: Vägen till en tryggare arbetsplats2024Självständigt arbete på grundnivå (kandidatexamen), 10 poäng / 15 hpStudentuppsats (Examensarbete)
    Abstract [sv]

    Skolattacker är ett fenomen som uppmärksammats alltmer efter skolmassakern år 1999 på gymnasieskolan Columbine High i Colorado USA. Händelsen skapade en subkultur kring skolattacker som på senare år spridits till olika länder i Europa, varav den senaste attacken i Sverige utfördes på gymnasieskolan Malmö Latinskola år 2022. Lärare har ett ansvar att uppmärksamma elever med varningssignaler och följa upp med lämpliga åtgärder. Studien syftar dels till att undersöka lärares kunskap om skolattacker, dels vilka resurser och åtgärder de är medvetna om gällande skolattacker. Dessutom ämnar studien framhäva förbättringsmöjligheter i skolans arbetssätt genom lärarnas insikter. Sju semistrukturerade intervjuer genomfördes med lärare på grund- och gymnasienivå från olika skolor i Skåne län. Därefter utfördes en tematisk analys av materialet. Resultaten belyser lärares okunskap om fenomenet samt hur skolattacker påverkar deras trygghetskänsla på arbetsplatsen. Samtliga deltagare lyfter en god relation mellan lärare och elev som deras viktigaste förebyggande åtgärd. Utöver det var att känna stöd från chefer och kollegor det viktigaste för att känna sig trygg på arbetsplatsen. Resultaten visade även att lärarna tyckte att fysiska säkerhetsåtgärder är viktiga för att öka skolans beredskap. Slutligen rekommenderas fem förbättringsmöjligheter som grundas på analysen och bakgrundsinformationen kring ämnet. Dessa förbättringar är att utbilda lärare i att göra hotbedömningar, stärka samverkan, införa antimobbningsprogram, skapa kommunikationskanaler för personal på skolan samt införa inrymningsövningar med personal.

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  • 4.
    Ahonen, Aila
    et al.
    JAMK University of Applied Sciences, Jyväskylä, Finland.
    Persson, H. Thomas R.
    Kristianstad University.
    Social Entrepreneurship and Corporate Social Responsibility in Team Sport Clubs: Two Cases from Sweden and Finland2020Ingår i: Sport Entrepreneurship and Public Policy: Building a New Approach to Policy-making for Sport / [ed] Vanessa Ratten, Springer Nature, 2020, 1, s. 7-21Kapitel i bok, del av antologi (Refereegranskat)
    Abstract [en]

    Small and large sport clubs, in big cities or in the countryside, need to respond to external pressures created by social, financial and environmental factors. These pressures may come from the commercial environment, communities, national governing bodies, or political stakeholders. This chapter introduces the reader to the current pressures faced by Nordic sport clubs and the entrepreneurs’ role in the clubs’ development through the lens of entrepreneurship, and especially social entrepreneurship. This chapter addresses the role of the entrepreneur in relation to the triple bottom line of corporate social responsibility (CSR)—economy, environment, and society—in the context of Finnish and Swedish team sport clubs by using two football clubs as examples.

  • 5.
    Alemán Martínez, Andrea Nicolle
    Malmö universitet, Fakulteten för kultur och samhälle (KS), Institutionen för globala politiska studier (GPS).
    Silent Exodus: A study on Gender-Based Violence and Migration Decision-Making of Women from Honduras in the USA2023Självständigt arbete på avancerad nivå (magisterexamen), 10 poäng / 15 hpStudentuppsats (Examensarbete)
    Abstract [en]

    This thesis explores the role of GBV in the decision-making process of Honduran women that migrate to the U.S. Drawing upon de Haas’s aspirations-capabilities framework, this study aims to understand women’s aspirations to migrate and their interplay within a broader societal context. The study relies on the use of semi-structured interviews to identify recurring themes in women’s narrated experiences and produce a nuanced understanding of how these experiences impacted their migration decisions. Findings reveal that GBV served as a point of inflection for Honduran women to migrate, motivated by the perceived risk of perpetual revictimization within an intrinsically patriarchal society. Furthermore, hopelessness in state institutions and social actors to change these power dynamics, proved influential in their lack of aspiration to return. This study contributes to the field of female international migration studies, and advocates for policy reform that addresses the prevailing issue of GBV in Honduras. 

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  • 6.
    Alftberg, Åsa
    Malmö universitet, Fakulteten för hälsa och samhälle (HS), Institutionen för socialt arbete (SA).
    Sharing knowledge: Neuroscience and the circulation of medical knowledge2020Ingår i: Movement of knowledge: Medical humanities perspectives on medicine, science, and experience / [ed] Kristofer Hansson; Rachel Irwin, Lund: Nordic Academic Press, 2020, s. 91-109Kapitel i bok, del av antologi (Refereegranskat)
    Abstract [en]

    This article explores the views on medical knowledge and its circulation from the perspective of a privileged group – the scientists themselves who are the main actors in producing medical knowledge. The concept of sharing knowledge helps to highlight how knowledge circulation is affected by digitalisation, which changes scientific working conditions and sometimes makes sharing problematic. It reveals the underlying idea of knowledge as an exclusive property and the frictions that occur when this idea is challenged.

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  • 7.
    Al-Khawaja, Khadija
    et al.
    Hochschule Stralsund.
    Tammimi, Amouna
    UNRWA Health Centre.
    Lundsfryd Stendevad, Mette Edith
    Malmö universitet, Fakulteten för kultur och samhälle (KS), Institutionen för globala politiska studier (GPS).
    Palestinian women of Syria mobilising to influence knowledge production2023Ingår i: Forced Migration Review, ISSN 1460-9819, E-ISSN 2051-3070, nr June, s. 5-7Artikel i tidskrift (Refereegranskat)
    Abstract [en]

    The voices of Palestinian women of Syria are often silenced in knowledge produced in humanitarian research and practice. ‘Speaking back’ sessions provide crucial insights into these women’s experiences and their relevance for discussions on rights mobilisation.

    Forced migrants are often asked to share parts of their lives with journalists, researchers and humanitarian professionals. Knowledge production is part and parcel of humanitarian practice: humanitarian actors endlessly collect, share and analyse testimonies from marginalised peoples in order to access funding and distribute aid. However, research participants’ wider stories and experiences are often silenced. They are seldom asked to take part in these processes and have little influence over how their words, voices and images are framed. Few researchers have actively engaged in how to empower participants from marginalised communities to act as consultants and experts that inform dialogues on knowledge production about their own communities.

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  • 8.
    Ananeh-Frempong, Mercy A. T.
    Malmö universitet, Fakulteten för kultur och samhälle (KS).
    Vertical Communication in Hierarchical Societies: The Khmer Rouge Model2022Självständigt arbete på avancerad nivå (masterexamen), 10 poäng / 15 hpStudentuppsats (Examensarbete)
    Abstract [en]

    This project employs qualitative content analysis (QCA) and secondary data to examine howNyamnjoh’s (2016, p. 25-29) analysis of vertical communication processes in hierarchical societies explains the social hierarchy and communication processes that manifested in Democratic Kampuchea (DK) under the rule of the Khmer Rouge (KR) between 1975-1979. This study argues that although Nyamnjoh’s analysis does not capture the complexity ofDemocratic Kampuchea’s (DK) social hierarchy and communication processes in terms of the outright replacement of one hierarchy by another, the negotiation of meaning, and the circularity of power, it is still effective in explaining the power dynamics, representation practices, andsocial communication processes of the Khmer Rouge (KR) leadership in Democratic Kampuchea (DK) and similar contexts of vertical communication processes in hierarchical societies.

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  • 9.
    Andersen, Bengt
    et al.
    Oslo Metropolitan University.
    Gerell, Manne
    Malmö universitet, Fakulteten för hälsa och samhälle (HS), Institutionen för kriminologi (KR). NOA UND, Polisen.
    Sandkjær Hanssen, Gro
    Oslo Metropolitan University.
    NOU 2020:16: Levekår i byer. Gode lokalsamfunn for alle.2021Ingår i: Nordic Journal of Urban Studies, E-ISSN 2703-8866, Vol. 1, nr 1, s. 78-90, artikel-id 6Artikel i tidskrift (Refereegranskat)
    Abstract [en]

    Urban issues such as poverty or marginality and disadvantage, unrest, crime, housing, segregation and social cohesion are on the political and academic agenda in Europe and in the US (Andersen, 2002; Atkinson, 2019; Galster, 1990; Gerell & Kronkvist, 2017; Mayer, Thörn, & Thörn, 2016; Uslaner, 2012; Wacquant, 2008). As indicated, policymakers devise strategies to address such problems (Andersson, Wimark, & Malmberg, 2020; Damm, Nielsen, Mattana, & Rouland, 2020; Davis, 2019; George & Patrick, 2017; van Gent et al., 2018; van Gent & Musterd, 2013). This also holds true for Norway (e.g. Andersen & Brattbakk, 2020).

    In Norway, the Government or a specific ministry may appoint a committee to report on an issue of relevance. The results are published as an Official Norwegian Report – Norges offentlige utredninger (NOU) in Norwegian. While it can be argued that urban issues are not a political priority in Norway, the current conservative Government – led by prime minister Erna Solberg – did appoint a committee to examine living conditions in Norwegian cities. The Norwegian Commission for City and Living Conditions presented its NOU on 16 December 2020 (NOU 2020:16). The report is important as it summarizes the latest knowledge on the topic and provides recommendations for future Norwegian urban policies. Hence, it is worth a thorough and critical review.

