The concepts of information, communication and relations belong to fields of knowledge which are both vast and multifaceted. Therefore, our survey concentrates on three areas: 1. The communicative relation between customer and company, focusing on the use of expressions (like effect/energy) and an understanding of the transmitted information, correlated with - communication about household products - the role of the seller and the use of language related to choice of household products. 2. The choice of channels of communication for different types of receivers and communication situations. 3. The representation of energy and energy use in the mass media. What representations are mediated in issues like consumption, production and customer relations? 1. The communicative relation between customer and company In general, the issues of understanding and visibility concerning public issues, technology and, in particular, energy have been research subjects for a long period. When it comes to energy and energy use in everyday life, however, very little research has been conducted. In Sweden, deregulation and increasing energy prices have put the issues forward during the last years. In consequence, more light needs to be shed upon the public’s daily encounters with energy and electricity, not least with regards to information and communication, as there is a lack of knowledge in this area. The actual encounter between user and company should primarily be focused on the concrete realisation of the meeting in the form of invoices and individual meters. These are the most concrete opportunities for contact between different kinds of users and companies, and concern energy consumption – electricity. Issues regarding information quality, information relevance, and the users’ willingness to study the information should, therefore, be concentrated on, as well as the users’ demands and need for information. When it comes to the meeting between the customer and the retailer, there remains a great deal to be done. There are interesting issues about the presentation of the household product, the use of terminology, words and concepts that cause problems, and how the retailer presents the information. Researchers should also further investigate what kind of content is relevant for different kinds of users, which we raised in earlier studies. Is the user more interested in technology performance or how an energy-consuming product can be synchronized into the kitchen or the laundry room? Furthermore, what amount of knowledge exists in sales outlets with regards to the energy consumption of white goods? 2 The choice of channels for communication for different types of receivers and communication situations When designing the message, the perspectives of the sender are often apparent – what the organisation wants to communicate to users and customers – rather than the perspective of the receiver – what the user/consumers want to know and in what way he or she wants to have the information. Consequently, it is important to study the design of the information. How do different visual designs, for example invoice and meter reader, affect the users’ interest for the information, and how can they increase the users’ knowledge and willingness to change his or her behaviour not only in short term, but also in the long run? Political consumption, that is to say to deliberately discontinue buying products or services, for example from certain countries, has drawn more and more attention. Thus, in what way can it influence the communication concerning electricity and energy issues? Research about different kinds of information channels has been widely performed in the past, but has obviously not been the focus for recent research. However, society had undergone many changes, for example new technology and media have materialised. Therefore, the media situation and the choice of communication channel for different target groups cannot rely on previous research results. Thus, more research is necessary as there are great gaps of knowledge. New media and new channels raise other questions, and also give different prerequisites for communication than earlier. 3 The image of energy use and energy in the mass media There is rather extensive research about major events, for example the referendum about nuclear power in Sweden in 1980, which, for obvious reasons, interested researchers, as referendums on particular issues are rather rare in Sweden. Even other significant events connected to the energy area and how the media have treated the issue have been investigated. Furthermore, research about environment and mass media has also been performed, focusing on how the mass media have dealt with certain issues. It is very obvious, from our survey, that the energy area has not been the main interest of research during the last years. Most of the research was conducted several years ago, and many changes have occurred in society since then. In short, there is a great gap of knowledge within this field. There is very little current research about the discussion, the debate and the issue of our energy and electricity supply, about deregulation, and about the image of energy and electricity the media put forward, not least when it comes to everyday life. Consequently, research about how the message from different parts of the energy area is visualized and presented to the public in the media is absent.