The purpose of this article is to clarify the position of Ukraine in relation to thedeveloped countries on the trajectory of social development according to the stagesof the formation of the gender component of the general welfare society andthe strengthening of the liberal-democratic vector of political life.Cobb-Douglas function and such methods as quantitative, graphic, visualization, and regressionwere used in the research process. The progress of gender relations in society duringthe industrialization stage is considered as a function of GDP per person – as a generalizationembodiment of progress in a range of aspects of economic and politicallife that promote equalizing opportunities for women and men. The obtained resultsevidence that Ukraine was characterized not only by lower levels of fertility but alsoby a greater potential of society to transform the structural shifts of industrialization(the growth of the industrial labor sector for hire and the share of urban population)into the impulse to expand women involvement in public life and reduce their“specialization” in activities related only to the birth and upbringing of children andhousehold’s maintenance. The model obtained according to the data of Ukraine testifiesto the greater potential of Ukrainian society to transform even modest successesof industrialization into an impetus for the evolution of gender relations and thereduction of women’s specialization only in the functions of birth and upbringing ofchildren.