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  • 10.
    Andersen, Mathias
    Malmö universitet, Fakulteten för kultur och samhälle (KS), Institutionen för globala politiska studier (GPS).
    Propaganda For Peace2023Självständigt arbete på grundnivå (kandidatexamen), 14 hpStudentuppsats (Examensarbete)
    Abstract [en]

    The purpose of this paper was to examine how pro-Ukrainian versus pro-Russian propagandists wage information warfare on social media. A relevant topic for International Relations, where understanding information warfare has increasingly become central, as global political life is increasingly going digital. Various gaps, however, was identified in the previous literature on the matter: Primarily, a lack of insight into pro-Ukrainian propaganda, with the majority of the previous scholars covering pro-Russian examples. Furthermore, there were unsettled debates in the previous literature, questioning whether wartime propaganda is even conducted on any significant scale by democratic states, or whether it is primarily an occupation of authoritarian regimes. To help resolve these debates, this paper constructed a research design, where a mixed methodology of content analysis and social network analysis have been applied to analyze a total, representative sample of 1247 YouTube-comments debating allegations of war crimes in the Russo-Ukrainian War. The results of this analysis show that the pro-Ukrainian propaganda is significantly more prevalent in the online debates (based on quantities of comments) and are also remarkably more influential than pro-Russian propagandists (based on in-degree centrality). These findings are inconsistent with previous literature describing overt use of propaganda as a more common feature of authoritarian regimes, which could suggest that there are some exceptions to democratic nations’ otherwise highly valued principle of more liberal and pluralist communications, e.g., against illiberal regimes existentially threatening the peace of the democratic state (in line with the prepositions of democratic peace theory, describing how democratic states, generally, do not engage in unpopular and destructive warfare, expect in exceptional cases against authoritarian regimes who are threatening the liberal peace). 

  • 11.
    Andersen, Rikke Hoelgaard
    Malmö universitet, Fakulteten för hälsa och samhälle (HS), Institutionen för kriminologi (KR).
    The Filtering Out Of Hate Crime In The Criminal Justice System: A Qualitative Study Of Police Investigation In Denmark2022Självständigt arbete på avancerad nivå (masterexamen), 20 poäng / 30 hpStudentuppsats (Examensarbete)
    Abstract [en]

    Hate crime has emerged as a new ‘crime problem’ in Denmark, which has led to legislative adjustments and requirements of the police to improve identification, registration and handling of hate crime. International research shows that the investigation of hate crime is a complex issue not least because hate crime is legally not a crime category but an aggravating circumstance in principle to any crime. There exist no studies of hate crime policing in Denmark, and this study aims to fill a knowledge gap by a qualitative exploration of the processing of hate crime in the criminal justice system in a Danish context and from the perspective of the police, which is a relatively overlooked perspective. Specifically, the study explores why many hate crimes are filtered out through the criminal justice system, and through a thematic analysis the study identifies a number of challenges on a legal, organizational and practise level, that all contributes to a filtering out of hate crime throughout the Danish criminal justice system. Goldstein’s theory of problem-oriented policing is used as framework to discuss the implications of law in hate crime policing. The Danish police is expected to deal more effectively with the hate crime problem, and more knowledge on what works in hate crime policing is needed.


    Keywords: Hate crime, investigation, criminal justice processing, problem-oriented policing, thematic analysis.  


  • 12.
    Andersson, Cajsa
    Malmö universitet, Fakulteten för kultur och samhälle (KS), Institutionen för Urbana Studier (US).
    EXTERNAL ENABLERS OF COMMERCIAL REAL ESTATE ACTORS ENGAGING IN THE CIRCULARECONOMY2023Självständigt arbete på avancerad nivå (masterexamen), 20 poäng / 30 hpStudentuppsats (Examensarbete)
    Abstract [en]

    The circular economy has emerged as a tool for addressing the current linear economic system, producing massive amounts waste and exacerbating climate change. During the recent crises and instabilities, the potential of the circular economy has been further highlighted.However, the concept remains undefined, and little is known of its implementation inpractice. This thesis explores the circular economy and its implementation among six Swedish commercial real estate actors, through interviews and an investigation of their official documents, with the aim of discovering signs of the circular economy, how those signs have emerged and the knowledge and capabilities necessary to capitalize on them. The External Enablers Framework by Davidsson et al. (2020) is used to find the external enablers thatfacilitate a shift towards more circular business practices. The thesis discovers multiple signs of circularity in the empirical material, in targets, strategies and activities. It also identifies several external enablers potentially impacting the implementation of circular activities in existing real estate ventures, such as collaboration networks, climate change awareness andthe recent crises and instabilities. The real estate actors themselves also potentially influence the industry around them towards circularity, in an ecosystem of enablement.

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  • 13. Andersson Cederholm, Erika
    et al.
    Jacobsson, Katarina
    Leppänen, Vesa
    Säwe, Filippa
    Lunds universitet.
    Åkerström, Malin
    Servicemötets gnissel och skav2014Bok (Övrigt vetenskapligt)
  • 14.
    Andersson, Ida
    et al.
    Malmö universitet, Fakulteten för kultur och samhälle (KS), Institutionen för Urbana Studier (US).
    Bodhamre, Jonna
    Malmö universitet, Fakulteten för kultur och samhälle (KS), Institutionen för Urbana Studier (US).
    Faktorer bakom lågt intresse för miljöledningssystem i svenska små och medelstora företag: Hur kan förenklade miljöledningssystem bemöta dessa faktorer?2023Självständigt arbete på grundnivå (kandidatexamen), 10 poäng / 15 hpStudentuppsats (Examensarbete)
    Abstract [en]

    Environmental issues have become increasingly important in politics, and society tend to demand that companies adapt their products and work with environmental issues. This is particularly true for small businesses, which constitute a majority of companies and therefore have a significant impact on environmental problems. An instrument that companies can use to reduce their negative environmental impact is an environmental management system (hereafter abbreviated MLS in the study). The most established MLS are ISO standards such as ISO 14001 and EMAS, but these can be resource-intensive and complex to understand and implement, which can be a challenge for small and medium-sized enterprises. To facilitate the implementation of an MLS for small and medium-sized enterprises, simplified MLS have been developed.

    The purpose of this paper is to investigate and analyze how simplified MLS can facilitate the implementation of an MLS for small businesses in a Swedish context. The research questions addressed are what organizational factors can hinder small businesses from implementing an MLS, and how simplified MLS can be a tool to address these factors.

    The results of the study indicate that one of the factors that can hinder small businesses from implementing an EMS (Environmental Management System) is resource constraints. Small businesses may have limited resources in terms of time, money, and personnel, which can make it difficult to carry out a comprehensive implementation of EMAS or ISO 14001. Simplified EMSs such as SUSA-miljöbas provide a solution to this problem by offering a more tailored and accessible method for small businesses to implement an environmental management system. These simplified EMSs are more streamlined and focus on the most critical aspects of environmental management, making it more affordable for small businesses to adopt and maintain. Another factor deterring small businesses from implementing an EMS is a lack of knowledge and understanding of the long-term benefits, such as reduced costs and active participation in the circular economy. Furthermore, the results of the study indicate that external pressures often play a crucial role for companies when it comes to the decision of adopting an EMS.

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  • 15.
    Andersson, Jonas E
    et al.
    Malmö universitet, Fakulteten för kultur och samhälle (KS), Institutionen för Urbana Studier (US).
    Borgström, Benedikte
    Malmö universitet, Fakulteten för kultur och samhälle (KS), Institutionen för Urbana Studier (US).
    Stålne, Kristian
    Malmö universitet, Fakulteten för teknik och samhälle (TS), Institutionen för materialvetenskap och tillämpad matematik (MTM).
    Addressing and transforming complexities in cities: Exploring logics and routines in Sweden2024Ingår i: / [ed] Peter Palm; Sylwia Lindqvist, 2024Konferensbidrag (Övrigt vetenskapligt)
    Abstract [en]

    Well-managed urbanization can be a transformative force towards socially and environmentally sustainable cities. The transformative change relies on knowledge and collaborative action, rather than disconnected knowledges from different scientific disciplines and of sectorial actors. A problem that hinders collaborative action is the complexity of sustainable urbanization. In this paper we aim to expand thinking on urban transformation from a multisectoral and tri-disciplinary research perspective. 

    Methods in use are tri-disciplinary essays to identify multisectoral interests, logics and routines in urban transformation. Essayistic insights form and develop three analytical dialogues on a range of urban transformation specificities in the urban complexity and related to sustainable urbanization. The essays are collaboratively interpreted as a Saskia Sassen inspired de-theorising process to get hold of complexities in cities by social, self-reflective and introspective processes. 

    There are multi-sectoral issues difficult to develop with current modes of thinking and independent logic of developments. A re-theorization is proposed with collective ways of understanding, interacting and developing urban sustainable solutions that aims to appropriately address the complexities of the urban environment. Two ways of thinking and acting is contrasted. Independent and interdependent logics of leadership cultures for sustainable development are considered as a new way to theorise around the sustainable city. 

    Implications concern complexities in cities such as how to design and develop urban projects that embraces actors' concerns and knowledge for sustainable development. There appear many simultaneous action nets of urban transformation specificities. These are based on actors’ logics, routines, ambitions, and collaboration. Leadership for transformation is not the independent cultures with one or few actors in the action nets but the interdependent culture making room for and adapt specificities of the engaged actors.  

  • 16.
    Andersson, Mattias
    et al.
    Malmö universitet, Fakulteten för kultur och samhälle (KS), Institutionen för Urbana Studier (US).
    Leveaux, Marcus
    Malmö universitet, Fakulteten för kultur och samhälle (KS), Institutionen för Urbana Studier (US).
    Berättelsen om Öresundsmetron: En diskursanalys av motiv och argument kring utvecklandet av Öresundsmetron2022Självständigt arbete på grundnivå (konstnärlig kandidatexamen), 20 hpStudentuppsats (Examensarbete)
    Abstract [en]

    The purpose of our study is to investigate and understand the stories of one of the largest infrastructure projects to date in southern Sweden, the Öresund Metro. We want to understand how different public actors, in different scales of decision making, influence how we see and understand the Öresund Metro. By doing this, we hoped to create knowledge about relations and the balance of power between the mentioned public actors. How is the story of the potential project told and why? What is the goal for the different narrators? To understand these goals and connections, we also need to present and interpret the Swedish regionalization process, which has been studied within a collection of theoretical concepts that have been analyzed. Interviews and document studies are conducted to create knowledge about the three selected public actors' lines of argument around the Öresund Metro. The result of the studies is that there is a basic consensus between the public actors regarding the development and the theoretical aspect, but that there are contradictions between the visions and goals of different actors. We observed that there are also structural problems in how the planning process should be carried out in a smooth manner.

