Background: To be able to offer patients a good and person centered care it takes knowledge about the patient’s life and illness. Patients with lung cancer is a particularly exposed group that carries the stigma surrounding lung cancer as a self-inflicted illness on top of having a relatively low five-year survival rate. There are commonalities in patients with lung cancer experiences of living with the disease which may create a clearer picture and background knowledge for nurses in their nursing effort for these patients. Aim: The aim of this study is to illuminate patients’ experiences of living with lung cancer.Method: This literature review is built upon ten qualitative scientific articles which lay the foundation of the literature review’s results. The databases Cihnal and PubMed was used in the search. The articles were reviewed with SBU’s review assessment method concerning quality. The data was then analyzed by creating an index of passages which in turn created an overall picture. Result: From the analysis there were 4 main themes identified as well as 13 pertaining subthemes. The main themes identified were experience of adaptation to new conditions in everyday life, experience of having to change way of life, experience of searching for information, experience of an emotional rollercoaster. Conclusion: Lung cancer patients have varying experiences. The illness affects their physical and mental health negatively. Lung cancer patients experience joy with their family. Lung cancer patients experience a need for information which is overlooked sometimes.