War and its aftermath affect different groups of women and men differently. The problem of the different effects of war is reflected in the resolutions of the UN Security Council, namely, 1325 Women, Peace, Security, 1820, 1888, 1889, 2106, 2122, 2242, 1960, which call on the participating states to pay attention to the needs and problems of women in times of armed conflicts, as well as the need to increase the role and participation of women in the negotiation processes to establish peace, in actions to support peace and peace-building, the participation of women in decision-making processes at all levels.
These documents are only effective if they are reflected in legislation, state policy and daily practice, both at the state and local levels. For the effective implementation in practice of the above-mentioned resolutions, an important condition is the availability of specialists of central and local executive authorities, local self-government bodies with knowledge about their main areas of activity in the implementation of the “Women, Peace, Security” Agenda.
In the conditions of martial law and the reduction of budget allocations, the significant burden on the central and local bodies of executive power, local self-government bodies, it is important to involve partners from international and non-governmental organisations for more effective implementation of the tasks of the National Action Plan for the implementation of Resolution 1325 "Women, Peace, Security".
The project "Supporting Women, Peace and Security in Ukraine during the Conflict" of the Fund and Stability Program with the support of the government of United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland developed a methodology for mapping stakeholders and, in accordance with it, conducted research to determine the interests of stakeholders and their potential impact on meeting the needs of different groups of beneficiaries.
The study demonstrated that both central and local authorities, local self-government bodies do not sufficiently involve the experience of non-governmental organisations working on the topic of "Women, Peace, Security", authorities need expert support in strengthening practical skills to apply new approaches to conducting targeted consultations with various target groups at any stage of implementation of the National Action Plan for the Implementation of Resolution 1325 "Women, Peace, Security".