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  • 17.
    Andersson Serreli, Vendela
    Malmö universitet, Fakulteten för kultur och samhälle (KS), Institutionen för Urbana Studier (US).
    Den delade studentbostaden: Om arkitekturens inverkan på människan och viktiga kvaliteter i hemmiljö2022Självständigt arbete på grundnivå (kandidatexamen), 20 hpStudentuppsats (Examensarbete)
    Abstract [sv]

    Bostadens kvaliteter har direkt inverkan på individens förutsättningar och påverkar livskvaliteten. Studentbostäder hör till kategorin tillfälliga boenden vilket medför viss sanktionering gällande kvalitetskrav för bostadens utformning, detta ses som problematiskt eftersom studentergenerellt tillbringar många timmar i sitt hem och hemmiljön vanligtvis också fungerar somen plats för studier. Bostaden som både hem- och arbetsmiljö betraktas i och med förväntad utbredning av digitaliserad undervisning som en viktig aspekt i utformningen av framtidens studentbostäder. Syftet med uppsatsen är att identifiera vad som är ett bra studentboende.För att förstå detta undersöks relationen mellan den byggda miljö och människan, synen på hemmiljö och bostaden, vilka arkitektoniska kvaliteter som bidrar till trivsel i bostaden och har positiv inverkan på upplevelsen av hemmiljö, vilka behov som kan betraktas som mänskligt förenande samt vilka specifika behov och preferenser som finns inom målgruppen studenter.Den teoretiska grunden har formats utifrån det vetenskapliga fältet för arkitektur, sociologi, psykologi och filosofi. Resonemang som förts i olika tider sätts i relation till varandra ochillustrerar hur synen på bostaden och dess primära funktioner förändras över tid. Litteratur- och databassökning resulterar i sammanställande av åtta indikatorer som är viktiga att ta hänsyntill i utformning av framtidens studentbostäder, dessa är; sammanhang, spatial form, dagsljus och inomhusklimat, nivåer av socialt och privat, rummens placering i relation till varandra, omslutenhet kontra öppenhet, möjlighet till variation samt material och detaljer. Indikatorerna har fungerat vägledande i utformandet av ett gestaltningsförslag över ett studentboende i Malmö. För att tillgodose alla dessa behov i en bostadslösning, begränsad av studenternas budget och effektivitetskrav, har ett koncept kring en delad lägenhet för två personer utvecklats. Att två studenter bor tillsammans är också en strategi som tillämpas för att underlätta integrationen i den sociala gemenskapen, i byggnaden mellan studenterna och i staden mellan studenternaoch universitetslivet. Att dela en situation med en person som befinner sig i “samma” position beskrivs våde i tidigare forskning och av studenterna som ett sätt att öka upplevelsen av trygghet. När människor känner sig trygga uppstår en vilja att utforska vilket leder till utveckling.En ritningsanalys av fyra befintliga studentbostäder i Malmö och förståelse utifrån Malmö universitets Campusplan 2040 har bidragit med kompletterande inslag i analysen utifrån medvetenheten kring platsens och sammanhangets inverkan i utformning av god arkitektur. För ytterligare förståelse för målgruppen har fem universitetsstudenter som bor i Malmö intervjuats omfrågor som rör kvaliteter och behov i bostaden samt synen på hemmiljö och studentbostäder. Gestaltningsförslaget presenterades för studenterna och ledde till en djupare diskussion om livet i studentbostäder, vilka delar i utformningen som upplevdes som bra och vad som kunde förbättras samt vilka utmanande frågor som kunde identifieras. Samtalen med studenterna bekräftar tidigare forskning på områdena hemmiljö och studentbostaden, således även indikatorernas relevans. Intervjuerna leder till uppslag för vidare utveckling av gestaltningsförslaget och en diskussion kring komplexiteten i utformningen av studentbostäder, på grund av konkurrerande värden som sätts i relation till varandra. Studien visar att det i fråga om studentbostaden finns ett behov av möjlighet till personligt avtryck och flexibilitet inom bostaden samt att en balans mellan integritet och interaktion efterfrågas. Både det privata livet, identitetsskapande och tillgångentill gemenskap ses som extra viktigt i den formativa period i livet som tiden för studier är. Dessa teman kan tillsammans med de åtta indikatorerna dels ses som områden för vidare forskning, dels som ett svar på vad dagens studentbostäder, i varierande grad, saknar och kan således fungera som ett uppslag till vad som bör utvecklas vidare i utformningen av framtida studentbostäder.

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  • 18.
    Andres, Lauren
    et al.
    School of Geography, Earth and Environmental Sciences, The University of Birmingham, Edgbaston, Birmingham, UK.
    Bakare, Hakeem
    City-Region Economic Development Institute, Birmingham Business School, The University of Birmingham, Edgbaston, Birmingham, UK..
    Bryson, John
    City-Region Economic Development Institute, Birmingham Business School, The University of Birmingham, Edgbaston, Birmingham, UK..
    Khaemba, Winnie
    African Center for Technology Studies, ICIPE Duduville Campus, Kasarani, Nairobi, Kenya.
    Melgaço, Lorena
    School of Geography, Earth and Environmental Sciences, The University of Birmingham, Edgbaston, Birmingham, UK.
    Mwaniki, George
    National Environment Trust Fund, Nairobi, Kenya; and African Center for Technology Studies, ICIPE Duduville Campus, Kasarani, Nairobi, Kenya.
    Planning, temporary urbanism and citizen-led alternative-substitute place-making in the Global South2021Ingår i: Regional studies, ISSN 0034-3404, E-ISSN 1360-0591, Vol. 55, nr 1, s. 29-39Artikel i tidskrift (Refereegranskat)
    Abstract [en]

    This paper argues that planning in the Global South needs to be embedded within a more complex and systemic framework based on understanding cities' functions and transformations, at both local and regional levels, whilst advocating for and incorporating informal and temporary dynamics. This is to differentiate between two competing processes: formal planning and citizen-led place-making, here considered as a form of reactive alternative-substitute place-making that occurs when there is no available alternative. The paper calls for a better integration of such impermanent, adaptable, temporary and alternative forms of place-making into the planning process for regional futures.

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  • 19.
    Antonsson, Amanda
    et al.
    Malmö universitet, Fakulteten för hälsa och samhälle (HS), Institutionen för kriminologi (KR).
    Svensson, Ellen
    Malmö universitet, Fakulteten för hälsa och samhälle (HS), Institutionen för kriminologi (KR).
    KAMERAÖVERVAKNING - INTEGRITETSKRÄNKANDE ELLER INTE?: PÅVERKAS INDIVIDERS VARDAGLIGA LIV?2023Självständigt arbete på grundnivå (kandidatexamen), 10 poäng / 15 hpStudentuppsats (Examensarbete)
    Abstract [sv]

    Studien syftar till att undersöka hur allmänheten ser på kameraövervakning samt hur denna övervakning påverkar deras vardagliga liv. För att svara på frågeställningarna genomfördes strukturerade intervjuer på och runt Stortorget i centrala Malmö. Intervjuerna resulterade i 119 deltagare och materialet bearbetades både kvantitativt och kvalitativt. Resultatet stämmer väl överens med tidigare forskning som visar att de svenska medborgarna ser positivt på kameraövervakning, den genomgående trenden är att ca 80% av svenskar ställer sig positiva till kameraövervakning på allmän plats. Vidare visar resultaten en konflikt mellan integritet och säkerhet, då studien visar att kameraövervakning kränker vissa individers integritet. Dessutom kopplas resultaten till teorier om makt och Foucaults tankar om Panoptikon. Där ett ständigt övervakande öga kan påverka individers levnadsmönster, då de normaliseras in i vad som ses som rätt av den som sitter på makten. Studien visar dock att det endast är ett fåtal individer som anser sig påverkas av kameraövervakning i sitt vardagliga liv. Förslag på vidare forskning är att genomföra mer djupgående och öppna intervjuer med deltagare, detta för att djupare förstå deras resonemang. Det hade även varit intressant att undersöka hur materialet från kameraövervakning bearbetas enligt lagar och förordningar. 

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  • 20.
    Apprecht, Anna-Lisa
    Malmö universitet, Fakulteten för kultur och samhälle (KS), Institutionen för globala politiska studier (GPS).
    Another Promise for Peace?: A Power Critical Exploration of Germany’s Feminist Foreign Policy2023Självständigt arbete på grundnivå (kandidatexamen), 12 hpStudentuppsats (Examensarbete)
    Abstract [en]

    This thesis explores what kind of ‘problems’ Germany’s official Feminist Foreign Policy (FFP) guidelines represent and aims to address this field via a poststructural policy analysis inspired by Foucauldian discourse analysis. The analysis follows six analytical questions starting with “What is the ‘problem’ represented to be?”, also known as the WPR approach by Bacchi and Goodwin. By applying such WPR approach, the analysis investigates ‘problem’ representations, embedded discourses and their power relations as well as silences, effects and alternatives within FFP. The main findings reveal how FFP problematizes equal participation, representation of and opportunities for women and marginalized people as a matter of rights and as instruments bringing peace, security and stability while also requiring special protection. Such representations predominantly entail liberal and global feminist perspectives with neoliberal tendencies. Despite standing in contrast to one another, they borrow from intersectional and postcolonial discourses and feminisms. Moreover, the liberal rights-discourse constructs women as a homogenous group while intersectionality acknowledges differences. Instead of radically questioning persisting power structures, dominant neoliberal discourses effectively construct women as important change-makers and equality as a factor everyone supposedly would benefit from the various discourses trigger an othering-effect making women and marginalized people still the other.

