The production of medical knowledge is highly materialized. When we look around us today we see that this materiality is sometimes capable of becoming invisible and we are left with medical facts about the aetiology of diseases or the importance of healthy living. If we apply a historical perspective it is instead the materiality that becomes visible, while the knowledge may have been forgotten and replaced with newer knowledge. What remains is the medical collections in our universities and museums. Here one can find human remains in the form of fetuses preserved in jars or anatomical models of skeletons. Sometimes the human remains are part of a controversial cultural heritage.
Recensionen är en översättning av följande recension: Hansson, K. (2023). [Review of Recension: Helena Franzén: Kroppar i förvandling: Obstetriska och embryologiska samlingar vid Uppsala universitet, ca 1830–1930. Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis. Serie: Uppsala studies in history of ideas, nr. 54, Uppsala 2022. 104 s., ill. ISBN 978-91-513-1367-2.]. RIG, (4), 207–210. Retrieved from