Slutrapport från projektet Studenthandledning i frirummet. Bibliotek och Studieverkstad utforskar gränser vars syfte var att definiera och problematisera de handledningsuppdrag som Studieverkstad respektive bibliotek har för att tydliggöra våra handledarroller i högskolans lärandemiljö. Syftet var också att identifiera eventuell gränsdragningsproblematik dels till respektive verksamhets uppdrag dels till ämneshandledning. I projektrapporten ger vi exempel på hur samarbetet mellan Studieverkstad och bibliotek kan stärkas och vad som kan utvecklas för att ytterligare öka kvaliteten i våra handledningsverksamheter så det blir en väl fungerande resurs i studenternas lärande.
Denna rapport redogör för ett pedagogiskt utvecklingsprojekt som biblioteket på Malmö högskola genomfört under 2014 om studenter som medskapare av undervisning i informationssökning. Projektet har tilldelats pedagogiska utvecklingsmedel från utbildningsberedningen. Syftet med projektet har varit att utveckla metoder för att ta tillvara studenternas erfarenheter och tidigare kunskaper för att stödja deras informationssökning. Vi har velat undersöka på vilka sätt studenterna aktivt kan involveras i undervisningen genom att titta på olika former av brukarinvolvering. Utgångspunkten har varit att ökad delaktighet leder till en djupare förståelse hos studenterna för sitt eget lärande, men också en ökad insikt hos undervisande bibliotekarier för studenternas kontext. En av slutsatserna är att för att lyckas med studentinvolvering krävs en deltagarkultur där det faktiskt är möjligt att påverka. Brukarinvolvering handlar inte bara om metoder, utan det handlar även om att alla inblandade har en inställning som stödjer ökad studentdelaktighet.
Slutrapport från projektet "Högskolebibliotekets roll i en inkluderande lärandemiljö" vars syfte var att förtydliga vilken roll högskolebiblioteket spelar för breddad rekrytering och retention, samt att öka kunskapen och medvetenheten om detta bland bibliotekspersonalen. I rapporten ges exempel på arbetsformer för att utveckla bibliotekets bemötande och pedagogiska verksamhet gentemot en heterogen studentgrupp.
Improving information literacy instruction through reflection! Keywords: teaching, reflection, improvement Reflective teaching is highlighted as a way to become a reflective practitioner; to learn and improve practice through reflection. The value of reflection in improving teaching is well documented. Research concludes that while reflective teaching may present some difficulties, its benefits lead to a teacher's success in the classroom (Goodsett, 2014). This poster aims to illustrate how Malmö University library works with reflective teaching as a way to improve quality and evaluate our information literacy instruction. There are many different methods of reflective teaching. We chose to focus on a model based on self-reflecting through a reflective teaching form. The model is based on setting aside time to reflect on what happened during the session, identifying problems and development areas and reflections of what you would do differently next time. What we did was to develop an assessment form, inspired by Radcliff et al (2007), for us librarians to fill out and save after each information literacy instruction session. The assessment form consists of questions that we have identified as important to reflect on to be able to improve our teaching. For example, one of the questions encourages us to think of ways to make the students more active and involved. We have experienced that using the form helps us to take this minimal extra time to reflect and it also helps us formalize, structure, save and share our reflections. In addition to filling out the forms individually, we have used our reflections to discuss our thoughts with colleagues and learned from each other. We have also shared our reflections with teachers at the university that we collaborate with. Right now we are evaluating the use of the assessment form. In the poster we will share our results, experiences and what we have learned from working with reflective teaching. References: Goodsett, M. (2014). Reflective Teaching: Improving Library Instruction Through Self-Reflection, Southeastern Librarian, 62(3), ss. 12-15. Radcliff, C J. (2007). A practical guide to information literacy assessment for academic librarians. Westport, Conn.: Libraries Unlimited.
During 2012 the Special Education Teacher Training Programme at Malmö University ran the education development project “From experience-based practice to scholarly thinking”. The background of the project was the fact that the students’ practical teaching experience had not been sufficiently utilized and scientifically processed, while at the same time the courses in Philosophy of Science and Research Methodology were perceived to be distancing and difficult to absorb. The aim of the project was to allow theory and practice to mutually enrich one another in a clear manner in the progression towards scholarly thinking. All lecturers of all the courses within the Special Education Programme, met together with two librarians to discuss perceptions of what scholarship is and why a research based approach is important in Special education and in the profession Special education teacher. Together we brainstormed ideas and suggestions of learning activities which together could form a progression to develop a research based approach among students. One idea that has already been launched is Spanarverkstad (a version of Journal Clubs) where articles chosen by students ranged from practical education journals to scholarly journals, are discussed. Another form has been Idea Seminars where representatives from the special education field offer to come up with thesis ideas. Another activity is when lecturers from the Philosophy of Science and Research Methodology courses talks about the research methods that they have personal experience of and perspectives on scholarly thinking. They meet the students in a panel debate where the students have the chance to put forward questions. One developing idea is to encourage students to record their experiences and thoughts in writing. Namely a genre-based pedagogy which could be called something along the lines of “From blog to academic article and vice versa”. The aim with the round table discussion is to have the opportunity to exchange experiences, thoughts and ideas of how the collaboration between lecturers and librarians can become a strategic partnership in the pursuit of developing students’ scholarly thinking. The round table discussion begins with a presentation of the project “From experience-based practice to scholarly thinking”. Afterwards we would like to give the participants the chance to pose questions and discuss how librarians and lecturers can jointly contribute to achieve this goal. How can librarians and lecturers work together to prepare students for a profession where a research-based approach is an important factor in school development? Another point we want to bring into the discussion is what librarians can contribute to a teaching team when it is focusing on planning tutorials for students in higher education? What do lecturers see the librarians’ roles as within the team? These are a few examples of questions which could be asked or could be worth developing.
Letting students take an active part in their education is vital in higher education and there is a lot of research showing that students who are active learners also learn more effectively (eg Biggs & Tang 2011). This poster will illustrate a project where Malmö university library wanted to examine what student activity could mean in the context of information seeking, and where we wanted to involve students more actively in the design of the teaching activities. The project is called ”Students as co-creators of education in seeking, collecting and valuing information – development of methods for higher student participation” and goes on during 2014. We want to see in what ways students can be actively involved in teaching in order to create a deeper understanding within students for their role in their own learning - how can the experiences and knowledge of students contribute to their skills in relation to searching, collecting and valuing information? Within the project we have read articles on user involvement, discussed the literature we have read and we have also visited other organizations that work actively with user participation in order to learn more about different methods that can be used. Inspiration to the methods come from different areas, such as interaction design, city planning and public libraries. In this poster we will tell about our experiences from the project and the different methods we have tested (eg ”idea workshop”), the results we have got and how they influence our teaching about information literacy. The poster will also highlight our experiences from having students in the project group and how this has affected the way we work. Biggs, John B. & Tang, Catherine So-Kum (2011). Teaching for quality learning at university: what the student does. 4., [rev.] ed. Maidenhead: Open University Press