  • 21.
    Arcila Calderón, Carlos
    et al.
    University of Salamanca, Salamanca, Spain.
    Sánchez Holgado, Patricia
    University of Salamanca, Salamanca, Spain.
    Gómez, Jesús
    National Office for Combating Hate Crimes, Secretary of State for Security, Ministry of Interior, Madrid, Spain.
    Barbosa, Marcos
    University of Salamanca, Salamanca, Spain.
    Qi, Haodong
    Malmö universitet, Fakulteten för kultur och samhälle (KS), Institutionen för globala politiska studier (GPS). Malmö universitet, Malmö Institute for Studies of Migration, Diversity and Welfare (MIM).
    Matilla, Alberto
    National Office for Combating Hate Crimes, Secretary of State for Security, Ministry of Interior, Madrid, Spain.
    Amado, Pilar
    National Office for Combating Hate Crimes, Secretary of State for Security, Ministry of Interior, Madrid, Spain.
    Guzmán, Alejandro
    Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Madrid, Spain.
    López-Matías, Daniel
    Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, Madrid, Spain.
    Fernández-Villazala, Tomás
    National Office for Combating Hate Crimes, Secretary of State for Security, Ministry of Interior, Madrid, Spain.
    From online hate speech to offline hate crime: the role of inflammatory language in forecasting violence against migrant and LGBT communities2024Ingår i: Humanities and Social Sciences Communications, E-ISSN 2662-9992, Vol. 11, nr 1, artikel-id 1369Artikel i tidskrift (Refereegranskat)
    Abstract [en]

    Social media messages often provide insights into offline behaviors. Although hate speech proliferates rapidly across social media platforms, it is rarely recognized as a cybercrime, even when it may be linked to offline hate crimes that typically involve physical violence. This paper aims to anticipate violent acts by analyzing online hate speech (hatred, toxicity, and sentiment) and comparing it to offline hate crime. The dataset for this preregistered study included social media posts from X (previously called Twitter) and Facebook and internal police records of hate crimes reported in Spain between 2016 and 2018. After conducting preliminary data analysis to check the moderate temporal correlation, we used time series analysis to develop computational models (VAR, GLMNet, and XGBTree) to predict four time periods of these rare events on a daily and weekly basis. Forty-eight models were run to forecast two types of offline hate crimes, those against migrants and those against the LGBT community. The best model for migrant crime achieved an R2 of 64%, while that for LGBT crime reached 53%. According to the best ML models, the weekly aggregations outperformed the daily aggregations, the national models outperformed those geolocated in Madrid, and those about migration were more effective than those about LGBT people. Moreover, toxic language outperformed hatred and sentiment analysis, Facebook posts were better predictors than tweets, and in most cases, speech temporally preceded crime. Although we do not make any claims about causation, we conclude that online inflammatory language could be a leading indicator for detecting potential hate crimes acts and that these models can have practical applications for preventing these crimes.

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  • 22.
    Arespång, Sofia
    Malmö högskola, Lärarutbildningen (LUT), Individ och samhälle (IS).
    Så länge jag är frisk vill jag jobba!: Fyra berättelser om att vara motiverad yrkesverksam aktiv pensionär.2021Självständigt arbete på grundnivå (yrkesexamen), 10 poäng / 15 hpStudentuppsats (Examensarbete)
    Abstract [sv]

    Många seniorer väljer att arbeta efter pensioneringen. Denna rapport handlar om fyra berättelser av personer som har fortsatt att arbeta efter att ha passerat pensionsålder. Ur ett karriärutvecklingsperspektiv undersöker jag vilka faktorer i seniorernas berättelser som har lett till att fortsätta att arbeta efter 65, vad som motiverar till att vidareutvecklas och hur tillvaron ser ut runt dessa personer ut ett helhetsperspektiv. Syftet med denna undersökning är att få en skildring om seniorernas upplevelser av att vara yrkesverksamma efter pensioneringen. Dessa berättelser är av intresse för vägledningsprofessionen då det saknas studier och forskning i en svensk kontext om seniorer som arbetar efter 65 år.

        Uppsatsen utgår från en kvalitativ narrativ metod. Fyra halvstrukturerade intervjuer genomfördes med fyra yrkesverksamma pensionärer. Med intervjun som underlag, författades fyra berättelser. Empirin analyserades med utvalda begrepp från två teorier: System Theory Framework (STF) och Life-span Life-space. Resultatet visar att informanterna erbjöds möjlighet att fortsätta att arbeta för de har kompetenser som efterfrågas. Samtliga informanter upplevde att de hade mer att ge, och valde att fortsätta med sina respektive karriärer. Resultatet visar också att dessa personer har levt gynnsamma, aktiva, sociala liv och har utbildning. Informanternas karriärer förstås som summan av olika val som har gjorts över tid. Dessa val gör att de lever de liv de har idag. De vill fortsätta arbeta det så länge de är friska och orkar. Att vidareutvecklas och lära sig nya saker är också en stark motivationsfaktor.

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  • 23.
    Arias-Schreiber, Milena
    et al.
    Department of Philosophy, Linguistics and Theory of Science, Gothenburg University, Gothenburg, Sweden.
    Säwe, Filippa
    Department of Service Management and Service Studies, Lund University, Lund, Sweden.
    Hultman, Johan
    Department of Service Management and Service Studies, Lund University, Lund, Sweden.
    Linke, Sebastian
    School of Global Studies, Gothenburg University, Gothenburg, Sweden.
    Addressing social sustainability for small-scale fisheries in Sweden: Institutional barriers for implementing the small-scale fisheries guidelines.2017Ingår i: The Small-Scale Fisheries Guidelines: Global Implementation, Berlin: Springer, 2017, s. 717-736Kapitel i bok, del av antologi (Övrigt vetenskapligt)
    Abstract [en]

    Swedish coastal fisheries are not sustainable in terms of the status of their main fish stocks, their economic profitability, and as source of regular employment. Social sustainability commitments in fisheries governance advocated by the Voluntary Guidelines for Securing Sustainable Small-Scale Fisheries (SSF Guidelines) have been so far mostly neglected. In this chapter, we bring attention to two institutional settings at different governance levels relevant for the implementation of the SSF Guidelines in the Swedish context. First, we look at the introduction of social goals under the perspective of the EU’s Common Fisheries Policy (CFP). Second, we consider national tensions between forces advocating or opposing a further application of market-based economic instruments, often portrayed as an effective cure for all ills, in fisheries governance. Taking into account the logic on which the SSF Guidelines rest, we evaluate in both cases current processes for stakeholder participation in the formulation of fishing policies and strategies in Sweden. We conclude that the inclusion of a social dimension and stakeholder involvement at the EU level face procedural and institutional limitations that prevent the small-scale fisheries sector from exploiting opportunities for change. Further challenges to the implementation of the SSF Guidelines arise when central national authorities’ interpretation of societal benefits opposes other interpretations, and consequently economic calculations take precedence over a participatory process-based, knowledge-accumulating approach to resource management. The SSF Guidelines, therefore, provide important material and intellectual resources to make the most of new chances that can lead to an increased likelihood of change in the direction of sustainable coastal fisheries in Sweden. 

  • 24.
    Arvidsson, Per
    Malmö universitet, Fakulteten för hälsa och samhälle (HS), Institutionen för socialt arbete (SA). City Malmö, Malmö, Sweden.
    Understanding human service organizations2018Ingår i: JARID: Journal of applied research in intellectual disabilities, ISSN 1360-2322, E-ISSN 1468-3148, Vol. 31, nr 4, s. 569-569, artikel-id 5979Artikel i tidskrift (Övrigt vetenskapligt)
    Abstract [en]

    Description: Comparative international studies on systems of support, is commonly based on quantitative data. Scientific knowledge is traditionally fragmented into separated fields and disciplines, particularly evident in the field of disability research. This ongoing study uses actor-network theory (ANT) as a comprehensive theoretic perspective, bridging together natural science and social sciences. It outlines the basic entities for a dynamic qualitative approach, exploring how the organizing and production of support is assembled and constituted. ANT emphasizes nonhuman objects capacity to interact in actor-networks. A significant remark, if doorsteps, medical substances and assistive devices are present and prominent in the everyday life. The methodological design comprises a variety of qualitative methods and is actively involving practitioners and service users in the co-production of empirical data and new knowledge. Progressively developing a detailed map of relations and a specific conceptual apparatus, it depicts what characterizes controversies, translations and associations in complex networks, such as human service organizations.

    Contribution: The results can be used as a basis for continued and collaborative research, but also serve as practical guidelines for politicians, professionals and private stakeholders. In conclusion, this study asserts that an in depth understanding of human service organizations, will contribute to improve the quality of the support they provide.

  • 25.
    Autio, Sylvia
    Malmö universitet, Fakulteten för kultur och samhälle (KS), Institutionen för globala politiska studier (GPS).
    The Capability Approach on Fur-Farming2024Självständigt arbete på grundnivå (kandidatexamen), 12 hpStudentuppsats (Examensarbete)
    Abstract [en]

    The aim of this normative Bachelor's Thesis is to analyze if and how the Capabilities Approach (CA), as developed by Martha Nussbaum is applicable to fur-animals. The thesis examines aspects of fur-animals, such as sentience, dignity, and thriving in order to conclude whether or not farming fur-animals is justifiable in this light. The theory used and analyzed is the CA through a method of conceptual analysis. The results of the analysis show how the main tresholds of the CA are reached, and how as a conclusion, the CA is applicable in the case of fur-animals, and give ground to conclude that fur-farming is unjustified on this basis.

  • 26.
    Backman, Jyri
    Malmö universitet, Fakulteten för lärande och samhälle (LS), Institutionen Idrottsvetenskap (IDV).
    Ishockeyns affärer: en jämförelse mellan svensk och finsk elitishockey2021Ingår i: Vårt gemensamma innanhav: Finskt och svenskt kring Östersjön, Göteborg och Helsingfors: Kungl. Vetenskaps- och Vitterhets-Samhället i Göteborg och Finska Vetenskaps-Societeten , 2021, s. 101-127Kapitel i bok, del av antologi (Övrigt vetenskapligt)
  • 27.
    Bahtiri, Dorentina
    et al.
    Malmö universitet, Fakulteten för hälsa och samhälle (HS), Institutionen för kriminologi (KR). Tina.
    Murici, Blerta
    Malmö universitet, Fakulteten för hälsa och samhälle (HS), Institutionen för kriminologi (KR).
    “GO FOR THE MONEY”: - EN MÅL-PROCESSUTVÄRDERING AV OPERATION KLÖVER2021Självständigt arbete på grundnivå (kandidatexamen), 10 poäng / 15 hpStudentuppsats (Examensarbete)
    Abstract [sv]

    Regeringsuppdraget Tillsammans mot brott har ökat prioriteringen av och intresset i myndighetssamverkan. Detta utgör bakgrunden till Operation Klöver där åtta olika aktörer var involverade; Polismyndigheten, Tullverket, Kronofogden, Arbetsmiljöverket, Miljöförvaltningen, Skatteverket, Räddningstjänsten Nordväst samt Försäkringskassan. Men risken med samverkan är att sådana arbetsformer initieras som ett rent egenvärde och utan att ta hänsyn till de nödvändiga förutsättningarna för att samverkan ska ha ett förväntat brottsbekämpade och brottsförebyggande genomslag. Denna studie är en mål-processutvärdering av Operation Klöver. Syftet är att ge de aktörer som är involverade i Operation Klöver en översikt av deras arbete gentemot operationens andra mål, att utveckla myndighetssamverkan. Förhoppningen är att deras arbetsformer kan utvecklas för att om möjligt bli mer ändamålsenlig samt att deras gemensamma brottsbekämpande och brottsförebyggande arbete kan utvecklas och fortsätta även i framtiden. Frågeställningarna är: Vad finns det för riktlinjer eller förutsättningar för samverkan hos de olika aktörerna? samt Hur har de involverade aktörerna upplevt att samverkan har fungerat före, under och efter Operation Klövers genomförande? Resultatet från denna utvärdering visar att aktörerna har väldigt goda förutsättningar för samverkan samt att alla aktörer varit nöjda med varandras arbete samt är positiva till framtida myndighetssamverkan.

