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  • 1.
    Alftberg, Åsa
    Malmö University, Faculty of Health and Society (HS), Department of Social Work (SA).
    En vanlig dag på jobbet: vardagsrasism på äldreboendet2022In: Polarisering och samexistens: Kulturella förändringar i vår tid / [ed] Zackariasson, Maria; Öhlander, Magnus; Pripp, Oscar, Borea , 2022, p. 253-268Chapter in book (Refereed)
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  • 2.
    Alftberg, Åsa
    et al.
    Malmö University, Faculty of Health and Society (HS), Department of Social Work (SA). Lund University.
    Bengtsen, Peter
    Lund University.
    The Sci-Fi Brain: Narratives in Neuroscience and Popular Culture2018In: Culture Unbound: Journal of Current Cultural Research, E-ISSN 2000-1525, Vol. 10, no 1, p. 11-30Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    The connection between neuroscience, popular media and lay perceptions of thebrain involves the framing of complex scientific processes and results throughfamiliar cultural narratives and metaphors. Such narratives are often built onthe premise that neuroscience, with the help of powerful new technologies,will finally solve the mysteries of brain and mind, consciousness and morality.At the same time, popular culture—especially the science fiction genre—tendsto focus on worst case scenarios of the implementation of technology. Thisarticle explores cultural narratives of what the brain is and how it functions intwo different contexts—among neuroscientists and within popular culture. Inparticular, narratives about technology and the malleable brain as well as thenotion of the mad scientist are studied. The article explores how these narrativesare presented and used in popular culture and how neuroscientists relate to thenarratives when describing their work. There is a contrast, but also a blurring ofboundaries, between actual research carried out and the fictional portrayals ofscientists constructing, or altering, fully functional brains. To some extent, thenarratives serve as a background for the public’s understanding of, and attitudetowards, neuroscience—something that must be taken into consideration whendealing with the therapeutic treatment of patients. The narratives of neurosciencein popular culture are to a certain degree shaped by actual scientific practices andfindings, but neuroscience is also influenced by laypeople’s perceptions, whichoften have their roots in the narratives of popular culture.

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  • 3.
    Alftberg, Åsa
    et al.
    Department of Arts and Cultural Sciences, Lund University, Sweden.
    Hansson, Kristofer
    Department of Arts and Cultural Sciences, Lund University, Sweden.
    Introduction: Self-care Translated into Practice2012In: Culture Unbound: Journal of Current Cultural Research, E-ISSN 2000-1525, Vol. 4, no 3, p. 415-424Article in journal (Other academic)
    Abstract [en]

    The overall expectation placed upon individuals to take responsibility for their own life, has in cultural studies been described in terms of neo-liberalism and defined as an internationally prevailing ideological paradigm (Dean 1999; Smart 2003; Gilbert 2008). In this thematic section of Culture Unbound there are many examples of how, if and when these ideas affect people’s everyday life. The discussions revolve around living with long-term sickness, the organization of healthcare, and questions concerning well-being. This is a special issue that analyses how cultural ideas about self-care and self-care management take practical form, looking for those social practices that are uncertain and ambiguous (Reckwitz 2002). In this introduction, we as theme-editors present the predominant themes that are discussed in more depth in the individual articles. In view of how personal strategies for living and life planning are open to continual revision and how those strategies increasingly emphasize the relationship between identity and the biological (Kaufman 2010), we seek to explore how this is translated into practice. Self-care and its technologies take place in everyday life, and will be examined using an ethnographic approach.

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  • 4.
    Alftberg, Åsa
    et al.
    Lund University.
    Hansson, KristoferLund University.
    Self-care Translated into Practice2012Collection (editor) (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    The overall expectation placed upon individuals to take responsibility for their own life, has in cultural studies been described in terms of neo-liberalism and defined as an internationally prevailing ideological paradigm. In this thematic section of Culture Unbound there are many examples of how, if and when these ideas affect people’s everyday life. The discussions revolve around living with long-term sickness, the organization of healthcare, and questions concerning well-being. This is a special issue that analyses how cultural ideas about self-care and self-care management take practical form, looking for those social practices that are uncertain and ambiguous. In this introduction, we as theme-editors present the predominant themes that are discussed in more depth in the individual articles. In view of how personal strategies for living and life planning are open to continual revision and how those strategies increasingly emphasize the relationship between identity and the biological, we seek to explore how this is translated into practice. Self-care and its technologies take place in everyday life, and will be examined using an ethnographic approach.

