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  • 1. Björklund, Camilla
    et al.
    Grevholm, Barbro
    Häggström, Johan
    Kjellström, Katarina
    Löfwall, Stefan
    Norén, Eva
    Olofsson, Gunilla
    Persson, Elisabeth
    Persson, Lars-Erik
    Persson, Per-Eskil
    Malmö högskola, Faculty of Education and Society (LS), Department of Nature, Environment and Society (NMS).
    Riesbeck, Eva
    Malmö högskola, Faculty of Education and Society (LS), Department of Nature, Environment and Society (NMS).
    Taflin, Eva
    Matematikkundervisning2013Book (Other academic)
    Abstract [sv]

    Denna boken är skriven av en grupp erfarna norska och svenska lärarutbildare i matematik. Boken bygger på utprövad erfarenhet - såväl egen som andras - och på aktuell, relevant forskning i matematikdidaktik. Texten väver samman matematik och matematikdidaktik, det vill säga ämnet som det undervisas i och frågor om hur ämnet kan läras och undervisas. Boken innehåller det som är absolut viktigast att få med sig i den grundläggande lärarutbildningen i matmatik.

  • 2. Grevholm, Barbro
    et al.
    Björklund, Camilla
    Häggström, Johan
    Kjellström, Katarina
    Löfwall, Stefan
    Norén, Eva
    Olofsson, Gunilla
    Persson, Elisabeth
    Persson, Per-Eskil
    Malmö högskola, Faculty of Education and Society (LS), Department of Nature, Environment and Society (NMS).
    Persson, Lars-Erik
    Riesbeck, Eva
    Malmö högskola, Faculty of Education and Society (LS), Department of Nature, Environment and Society (NMS).
    Taflin, Eva
    Lära och undervisa matematik: från förskoleklass till åk 62012Book (Other academic)
    Abstract [sv]

    Lära och undervisa matematik - från förskoleklass till åk 6 är en grundbok i matematik och matematikämnets didaktik. Den vänder sig till lärarstuderande och till verksamma lärare som vill aktualisera sina kunskaper och ta del av den senaste forskningen samt sätta sig in i de nya kursplanerna och kunskapskraven i matematik.

  • 3.
    Jönsson, Per
    et al.
    Malmö högskola, School of Technology (TS).
    Lingefjärd, Thomas
    Svingby, Gunilla
    Malmö högskola, School of Teacher Education (LUT), Nature-Environment-Society (NMS).
    Riesbeck, Eva
    Malmö högskola, School of Teacher Education (LUT), Nature-Environment-Society (NMS).
    Gymnasiereformen och nya medier: möjligheter och utmaningar för matematikämnet2011In: Datorn i Utbildningen, ISSN 1100-3650, Vol. 5, p. 38-45Article in journal (Other (popular science, discussion, etc.))
    Abstract [sv]

    Matematikundervisningen i den svenska skolan står inför mycket stora förändringar. Regeringen har nyligen beslutat om nya ämnesplaner för både grundskolan och gymnasieskolan, vilka ska tillämpas på utbildningar som påbörjas efter den 1 juli 2011. Med ett nytt centralt ämnesinnehåll kommer också nya kunskapskrav och ett nytt betygssystem. Utöver detta står skolan inför en i praktiken mycket större och mera genomgripande förändring, nämligen att motsvara de krav som samhällets fortskridande digitalisering ställer samt att leva upp till förväntningarna från ungdomar med stor medievana.

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  • 4.
    Jönsson, Per
    et al.
    Malmö högskola, School of Technology (TS).
    Svingby, Gunilla
    Malmö högskola, School of Teacher Education (LUT), Nature-Environment-Society (NMS).
    Riesbeck, Eva
    Malmö högskola, School of Teacher Education (LUT), Nature-Environment-Society (NMS).
    Lingefjärd, Thomas
    Ge mattelärarna makt över datorer och programvara2010In: Skolledaren, no 11, p. 12-13Article in journal (Other (popular science, discussion, etc.))
    Abstract [sv]

    Om datorer ska kunna användas i matematikundervisningen på ett ändamålsenligt sätt måste helt andra program få installeras på skolornas datorer. Makten över datorer och programvara måste ligga i händerna på de undervisande lärarna, skriver fyra forskare verksamma vid Malmö högskola och Göteborgs universitet.