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  • 28.
    Ballentine, Maya
    Malmö universitet, Fakulteten för kultur och samhälle (KS), Institutionen för globala politiska studier (GPS).
    Blood, Sweat and Tears: The struggle for Human Rights in the Age of Microplastics2024Självständigt arbete på grundnivå (kandidatexamen), 12 hpStudentuppsats (Examensarbete)
    Abstract [en]

    This paper seeks to establish and assess the link between microplastics and human rights. An empirical understanding of the topic is constructed through the collection and presentation of emerging research on the impact of microplastic pollution on the environment, health, well-being, and reproduction. A sociological and environmental justice perspective and understanding of the topic is established through a presentation of previous cases of pollution and issues of global health. These theoretical and empirical perspectives are then explored through the lens of a human rights framework to establish an understanding of the potential threat posed to human rights by the issue of microplastic pollution.

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  • 29.
    Bank, Rikke
    et al.
    Malmö universitet, Fakulteten för kultur och samhälle (KS).
    Dogan, Hande
    Malmö universitet, Fakulteten för kultur och samhälle (KS).
    Fair and Square?: Leading the Cultural and Creative Sectors towards Social Sustainability with the Fair Practice Code2024Självständigt arbete på avancerad nivå (magisterexamen), 10 poäng / 15 hpStudentuppsats (Examensarbete)
    Abstract [en]

    Art and culture are increasingly recognised as essential components of our societal development, enriching the quality of our lives through imagination, connection, and innovation, while supporting various aspects of well-being, including health and lifelong learning. However, the professionals in the Cultural and Creative Sectors (CCS) often experience precarious employment conditions, including contract instability and limited social security. Ensuring secure work environments is not just a matter of policy—it is a fundamental human right. Opening this dialogue in the CCS, the Fair Practice Code serves as a compass emerging with the potential to lead the future direction of these sectors, initiated in the Netherlands and currently being adapted to Denmark. Given the urgency in addressing the psychosocial challenges within the CCS, this thesis offers a timely contribution, bridging the research gap between sustainability leadership and fair practice. With this study we explore stakeholders’ perceptions of the Code and how sustainability leadership actualises it, consequently examining social sustainability within the CCS. To address the research questions, an exploratory research design is employed, including semi-structured interviews with primary stakeholders within the CCS in Denmark and with complementary insights from the Netherlands to facilitate the collection of data. The study found that stakeholders in the CCS perceive sustainability as a foundation for the Fair Practice Code, with the other four values - trust, transparency, solidarity, and diversity - embedded within. Based on our findings, we present a revised compass for steering social development and two sets of recommendations to practitioners within the CCS.

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  • 30.
    Bardzell, Jeffrey
    et al.
    Penn State Univ, State Coll, PA 16801 USA.
    Bardzell, Shaowen
    Penn State Univ, State Coll, PA 16801 USA.
    Light, Ann
    Malmö universitet, Fakulteten för kultur och samhälle (KS), Institutionen för konst, kultur och kommunikation (K3). Univ Sussex, Brighton, E Sussex, England.
    Wanting To Live Here: Design After Anthropocentric Functionalism2021Ingår i: CHI '21: PROCEEDINGS OF THE 2021 CHI CONFERENCE ON HUMAN FACTORS IN COMPUTING SYSTEMS, ACM Digital Library, 2021Konferensbidrag (Refereegranskat)
    Abstract [en]

    Design research has recently turned to theoretical perspectives, including care ethics and posthumanism, to counter the industrial processes that have led to climate crisis. As design theorists and ethnographers of interaction, we researched experimental eco-farming in a community that shared many of these theoretical and ideological commitments. Our goal was not to offer an account of use and provide design implications in support of it. Instead, we chose to identify concrete practices and artifacts that embody the sorts of industrial transformations that we are seeking-even if they are manifest in an imperfect or partial form. We encountered practices focused on community building, local resilience to climate disruptions, experiments in eco-farming, economic survival, and attracting the next generation. One interlocutor translated these concerns into a simple binary, asking, "do we want to live here?" This paper contributes to a design research agenda that might (eventually) provide an afirmative answer.

  • 31.
    Barendsen, Welmoed
    et al.
    Malmö universitet, Fakulteten för kultur och samhälle (KS), Institutionen för Urbana Studier (US).
    Muß, Anja C.
    Malmö universitet, Fakulteten för kultur och samhälle (KS), Institutionen för Urbana Studier (US).
    Silvius, Gilbert
    University of Johannesburg, South Africa; College of Business and Economics. School of Consumer Intelligence and Information Systems, Auckland Park Bunting Road Campus, 2, Block D, South Africa.
    Exploring team members’ perceptions of internal sustainability communication in sustainable project management2021Ingår i: Project Leadership and Society, ISSN 2666-7215, Vol. 2, s. 100015-100015, artikel-id 100015Artikel i tidskrift (Refereegranskat)
    Abstract [en]

    Organisations increasingly seek to implement sustainability in their processes and practices by the means of projects. Even though research shows that internal sustainability-related communication is essential for this transition, its role in sustainable project management remains fairly understudied. This study addresses that research gap by exploring the ways internal sustainability communication is organised and perceived in the context of sustainable project management. The research is based on a case study of a large infrastructure project in Sweden. Data was collected through semi-structured interviews and internal project documents. The results reveal that there is no uniform understanding of sustainability among project team members and that the different modes of sustainability communication are applied in a way that does not meet project team members’ needs. The latter specifically concerns the frequency, used channels and targeted audiences of sustainability communication measures.

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  • 32.
    Barres, Roger
    Malmö universitet, Fakulteten för kultur och samhälle (KS), Institutionen för Urbana Studier (US).
    Exploring metropolitan governance in the Öresund Region2021Självständigt arbete på avancerad nivå (masterexamen), 20 poäng / 30 hpStudentuppsats (Examensarbete)
    Abstract [en]

    For the first time in history, more people in the world live in urban areas than in rural

    areas. Almost half of this world urban population now live in metropolitan areas, which

    are becoming central spaces of world economic and social activity, and where major

    global challenges happen and should be tackled.

    Metropolitan areas are defined by urban spaces of integrated mobility flows and markets,

    but also by high institutional fragmentation and political decomposition. This

    fragmentation interferes in decision-making processes leading to difficulties for the

    design and implementation of adequate responses to metropolitan problems. In this

    context, the study of how metropolitan areas should be governed is gaining relevance in

    the field of urban studies, among other fields.

    The normative debates about metropolitan governance has been framed by three

    traditions. From the 60s to the late 80s these debates were restricted to the ‘old

    regionalism’ dialectics between the metropolitan reform and public choice scholars. More

    recently, new regionalism recognize in flexible and cooperative governance instruments

    the most effective way to deal with metropolitan problems. From this perspective

    metropolitan areas are governed by complex governance relations between diverse actors

    through multiple and concurrent instruments, in the form of policy networks, voluntary

    cooperation, strategic planning, and so on.

    The Öresund Region is a metropolis that spans from eastern Denmark to southern

    Sweden, and includes cities such as Copenhagen and Malmö. While it has been largely

    referenced and praised as an example of cross-border metropolitan area, there is little

    evidence on how it is governed or which are the main governance instruments or who are

    the actors involved in the policy-making process.

    Taking an original approach to the study of metropolitan governance, this paper

    represents a first attempt to identify and understand the main features of metropolitan

    governance in the Öresund Region as a system, in a polycentric and multilayered crossborder


    The results suggest that metropolitan governance in the Öresund Region is very

    ambiguous, with several agents acting in different and non-coincident scales, strongly

    focused in hard policies and development policies in contrast to social and environmental

    policy areas. Also, there are persistent barriers to cross-border governance despite the

    favorable context. And finally, there is a relevant democratic governance deficit, in terms

    of social actors’ participation and involvement in the metropolitan decision-making


    These first results recommend to go forward with further research in this issue.

    Particularly to grasp about governance networks operatives, policy-making processes,

    and citizens’ political orientations to, ultimately, propose improvements for a more

    effective, comprehensive and democratic governance in the Öresund metropolitan region.

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  • 33.
    Barth, Julius F.
    Malmö universitet, Fakulteten för kultur och samhälle (KS), Institutionen för globala politiska studier (GPS).
    Att vara svart kvinna i Sverige: En kvalitativ studie om vardagsrasism2021Självständigt arbete på grundnivå (kandidatexamen), 10 poäng / 15 hpStudentuppsats (Examensarbete)
    Abstract [en]

    This bachelor’s thesis is an effort to understand how black women in Sweden experience 'race' and racism in everyday life. The theoretical framework includes a postcolonial theory from Sara Ahmed, with the concept of 'race' as a key element. Additional to that, Judith Butler’s gender performativity theory contributes to a broader understanding of the informants’ situation. The material consisting of interviews with four young black women implies that everyday racism is present in Swedish society to that extent that 'race' is a major aspect of these women’s life. In everyday encounters with the white majority of the society, they often feel different, marginalized, objectified and exotified. Furthermore, the informants experience that their skin color and phenotypic markers are a magnet for white people’s fetish and fantasies, but also an obstacle to obtain legitimacy in interactions with them. To those reasons, the informants are considering migrating to a country where black people are forming a larger minority in society than it is the case in Sweden. That opens up the possibility to interact with more black people who have similar experiences of being exposed to everyday racism.

