In this presentation I will present data from focus group interviews with professionals within social work and how the talk about knowledge in relation to digitalization. In today’s social work knowledge circulation has become increasingly important. The work must be conducted with evidence-based knowledge, complex problems require new knowledge and so on. Knowledge circulation could be seen as a buzzword for modern social work. In the interviews, digital technologies are the solution for many social workers to get new knowledge, but also circulate it in the organization. At the same time technology also add new problems and limitations. One problem is the amount of data. Most social workers feel that the get to much information through e-mail.How can this form of knowledge circulation be analyzed with an STS perspective? And how can the mundane working life for the social worker be used to develop the STS perspective? I will in this presentation use Manuel Delanda´s perspectives on assemblage theory. I am particularly interested in how assemblages are composed of “heterogeneous components”; like persons, machines, buildings and so on, and how these components are part of larger assemblage. We are here “dealing with assemblages of assemblages” (Delanda 2016: 129), which can say something about the territorialization of social work in times of digitalization. This is a theoretical perspective that can further develop how we understand the role of technology in social work.