In 1994, The International Conference on Population and Development established the
importance of involving men in the challenge of improving sexual and reproductive health.
Above all the emphasis was placed on developing efforts which would increase the man’s
involvement in parenting and measures which could lead to the man taking greater responsibility
for his own sexual and reproductive behaviour - ”including family planning and maternal and
child health” (UN, 1994). The background for this was a wakening realization that men’s
attitudes, knowledge base and ways of reacting not only influenced their own but also women’s
reproductive health.
Parallel to this development there has also been a growing academic interest in how men live
their lives, create their male identities and form relationships to their immediate environment.
One context in which these questions are being explored is in the research on men, masculinities
and fatherhood. Fatherhood research has increased dramatically during the recent decade and
also become a multidisciplinary scientific field of knowledge. Behind this development we can
see several major changes in the late modern society, e.g. shifting marriage and divorce patterns
and a changing work life with an increasing labour force participation of women. The growth of
the women’s movement has also contributed to a strong focus on fatherhood since the
possibilities of increasing gender equality in society require increased involvement by men in
family life. The result is that today, scientists from different scientific disciplines are studying a
broad variety of different perspectives and questions around men’s parenting. The questions at
issue are no longer focused only on the topic of how fathers’ behavioural patterns influence their
children’s development but are today also focused on the men themselves, their partners and how
fatherhood is constructed in everyday practice and in relationships (Plantin, 2003). This means
that a number of questions have been raised about men’s parenting, mirroring the positive as
well as the problematic sides of it. The challenging and difficult side of men’s parenting has
mostly been framed in discussions about “deadbeat dads” or “feckless fathers” that ignore their
parenting responsibilities, and how this negatively affects the children’s emotional,
psychological and financial well-being. Fathers' shortcomings in taking an equal responsibility
for the internal family work and the household tasks is another example of problematic
behaviour that has been discussed and related to negative effects on women’s possibilities to
combine work and family life. Men and fathers have of course also been discussed in connection
with domestic violence and other destructive behaviours that negatively affect their own as well
as family health.However, another part of fatherhood research has challenged the deficit perspective on men’s
parenting and instead focused on the positive sides of fatherhood that might contribute to better
health outcomes. The significance of fathers for the development and well-being of children and
adolescents, or the positive meaning of being a father are some examples of topics in this
research. Discussions about various policies and legislation to support fathers in becoming more
involved in caring for their children are also tightly connected to this perspective. Policies on
parental leave or different forms of support to combine work and family life provide better
opportunities for men to be more engaged and involved in all parts of domestic life.
But more specifically, what do we know about the relationship between fatherhood and health?
How can an increasing involvement by fathers in sexual and reproductive health contribute to a
better health and well-being for themselves as well as their partners and children? Is there any
“evidence” in existing literature that support the idea that men should be more involved during
the delivery and the ante- and postnatal care? And what about gender equality and the late
modern ideas around the “new, equal and nurturing fatherhood” -what do we know about the
health outcomes of this? Do policies that support fathers to be both working fathers and caring
men have any health impact on the men, women and children?
The aim of this report is to take a closer look at these questions. The report consists of three
different sections and starts with a discussion on the methodology for the literature review. It
then continues with a chapter on Fatherhood and reproductive health. This chapter has a focus
on the expectant and new fathers and discusses what we know about men's experiences of the
childbearing decision, pregnancy and the delivery. How can men be supportive and engaged
during these different stages in the “father-to-be” –process and how are these experiences related
to health outcomes of the mother, child and men themselves? This chapter will end with a
section that points out or highlights groups of fathers that might need special support and
concern from a health perspective.
The next part is called Managing fathering. On fatherhood and health in everyday life. This
chapter focuses on fathers’ practices in everyday life and how this can be related to different
health outcomes. It starts with a general overview of the research that has studied how becoming
a parent, and in this case becoming a father, effect men’s health. Is fatherhood positive for men’s
health as it adds a new meaning to life and a healthier way of living, or can it actually have
negative effects as it means increased stress, marital conflicts and more worries? This is
followed by a section that focuses on the possibilities for men to be both working fathers and
caring men. It highlights existing policies for fathers in Europe to combine work and family lifeand investigates whether there is evidence for linking these to positive health outcomes. This
includes policies on parental leave, parents’ access to day care and family-friendly policies at the
work place. There will also be a special focus on the relations between the work-family
boundaries, stress, illness and well-being.
The next section will draw upon research studying the internal family life in Europe, with a
special focus on men’s participation in child rearing and the household work. The fatherhoodchild
relationship and the importance of fathers for children's well-being, health and
development are also highlighted.
Finally, the report ends with a Summary and end discussion where the main results are
highlighted and discussed.