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    Barth 2021 - Att vara svart kvinna i Sverige
  • 34.
    Bengtsson, Bo
    et al.
    Uppsala universitet.
    Grander, Martin
    Malmö universitet, Fakulteten för kultur och samhälle (KS), Institutionen för Urbana Studier (US). Malmö universitet, Institute for Urban Research (IUR).
    Bostadsfrågan som politik och intressekamp2023Bok (Refereegranskat)
    Abstract [sv]

    Bo Bengtsson och Martin Grander kombinerar i denna bok en analys av svensk bostadspolitik i dag och över tid med diskussioner kring olika teoretiska perspektiv av relevans för förståelsen av detta område. Bokens utgångspunkt är att bostadsfrågan inte bara handlar om offentlig policy och politik utan också formas av intressekamp mellan olika aktörer.

    Den svenska ”bostadspolitiska regimen” vilar på fem institutionella pelare vilkas framväxt och utveckling ingående behandlas i boken. Till sina huvuddrag har dessa varit anmärkningsvärt oförändrade sedan de formades efter andra världskrigets slut, vilket kan förklaras med bostadspolitikens starka stigberoende. Samtidigt har pelarna successivt urholkats framför allt sedan 1990-talet. 

    I boken analyseras det partipolitiska spelet om bostadspolitiken,men också de stora intresseorganisationernas roll där det framträder ett tydligt växelspel mellan särskilt hyrespolitikens innehåll och organisationernas inflytande.

    Författarna visar att bostadspolitikens utfall har blivit allt mindre generellt inriktat under de senaste decennierna, vilket exemplifieras med allmännyttans utveckling. De diskuterar även i vilken utsträckning bostaden alltjämt kan ses som en social rättighet i Sverige. Boken avrundas med en diskussion om jämlikhet i boendet som en normativ måttstock för bostadsförsörjningen.

  • 35.
    Bengtsson, Bo
    et al.
    Institute for Housing and Urban Research, Uppsala University, Sweden.
    Grander, Martin
    Malmö universitet, Fakulteten för kultur och samhälle (KS), Institutionen för Urbana Studier (US). Malmö universitet, Institute for Urban Research (IUR).
    The Influence of Interest Organisations on Swedish Rental Housing – Implications for Corporatist Theory2024Ingår i: Critical Housing Analysis, E-ISSN 2336-2839, nr 2, s. 166-174Artikel i tidskrift (Refereegranskat)
    Abstract [en]

    Although academic definitions of ‘corporatism’ differ, the concept is generally about organisational influence on state politics. Around 1980, Sweden was regarded as the archetype of welfare-state corporatism, but around the turn of the millennium the broad representation of organised interests in state politics was largely abolished. However, in the housing sector, strong interest organisations have continued to play a dominant and institutionalised role. Rents are negotiated collectively between organisations of estate owners and tenants, and these organisations also have strong influence on rental legislation and on housing policy more generally. We argue that this system should be seen as corporatist and to that end suggest a somewhat modified version of Philippe Schmitter’s well-established definition of corporatism. We claim that our ‘view from housing’ may contribute to the increased relevance of corporatism theory also in studies of other welfare sectors where market distribution is increasingly important.

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  • 36.
    Berglund, Christofer
    et al.
    Malmö universitet, Fakulteten för kultur och samhälle (KS), Institutionen för globala politiska studier (GPS). Malmö universitet, Fakulteten för kultur och samhälle (KS), Russia and the Caucasus Regional Research (RUCARR).
    Gotfredsen, Katrine BendtsenMalmö universitet, Fakulteten för kultur och samhälle (KS), Institutionen för globala politiska studier (GPS). Malmö universitet, Fakulteten för kultur och samhälle (KS), Russia and the Caucasus Regional Research (RUCARR).Hudson, JeanMalmö universitet, Fakulteten för kultur och samhälle (KS), Institutionen för globala politiska studier (GPS). Malmö universitet, Fakulteten för kultur och samhälle (KS), Russia and the Caucasus Regional Research (RUCARR).Petersson, BoMalmö universitet, Fakulteten för kultur och samhälle (KS), Institutionen för globala politiska studier (GPS). Malmö universitet, Fakulteten för kultur och samhälle (KS), Russia and the Caucasus Regional Research (RUCARR).
    Language and Society in the Caucasus: Understanding the Past, Navigating the Present2021Samlingsverk (redaktörskap) (Övrigt vetenskapligt)
    Abstract [en]

    This book brings together a strong and international team of linguists, historians, and social and political scientists renowned for their expertise on North and South Caucasus. Their contributions paint a compelling picture of the region’s contested past and highlight some of the enduring challenges still confronting it. Taken together, the ten chapters of the book enhance our understanding of the region’s ancient languages, shed light on historical events of crucial significance, and uncover mechanisms behind political conflict and cooperation in the tinderbox that is the Caucasus.

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  • 37.
    Berrío-Martínez, Jineth
    et al.
    Stockholm Resilience Centre, Stockholm University, Sweden.
    Lindkvist, Emelie
    Stockholm Resilience Centre, Stockholm University, Sweden.
    Daw, Tim
    Stockholm Resilience Centre, Stockholm University, Sweden.
    Drury O'Neill, Elizabeth
    Stockholm Resilience Centre, Stockholm University, Sweden.
    Mancilla Garcia, Maria
    Stockholm Resilience Centre, Stockholm University and Free University of Brussels, Brussels.
    Wetterstrand, Hanna
    SwedBio, Stockholm Resilience Centre, Stockholm University, Sweden.
    Karlsson, Oskar
    Department of Environmental Science, Stockholm University.
    Rietz Liljedahl, Emelie
    Avdelningen för arbets- och miljömedicin, Lund university.
    Teutschbein, Claudia
    Department of Earth Sciences; Program for Air, Water and Landscape Sciences; Hydrology; Uppsala university.
    Wessels, Josepha
    Malmö universitet, Fakulteten för kultur och samhälle (KS), Institutionen för konst, kultur och kommunikation (K3).
    Fair, equitable and productive international collaborative research: experiences from 13 research projects2023Rapport (Övrigt vetenskapligt)
    Abstract [en]

    The closing seminar titled “How can we contribute to International Collaborative Research being Fair and Productive?” focused on better understanding the challenges and recommendations for international collaborative research projects, particularly between low-income and high-income countries. The second cohort of grantees of the research program grant “Sustainability and Resilience–Tackling consequences of climate and environmental changes” participated in this event, representing 13 out ofthe 16 projects granted in 2018. A total of 18 participants from Sweden-based universities, 15 participants from universities in Africa, South Asia and South America and three participants from Swedish research funding agencies came together for two days at the Stockholm Resilience Centre, Stockholm University in Sweden. Through an iterative process, under Chatham house rules, participants engaged in a series of individual reflections, work in pairs, small groups, and plenary discussions, employing Time to Think and Forum Theater techniques. This process provided participants opportunities to discuss, exchange and reflect on their experiences. The aim was to allow for a deep understanding of challenges to fair, equal and productive partnerships in an open, inclusive and safe space and ground-truth potential solutions with what people have experienced. As a result, participants collectively worked on guidelines and recommendations for fair, equitable and productive international collaborative research. Based on the learnings and experiences from the represented projects,ten fundamental principles for international collaborative research were collectively identified such as clear and good communication, open dialogue, and explicitness, transparency and openness in all activities, accountability and availability, flexibility and adaptability and respect of differences and cultural values.In addition to these principles, three main workshop outcomes are presented in this report: 1)recommendations for funders related to calls for proposals, funding allocation and the role of funders during project implementation, 2)a list of recommendations for researchers to navigate the research process from seeking funding to the closing phase and 3) lists of challenges to international collaborative research.Overall, practical experiences from the projects showed that understanding local contexts, considering others’ perspectives, good communication, open dialogue, clear definition of roles and distribution of tasks and teamwork are crucial ingredients for effective collaborations. Building relationships, trust and capacities while being aware of differences and respecting them are also important aspects within international collaborations. We hope these guidelines can contribute to future collaborations.

  • 38.
    Bimczok, Leonie-Isabelle
    et al.
    Malmö universitet, Fakulteten för kultur och samhälle (KS), Institutionen för Urbana Studier (US).
    Juárez Wichmann, Laura
    Malmö universitet, Fakulteten för kultur och samhälle (KS), Institutionen för Urbana Studier (US).
    Sustainability Management in large German companies: An analysis of the motives for conducting sustainability management and the roles of sustainability managers and experts2021Självständigt arbete på avancerad nivå (magisterexamen), 10 poäng / 15 hpStudentuppsats (Examensarbete)
    Abstract [en]

    Implementing and conducting sustainability management in businesses today presents an urgent but also complex challenge for large German companies. To react to the fast-changing regulations and demands on the market and to reduce the complexity of sustainability, organizations have introduced sustainability departments as well as sustainability experts and managers. However, the question remains as to what the motives of companies have to conduct sustainability management, and what roles sustainability managers and experts have in the process of sustainable development. The main research question therefore examines how large German companies can achieve sustainable organizational change. In 15 semi-structured interviews with sustainability experts and managers, the motives of companies for conducting sustainability management were analyzed, thereby further exploring the role and influence of sustainability managers and experts in the change process. The results demonstrate that companies pursue a variety of motives which combine economic, legal, ethical, social, environmental, as well as philanthropic and discretionary factors. In addition, the research outlines that sustainability managers and experts embody different roles in order to support the process of integrating sustainability into the organization. Moreover, through their personal involvement and enthusiasm they can partly influence sustainable organizational change. The key results also highlight the complexity of sustainability within large companies. Based on these key results of this study practical implications could be derived in the form of ten correlating factors for achieving sustainable organizational change.

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  • 39.
    Binet, Laura
    Malmö universitet, Fakulteten för kultur och samhälle (KS), Institutionen för globala politiska studier (GPS).
    Rule of law: a tool for security implementation in post-war contexts: An analysis of the EU’s engagement in Kosovo through the assessment of the political capability of EULEX2021Självständigt arbete på grundnivå (kandidatexamen), 10 poäng / 15 hpStudentuppsats (Examensarbete)
    Abstract [en]

    Corruption and low judicial structures are two downsides that post-conflict reconstruction countries are experiencing when declaring independence. In the case of Kosovo, at the eve of its unilateral independence, there were no definite objectives launched by neighboring countries in order to counter the flaws introduced by the new actuality of things. The EULEX mission launched the same year of Kosovo’s independence is often seen as a major step by the EU in order to implement security in a post-war context, through the introduction of a tool said to help to strengthen policies: the rule of law. However, it has been seen that it is not the first time the EU is getting involved in such missions under such circumstances, leaving individuals speculating on the true intentions of the EU within its foreign policy. This research aims at analyzing the EU engagement in Kosovo from a rationalist lens, with the help of the theory of political and democratic capabilities introduced by March & Olsen in 1995. The research question being: ‘How and to what extent is the EU developing political capabilities to implement security in post-war countries?’, it is intending on assessing if EULEX Kosovo has developed political capabilities and the extent of it, in order to determinate the commitment of the EU to establish security in the country.

