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Title [sv]
Securing IOT Devices in a Dynamic Environment: The Case of Drones
Title [en]
Securing IOT Devices in a Dynamic Environment: The Case of Drones
Abstract [sv]

Om projektet

Syftet är att stödja gemensamma ansträngningar mellan Malmö universitet (Mau) och University of British Columbia (UBC), Vancouver, Kanada för att utveckla en grund för ett långsiktigt samarbete inom forskning inom området Internet of things (IoT). Vi vill särskilt utöka det vetenskapliga samarbetet mellan datavetenskap och medieteknikavdelningen vid Mau och elektro- och datateknik inom UBC.

Målet är att inom ett år efter projektets livslängd gemensamt utforska aspekterna av "Säkring av IoT-enheter i en dynamisk miljö", fallet vi vill experimentera med är drönare eller även kallade Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV). UAV:er börjar utnyttjas inom flera applikationsdomäner, allt från hälsa till militär och säkerhet, och från logistik och övervakning till trafikövervakning. Det finns dock många tillgängliga säkerhetsproblem som måste åtgärdas innan de här enheterna används effektivt.

I samarbete med

Andre Ivanov vid University of British Columbia i Vancouver, Kanada, Mehdi Karimi.
Abstract [en]

About the project

With this project, we aim to support joint efforts between Malmö University (MaU) and the University of British Columbia (UBC), Vancouver, Canada to develop the foundation for a long-term collaboration in research in the field of Internet of Things (IoT). Particularly we want to extend the scientific collaboration between Computer Science and Media Technology department at MaU and Electrical and Computer Engineering within UBC.

Our aim is to jointly within a year of the project lifespan explore the aspects of “Securing IoT Devices in a Dynamic Environment”, the case we want to experiment with is Drones or also called Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs). UAVs are starting to be exploited in several application domains, ranging from health to military and security, and from logistics, and surveillance to traffic monitoring. However, there are many available security issues to be addressed before the effective use of these devices.

The objective is to build a drone prototype to better understand the security aspects such as threats and vulnerabilities of the IoT objects (in our case drones) that are becoming more complex, heterogeneous, and highly distributed in our environments. By considering the special characteristics that drones have, the aim is to propose a novel framework for Drone specific security extensions relevant to researchers and industry with the aim to better address the threats and vulnerabilities that such objects will pose to our society in future. The proposed novel authentication framework will help to identify fake nodes from the real ones by deriving and monitoring the stability function. We plan to evaluate our framework in a series of experiments initially with a simulator and then test it in a real-world network. The planned research visits and activities envisioned between the two institutions will help to address the aims of the project.

In collaboration with

Andre Ivanov vid University of British Columbia i Vancouver – Kanada, Mehdi Karimi.
Project OfficerVogel, Bahtijar
Co-InvestigatorJacobsson, Andreas
Co-InvestigatorYmeri, Gent
Coordinating organisation
Malmö University, Internet of Things and People (IOTAP) (Closed down 2024-12-31)
2019-09-01 - 2021-08-31
National Category
Computer Sciences
DiVA, id: project:2662

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