Sex as self-injury
In this work, I have taken an interest in "Sex as selfinjury" as a concept and what treatment is offered to those who fall within this target group. Initially, I have therefore gone through the literature on the subject of Sex as selfinjury. I then interviewed 10 therapists who work with clients in psychiatry. It turns out that the phenomenon sex as selfinjury, SASI, is not an obvious term. Some researchers believes that the phenomenon should be included under risk-taking, while other researchers believes that it is important to clearly group the way of selfinjury, in order to be able to support the individual. The new way of seeing the phenomenon can be seen as a new discourse. However, the study shows that the conceptual problem is not decisive for the patients in the study. The therapists objectively see that the patient is not feeling well and treat accordingly in the same way as other psychiatric problems. The difference is that there are no direct guidelines as there are for the most common psychiatric illnesses that have treatment recommendations, so-called standardized care processes.Using a constructivist approach, the discourse sex as selfinjury is explained. It is clear that SASI has gained such an impact that the therapists do not reflect on the concept and now carry out treatment accordingly. To explain the impact, the concept of "claimsmaker" is used. Claimsmaker in this case is a researcher who shaped and defined the social problem and asserts its right. Some of these claimsmakers who tried to establish SASI are mentioned in this work. These are researchers such as Fredlund (2019), Engvall (2008; 2011; 2013) and Jonsson & Lundström Mattsson (2012).The therapists describe their patients as someone who deliberately exposed themselves to danger with the intention of harming themselves. Patients have used SASI as a way to numb thoughts, relieve anxiety and escape reality but also as a way to create attention. It is also clear that this group does not differ significantly from those who injure themselves by other means. The motives seem to be the same, the unmanageable impulse that is created in a given situation becomes just as difficult to defend against. The stray thoughts and difficulty in thinking wisely and rationally are there as well as the anxiety and shame that sets in.In this master thesis, the treatment for the patient group is the same as for others with self-harm. This means, among other things, psychotherapy, where cognitive behavioral therapy, CBT, is the most common treatment method among the patients in this survey.The therapists believe that SASI cannot only be seen psychiatrically, but support around other parts of life is also necessary. Here, the biopsychosocial model is advocated where, among other things, medicine, body function and basic needs to be taken care of.