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  • 40.
    Bircan, Tuba
    et al.
    VUB, Belgium.
    Akdağ Salah, Almila
    Utrecht University, The Netherlands.
    Qi, Haodong
    Malmö universitet, Fakulteten för kultur och samhälle (KS), Institutionen för globala politiska studier (GPS).
    A Bibliometric Analysis of Computational Social Science in Turkish Academia2023Ingår i: 2023 31st Signal Processing and Communications Applications Conference (SIU), IEEE conference proceedings, 2023, , s. 1-4s. 1-4Konferensbidrag (Refereegranskat)
    Abstract [en]

    Using bibliometrics, this study explores the land-scape of social computing sciences within the Turkish academic sphere. The analysis conducted at both the country and organizational levels reveals that collaborations in the field of social computing are not solely influenced by geographical factors. Through network analysis of keyword co-occurrences, distinct thematic patterns emerge, highlighting areas such as health-related applications, the social implications of computational approaches, the intersection of computational methods with the economy and agriculture, machine learning techniques, and the utilization of big data analytics for business applications. These findings provide evidence of the multidisciplinary nature inherent in social computing research.

  • 41.
    Bissmont, Mimmi
    Malmö universitet, Fakulteten för kultur och samhälle (KS), Institutionen för Urbana Studier (US).
    Household practices of disposal: Swedish households’ narratives for moving things along2020Manuskript (preprint) (Övrigt vetenskapligt)
  • 42.
    Bissmont, Mimmi
    Malmö universitet, Fakulteten för kultur och samhälle (KS), Institutionen för Urbana Studier (US).
    Reducing household waste: A social practice perspective on Swedish household waste prevention2020Licentiatavhandling, sammanläggning (Övrigt vetenskapligt)
    Abstract [en]

    This thesis studies household waste prevention from a social scienceperspective. Swedish waste management is efficient in handling wastebut has not succeeded in reducing its quantities, even though theissue of waste prevention is being raised at both international andnational levels.The aim of this thesis is to study and analyse the practice ofhousehold waste prevention. I seek to understand and explainhow it may be possible for households in their everyday to reducethat waste. With understanding comes an aspiration to mitigatewhatever impedes households from reducing their waste. A secondaim is therefore to apply these new understandings and make policysuggestions as to how household waste prevention can be promotedand supported.

    My research questions are:• How is everyday household waste prevention as a practicenarrated and discussed? And how can this practice andthe activities in it be understood in connection with socialstructures?• What obstacles and opportunities do households experience inconnection with the practice of everyday waste prevention?• What policy suggestions can be drawn from these findings?

    Household waste prevention has in earlier research often beenstudied from a waste management perspective, juxtaposing it withrecycling. These studies has identified a need to approach the areafrom a consumption perspective. Sustainable consumption has,however, in general failed to incorporate disposal as a practicesin itself, in that disposal involves competence in knowing what todo with certain things, as well as relation between things and theirmeanings. This runs the risk of leaving waste and waste preventionas part of consumption scarcely researched. It is in this identified gapthat I place my study.In order to address my questions, two studies were carried out.The first is presented in Article I, ‘Household practices of disposal –Swedish households’ narratives for moving things along’. The datawas gathered using in-depth interviews with Swedish households not explicitly devoted to waste prevention. The study focused oneveryday disposal activities. The second study, presented in Article II,is called ‘The practice of household waste minimisation’. This studycollected data from Swedish bloggers engaging in waste-minimisationpractices, sometimes called ‘zero-waste bloggers’, focusing on howthese forerunners describe practising waste minimisation in theireveryday.In both studies I used sociological theories of how humans asactors relate to the social structures and how humans act in theireveryday. The theories applied were derived from the extensive workof Anthony Giddens on structuration and late-modernity. As I placehousehold activities at the centre of my study, I have also appliedtheory of practice.

    My analysis starts off with the claim that waste is an unintendedconsequence of keeping up shared practices: in other words, thathousehold waste production is neither deliberate nor completelyvoluntary. For waste prevention practices to happen, the prevailingidea that recycling alone is good enough needs to be challenged.There need to be other opportunities to act, such as buying secondhandclothes, unpackaged groceries, repairable electronics etc. Theseopportunities need to be normalised, meaning that they need tobe socially spread and accepted. They also need to be reasonablyconvenient, as in not demanding too much time and effort. The studyof the minimising forerunners reveals that these households have tostruggle in their everyday to minimise their waste. This implies thathousehold waste prevention is not supported by the social structuresin Sweden and, therefore, will not increase by itself.I move on to suggest a new model for the understanding ofsustainable consumption. This model takes the perspective of practicetheory and presents four stages of consumption: need, obtain, use anddispose. All four stages should be recognised as possible situationsfor interventions. There is also a need for a holistic perspective onconsumption, where none of the stages is studied in isolation fromthe rest.I conclude the thesis by pinpointing the identified major obstaclesto household waste prevention, and by suggesting necessary changesin order for household waste prevention to become a shared practice.

    1. Household practices of disposal: Swedish households’ narratives for moving things along
    Öppna denna publikation i ny flik eller fönster >>Household practices of disposal: Swedish households’ narratives for moving things along
    2020 (Engelska)Manuskript (preprint) (Övrigt vetenskapligt)
    Nationell ämneskategori
    Tvärvetenskapliga studier inom samhällsvetenskap
    urn:nbn:se:mau:diva-17181 (URN)
    Tillgänglig från: 2020-05-06 Skapad: 2020-05-06 Senast uppdaterad: 2024-01-16Bibliografiskt granskad
    2. The practice of household waste minimisation
    Öppna denna publikation i ny flik eller fönster >>The practice of household waste minimisation
    2020 (Engelska)Ingår i: Environmental Sociology, ISSN 2325-1042, Vol. 6, nr 4, s. 355-363Artikel i tidskrift (Refereegranskat) Published
    Abstract [en]

    This article presents a study of Swedish waste minimisation bloggers, often called zero waste bloggers. Through the lens of practice theory, the study shows that household waste is an unintended consequence of maintaining shared practices. The studied bloggers choose to maintain shared practices such as dressing well and buying takeaway lunch, but still manage to reduce their household waste. Waste reduction is acted out by altering some of the activities of which practices are made up by, such as applying the circular wardrobe and bringing their own food container. This becomes possible as the households reflect on their own consumption practices and thereby perceive opportunities to reduce their waste. Apart from lacking opportunities, waste minimisation is challenged by firmly established norms, such as shopping and the perception that recycling is good enough. Activities may also be challenged by other actors who inevitably get involved as activities change. This study suggests that if waste prevention is to become a shared practice more opportunities for waste prevention need to be normalised.

    Ort, förlag, år, upplaga, sidor
    Routledge, 2020
    Waste prevention, practice theory, zero waste, five Rs, normalised opportunities
    Nationell ämneskategori
    Tvärvetenskapliga studier inom samhällsvetenskap
    urn:nbn:se:mau:diva-18238 (URN)10.1080/23251042.2020.1792264 (DOI)000561457900001 ()2-s2.0-85089365146 (Scopus ID)
    Tillgänglig från: 2020-09-15 Skapad: 2020-09-15 Senast uppdaterad: 2024-02-05Bibliografiskt granskad
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  • 43.
    Bissmont, Mimmi
    Malmö universitet, Fakulteten för kultur och samhälle (KS), Institutionen för Urbana Studier (US).
    The practice of household waste minimisation2020Ingår i: Environmental Sociology, ISSN 2325-1042, Vol. 6, nr 4, s. 355-363Artikel i tidskrift (Refereegranskat)
    Abstract [en]

    This article presents a study of Swedish waste minimisation bloggers, often called zero waste bloggers. Through the lens of practice theory, the study shows that household waste is an unintended consequence of maintaining shared practices. The studied bloggers choose to maintain shared practices such as dressing well and buying takeaway lunch, but still manage to reduce their household waste. Waste reduction is acted out by altering some of the activities of which practices are made up by, such as applying the circular wardrobe and bringing their own food container. This becomes possible as the households reflect on their own consumption practices and thereby perceive opportunities to reduce their waste. Apart from lacking opportunities, waste minimisation is challenged by firmly established norms, such as shopping and the perception that recycling is good enough. Activities may also be challenged by other actors who inevitably get involved as activities change. This study suggests that if waste prevention is to become a shared practice more opportunities for waste prevention need to be normalised.

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  • 44.
    Bittmann, Nora
    Malmö universitet, Fakulteten för kultur och samhälle (KS), Institutionen för Urbana Studier (US).
    Alternative Housing Projects “Beyond Market and State”: On the In(ter)dependence of Housing Commons in Germany2022Självständigt arbete på avancerad nivå (masterexamen), 20 poäng / 30 hpStudentuppsats (Examensarbete)
    Abstract [en]

    In this paper the viability of housing commons as an alternative to commercial and public housing provision is examined. With rising financial burdens for renters in German cities over the past ten years, and state and market failing to provide affordable and accessible housing, claims to (re)communalize and decommodify housing are on the rise. The study is contextualized through tracing changing housing policies post-1945, and historic accounts of housing commons in the German context. Arguing for the advantages of conceptualizing housing as a common good, the applicability, limitations, and contradictions of this approach are explored. Founded in the “new commons” literature, the paper highlights the specific characteristics and challenges of urban housing commons and considers them regarding the complex in(ter)dependencies with market and state.

    Seven semi-structured interviews with residents of alternative housing projects (based on the principles of decommodification and self-management) and people from supporting organizations were conducted to gain insights into the community. It shows that internal group dynamics, interaction with outside actors on different levels, and the high prerequisites for creating and maintaining housing commons create multiple stress factors, currently preventing the housing commons to unfold their full potential. Mainly the high real estate prices and the consequent need to contribute equity capital prevent the housing commons from becoming a large-scale alternative to other housing providers.