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  • 5.
    Lange, Troels
    et al.
    Malmö högskola, Faculty of Education and Society (LS), Department of Nature, Environment and Society (NMS).
    Meaney, Tamsin
    Malmö högskola, Faculty of Education and Society (LS), Department of Nature, Environment and Society (NMS).
    Riesbeck, Eva
    Malmö högskola, Faculty of Education and Society (LS), Department of Nature, Environment and Society (NMS).
    Wernberg, Anna
    Malmö högskola, Faculty of Education and Society (LS), Department of Nature, Environment and Society (NMS).
    How one preschool teacher recognises mathematical teaching moments2012Conference paper (Other academic)
    Abstract [en]

    Currently there is much discussion internationally about what and how mathematics should be integrated into preschool programs. In Swedish preschools, there is a strong tradition of children’s play. Using video data, we identify how one teacher in a Swedish preschool recognises and builds on mathematical teaching moments that arise from children’s play. The role of respectful listening and asking challenging questions is important in the development of children’s mathematical curiosity. We use this data to explore whether using teaching moments is an appropriate teaching practice in preschools for ensuring that children have good mathematical knowledge to begin school with.

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  • 6.
    Lange, Troels
    et al.
    Malmö högskola, Faculty of Education and Society (LS), Department of Nature, Environment and Society (NMS).
    Meaney, Tamsin
    Malmö högskola, Faculty of Education and Society (LS), Department of Nature, Environment and Society (NMS).
    Riesbeck, Eva
    Malmö högskola, Faculty of Education and Society (LS), Department of Nature, Environment and Society (NMS).
    Wernberg, Anna
    Malmö högskola, Faculty of Education and Society (LS), Department of Nature, Environment and Society (NMS).
    Mathematical teaching moments: between instruction and construction2014In: Early mathematics learning: Selected papers of the POEM 2012 conference / [ed] Ulrich Kortenkamp, Birgit Brandt, Christiane Benz, Götz Krummheuer, Silke Ladel, Rose Vogel, Springer, 2014, p. 37-54Chapter in book (Other academic)
    Abstract [en]

    Internationally there is much discussion about what and how mathematics should be integrated into preschool programmes. In Swedish preschools, there is a strong tradition of valorising children’s play. Using video data, we identify how one teacher in a Swedish preschool recognises and builds on mathematical teaching moments that arise from children’s play. We use these data to discuss how the guided play context facilitates some teacher actions while constraining others. Respectful listening and asking challenging questions seem to stimulate the development of children’s mathematical curiosity. However, the teacher is not able to insist that her suggestions for activities are taken up by the children.

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  • 7.
    Lange, Troels
    et al.
    Malmö högskola, Faculty of Education and Society (LS), Department of Nature, Environment and Society (NMS).
    Meaney, Tamsin
    Malmö högskola, Faculty of Education and Society (LS), Department of Nature, Environment and Society (NMS).
    Riesbeck, Eva
    Malmö högskola, Faculty of Education and Society (LS), Department of Nature, Environment and Society (NMS).
    Wernberg, Anna
    Malmö högskola, Faculty of Education and Society (LS), Department of Nature, Environment and Society (NMS).
    Swedish preschools, play and the learning of mathematics2012In: Evaluation and comparison of mathematical achievement: dimensions and perspectives: proceedings of MADIF;8, Svensk Förening för Matmematikdidaktisk Forskning , 2012, p. 141-150Conference paper (Other academic)
    Abstract [en]

    Recently, attention has been focussed on the mathematics learnt in preschools and how this contributes to children’s subsequent learning in schools. This paper explores the dilemma of trying to increase preschool children’s learning of mathematics, whilst allowing their play to guide that learning. In Sweden, the revised curriculum for preschools specifies more mathematics to be covered. Yet, like other countries, Sweden traditionally has seen preschools as places where learning arises from children’s play. We suggest two avenues for further research that would contribute information to increasing the likelihood of play supporting mathematics learning.

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