The Timed-Up and Go test is a simple yet effective test used to evaluate balance and mobility in conditions that affect movement, such as Parkinson’s disease. This test can inform clinicians about the monitoring and progression of the disease by measuring the time taken to complete the test. We used a smartphone app to obtain the phone’s inertial data and implemented an algorithm to automatically extract the time taken to complete the test. We considered data collected from six healthy participants performing tests at different speeds. The proposed method was further tested on twelve participants with Parkinson’s disease based on a reference measurement in clinic. We show that, for both groups, we obtain good accuracy (RMSE = 3.42 and 1.95 s) and a strong positive correlation (r = 0.85 and 0.83) between estimated duration and ground truth. We highlight limitations in our approach when the test is performed at very low speed or without a clear pause between the test and the user interaction with the phone.