    The paper stipulates that despite the threat of more rigid regulation, cooperation with the state is a promising way forward for the housing commons to overcome market pressures and provide a much-needed relief to overburdened renters in the German housing market, while simultaneously opening the possibility to “commonalise” the state.

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  • 45.
    Bjersér, Sofia
    Malmö universitet, Fakulteten för kultur och samhälle (KS), Institutionen för globala politiska studier (GPS).
    "I have not achieved a feeling of being masculine.” : An exploration of masculinities in the Swedish Armed Forces2021Självständigt arbete på grundnivå (kandidatexamen), 12 hpStudentuppsats (Examensarbete)
    Abstract [en]

    Historically and presently most people employed in military forces worldwide are men. With a focus on peacekeeping and equality, the Swedish Armed Forces (SwAF) aim to recruit more women. But even as gender issues become a central focus of the SwAF, policy is mostly aimed towards women despite most employees being men. This study came about by leaning on feminist scholars’ arguments that men and masculinities need to be examined and involved when working towards positive peace, so that they do not remain naturalized and become unidentified obstacles. To achieve this aim, this thesis draws on semi-structured interviews with Swedish Peacekeepers and present a complex, contradictory puzzle of how masculinities are performed, perceived, and reproduced. Masculinities are admired but ridiculed, used as a tool for battle but an obstacle for rehabilitation, a source for deep emotional bonds and rigorously performed to turn off emotionally, and is mainly existing in the eyes of the beholder but seldom seen in oneself. The results support theoretical complexity of militarized masculinities and confirm that militarism is not inherent or come natural to men but is a performative, social construction.

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  • 46.
    Björk, Karin
    et al.
    Malmö universitet, Fakulteten för kultur och samhälle (KS), Institutionen för Urbana Studier (US).
    Tofft, Ellinor
    Malmö universitet, Fakulteten för kultur och samhälle (KS), Institutionen för Urbana Studier (US).
    Vision versus mål: En studie i betydelsen av individers uppfattning av vision och mål i relation till lärande och meningsskapande.2023Självständigt arbete på grundnivå (kandidatexamen), 10 poäng / 15 hpStudentuppsats (Examensarbete)
    Abstract [sv]

    Denna uppsats undersöker och förklarar hur medarbetare och ledare arbetar med mål i enorganisation som utgår ifrån visioner och riktningar. Vi vill titta på hur det pratas om visioner,riktningar och mål och hur detta skapar mening för medarbetarna, men även hur lärandeuppstår och kunskap tas till vara. För att nå en bred bild av ämnet har vi använt oss av enkvalitativ metod med tio intervjuer. I analysen tog vi hjälp av Karl E Weicks Sensemakingtheory, Barbara Czarniawskas teori om organisering samt Argyris & Schöns Single ochdouble loop learning för att skapa förståelse för det insamlade materialet.Vår analys argumenterar för att visioner måste bearbetas för att bli mer greppbara, att detkrävs mycket kommunikation, viljan att vara i en gemenskap och att en anammar engemensam bild.I slutsatsen framträder denna gemensamma bild än mer tydligt och hur den skapar meningoch lärande. Detta genom att visionen bryts ner i mindre och mer konkreta bitar. Bitarna serolika ut beroende på vem som hämtar hem visionen och i vilken gruppering tolkningen sker.Vi ser även ett stort engagemang hos medarbetarna att ställa upp och hjälpa varandra framåtpå flera olika områden där kommunikationen spelar huvudrollen. 

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  • 47.
    Björklund, Frida
    et al.
    Malmö universitet, Centrum för sexologi och sexualitetsstudier (CSS). Malmö universitet, Fakulteten för hälsa och samhälle (HS), Institutionen för socialt arbete (SA).
    Lindroth, Malin
    Malmö universitet, Centrum för sexologi och sexualitetsstudier (CSS). Malmö universitet, Fakulteten för hälsa och samhälle (HS), Institutionen för socialt arbete (SA).
    “It’s easier to think outside the box when you are already outside the box”: A study of transgender and non-binary people’s sexual well-being2024Ingår i: Sexualities, ISSN 1363-4607, E-ISSN 1461-7382, Vol. 27, nr 3, s. 495-512Artikel i tidskrift (Refereegranskat)
    Abstract [en]

    With a phenomenological approach, we explored transgender and non-binary people’s strategies to experience sexual well-being. Ten self-reports (seven interviews and three written texts) were analyzed, and the analysis resulted in six themes. The first three (Affirming oneself, Having access to care, and Being respected as one’s gender) were strategies for sexual well-being realized through affirming one’s identity, receiving the gender-confirming care wanted, and having one’s gender identity respected by others. The other three themes (Masturbating and fantasizing, Communicating and being open, and Being sexually free in queer spaces) were strategies for one aspect of sexual well-being—pleasure. The results describe strategies that all can learn from: the need to accept and appreciate oneself, not just adapt to gender norms of bodies and behaviors, and to communicate. In addition, it illuminates that being norm-breaking, or stepping out of the gendered paths presented to you, appears to provide new opportunities for people to learn what they enjoy, and this could lead to a broader repertoire of pleasurable sexual practices—practices that take bodily prerequisites into account

  • 48.
    Björkman Sjölund, Fanny
    et al.
    Malmö universitet, Fakulteten för kultur och samhälle (KS), Institutionen för Urbana Studier (US).
    Fossheim, Tina
    Malmö universitet, Fakulteten för kultur och samhälle (KS), Institutionen för Urbana Studier (US).
    Can sustainable investments act as a bridge between the economy and the environment?: A qualitative study about sustainable investments2021Självständigt arbete på grundnivå (kandidatexamen), 10 poäng / 15 hpStudentuppsats (Examensarbete)
    Abstract [sv]

    I uppsatsen presenterar vi resultaten från en fokusgrupp och åtta intervjuer där vi studerat hur hållbara investeringar påverkar klimatförändringarna. Efterfrågan på hållbara investeringar växer men för närvarande saknas det forskning inom området. Vi strävar därför efter att fylla ett akademiskt kunskapshål kring förståelsen om hållbara investeringar. För att uppnå det ville vi identifiera begreppen som definierar “hållbara investeringar” och hitta de avgörande faktorerna för investerare när de väljer att investera hållbart. För att bedöma hållbara investeringar jämförde vi dess egenskaper med traditionella investeringar. Informanterna var investerare och yrkesverksamma med yrken kopplade till hållbara investeringar, vidare bygger studien på teorierna om ekologisk modernisering och value-belief-norm theory. Resultaten och slutsatsen från studien visar att det inte finns någon universell definition av en hållbar investering, något som orsakar misstro och oro angående praxis. Det är därför svårt att dra en absolut slutsats om vad hållbara investeringar kan uppnå för klimatet. Informanternas vilja att investera i hållbara investeringar baserades på deras värderingar och kunskap. Det fanns även kunskapsluckor mellan individerna angående investeringarnas påverkan på klimatet på grund av brist på tillgänglig information för vissa investerare. Slutligen trädde regler om hållbara investeringar i kraft under studietiden.

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  • 49.
    Björngren Cuadra, Carin
    et al.
    Malmö universitet, Fakulteten för hälsa och samhälle (HS), Institutionen för socialt arbete (SA).
    Ouis, Pernilla
    Malmö universitet, Fakulteten för hälsa och samhälle (HS), Institutionen för socialt arbete (SA). Malmö universitet, Centrum för sexologi och sexualitetsstudier (CSS).
    Grönt och hållbart socialt arbete: Miljörättvisa, social rättvisa och ekosociala interventioner2020Ingår i: Socialvetenskaplig tidskrift, ISSN 1104-1420, E-ISSN 2003-5624, Vol. 27, nr 3-4, s. 207-226Artikel i tidskrift (Refereegranskat)
    Abstract [en]

    This article introduces an approach within social work called green social. It is argued that this approach has a critical potential in its ability to respond to urgent issues concerning people’s current and future living conditions. It is further argued that in addition to its traditional involvement in problematic distribution of resources, social work can act upon linkages between social issues and issues concerning environmental and climate crisis when integrating areas of knowledge from other disciplines. Such linkages imply a revision of the construct ”person-in-environment” that traditionally denote a delimited notion of environment as the ”social environment”, thereby disregarding the biophysical environment that human beings are a part of. The article discusses concepts such as ”sustainable welfare”, ”de-growth” and ”transition” and presents examples of so-called ecosocial interventions while also making an argument for strengthening community work in Sweden.

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  • 50.
    Björngren Cuadra, Carin
    et al.
    Malmö universitet, Fakulteten för hälsa och samhälle (HS), Institutionen för socialt arbete (SA).
    Rämgård, Margareta
    Malmö universitet, Fakulteten för hälsa och samhälle (HS), Institutionen för vårdvetenskap (VV).
    A community-based response to the COVID-19 pandemic: Social capital in action2025Ingår i: International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, ISSN 2212-4209, Vol. 116, artikel-id 105158Artikel i tidskrift (Refereegranskat)
    Abstract [en]

    This study analyzes a community-based crisis response to the COVID-19 pandemic in a socioeconomically deprived area in Malmö, Sweden, where a gap regarding accessible information was perceived. It aims at furthering the understanding of how social capital may facilitate collective action, thereby contributing to the understanding of community resilience in the face of risks, uncertainty, and hardships. An ethnographic method based on observations and focus groups interviews was employed. By applying Dynes' elaboration of Coleman's outline of social capital, in a crisis context, as well as assuming bonding, bridging, and linking social capital as available mechanisms for mobilizing collective resources across a socially layered context, the study confirmed a capacity to respond in a timely way – a response facilitated by collective assets embedded in relationships and networks, that is, social capital. The result confirms the significance of having a pre-crisis capacity to meet existing needs effectively, and of having a normative basis of reciprocity that ensures an inclusive response, founded on an emergency consensus. This speaks for a complementary bottom-up model for a community-based crisis planning approach and has implications for the supportive roles that both public and civil sectors can play in recognizing the importance of social capital in building resilience. Support provided to local communities can enable them to develop emergent organizations countering social inequalities in disasters, and it could, if integrated into the contingency system, translate into more inclusive responses to future crises.

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