About the project
Sports clubs can be a school for democracy and leadership. It is also one of the reasons behind today's extensive public sports support. Yet studies have shown that the boards of sports associations reflect neither the members nor the society at large if you look at gender, age, ethnicity and level of education. To counteract this development, new sustainable leadership roles are needed. In Malmö, the municipality together with RF SISU Skåne has implemented the Young Leaders training program since 2016. A total of about 250 young people between the ages of 16-25 have been trained. The ambition has been to increase the representation of young people from different parts of Malmö in the association's democratic processes and create added value for both the individual and the association. In the long run, it also benefits the sports movement in general and the surrounding society.
The aim of this research project is to increase the knowledge about the program and the effects and answer questions about why young people are not asked to lead and what young people themselves say about leading.
Interviews and workshops.