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  • 5.
    Alftberg, Åsa
    et al.
    Malmö University, Faculty of Health and Society (HS), Department of Social Work (SA).
    Hansson, Kristofer
    Malmö University, Faculty of Health and Society (HS), Department of Social Work (SA).
    Idvall, Markus
    Stockholm Univ, Ethnol, Dept Ethnol Hist Relig & Gender Studies, SE-10691 Stockholm, Sweden.
    "Just a Bunch of Cells": The Affordance of Neurons in Neuroscientific Reasoning2020In: Ethnologia Scandinavica, ISSN 0348-9698, Vol. 50, p. 221-234Article in journal (Refereed)
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  • 6.
    Andersson, Torbjörn
    Malmö högskola, School of Teacher Education (LUT), Sport Sciences (IDV).
    Avhandling om pojkfotboll2003In: Idrott, historia & samhälle, ISSN 0280-2775, no SVIF-nytt, p. 133-136Article, book review (Other academic)
    Abstract [sv]

    Recension av Jesper Fundbergs avhandling: Kom igen, gubbar! Om pojkfotboll och maskuliniteter, 2003 (ISBN: 91-7203-513-7)

  • 7.
    Arvidson, Mats
    et al.
    Lunds universitet.
    Geisler, Ursula
    Lunds universitet.
    Hansson, Kristofer
    Lunds universitet.
    Inledning: Kulturvetenskapliga perspektiv på kris2013In: Kris och kultur: Kulturvetenskapliga perspektiv på kunskap, estetik och historia / [ed] Mats Arvidson; Ursula Geisler; Kristofer Hansson, Lund: Universus Press, 2013, p. 9-27Chapter in book (Other academic)
    Abstract [sv]

    De ämnen som är representerade i antologin har ingått i en kulturvetenskaplig forskarmiljö. Ämnena är museologi, idé- och lärdomshistoria, musik vetenskap, etnologi, biblioteks- och informationsvetenskap, kulturarbete och intermedialitet samt konsthistoria och visuella studier. Denna mångfald av ämnen föranleder frågan om det finns något specifikt kulturvetenskapligt som förenar dem. Och mer precist hur kulturvetenskaperna har närmat sig studiet av kris. I detta inledande kapitel diskuterar vi hur de olika författarna har närmat sig sina studieobjekt. En central utgångspunkt är att det finns ett kulturvetenskapligt perspektiv för hur olika krisfenomen kan studeras, och att antologin med sin mångfald av ämnen står som representant för ett sådant perspektiv. Naturligtvis finns det många angränsande relationer till andra ämnesdiscipliners studier av kris än de representerade i antologin. Dessa angränsande relationer kommer vi att diskutera framöver. Men först något om det kulturvetenskapliga perspektivet.

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  • 8.
    Arvidson, Mats
    et al.
    Lunds universitet.
    Geisler, UrsulaLunds universitet.Hansson, KristoferLunds universitet.
    Kris och kultur: Kulturvetenskapliga perspektiv på kunskap, estetik och historia2013Collection (editor) (Refereed)
    Abstract [sv]

    Dagligen nås vi av nyheter om olika kriser: ekonomiska kriser, långdragna konflikter, länder som hamnat i förhandlingskriser, kändisar som intervjuas om sina senaste kriser mitt i livet, politiska ledare som handlat tvivelaktigt och försatt sitt parti eller sitt land i kris. Det kan upplevas som om vi idag befinner oss mitt i krisernas tid. Det korta 1900-talet vittnar också om krisernas ständiga närvaro. Men i själva verkat är krisen varken något unikt för vår egen samtid eller för 1900-talet. I denna antologi synliggör ett antal forskare och doktorander krisen som begrepp och hur kriser tar plats i olika sammanhang. Bokens författare presenterar också perspektiv på hur kris används inom den egna forskningen, som ett sätt att benämna fenomen och möjliggöra dramatisering, kritik och förståelse. Kris är inte bara ett fenomen att studera, utan också en metod för undersökning.

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  • 9.
    Bengtsen, Peter
    et al.
    Department of Arts and Cultural Sciences, Lund University, Sweden.
    Hansson, Kristofer
    Department of Arts and Cultural Sciences, Lund University, Sweden.
    The Unbound Brain: A Thematic Introduction2018In: Culture Unbound: Journal of Current Cultural Research, E-ISSN 2000-1525, Vol. 10, no 1, p. 4-10Article in journal (Other academic)
    Abstract [en]

    The brain has long been an object of curiosity and fascination. Partly as a result of technological advances, issues related to the brain have become ubiquitous points of discussion in our culture. Along with neurological disease and neuroscience, it is frequently featured in Hollywood block buster movies, self-help books, popular science documentaries and fictional TV-series. Once cast as grey and stable matter, the brain is now commonly represented as a glowing and colourful entity through the use of new imaging technologies. Further, it is often likened to a complex and adaptable machine that can be enhanced continuously through dedication and deliberate effort. In this special issue of Culture Unbound, scholars from a number of disciplines within the humanities and social sciences address the pervasiveness and influence of neuroscience and representations of the brain in everyday contexts. A common thread in the articles is the idea that knowledge and narratives about, and visualisations of, the brain change practices and processes in daily life. In addition, the articles, in different ways, explore the brain as something that is perceived and portrayed as constantly transforming; an unbound brain.

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  • 10.
    Bernhardsson, Katarina
    et al.
    Lunds universitet.
    Hansson, Kristofer
    Lund university.
    Tema:: Tio fallstudier i medicinsk humaniora2016In: Socialmedicinsk Tidskrift, ISSN 0037-833X, E-ISSN 2000-4192, Vol. 93, no 3, p. 229-233Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [sv]

    Medical Humanities har varit ett etablerat begrepp i den engelsktalande forskarvärlden sedan mer än ett decennium. Inom forskningsfältet har tidskrifter och centrumbildningar skapats och introducerande böcker getts ut. Under sitt engelska namn eller försvenskad till medicinsk humaniorahar området också börjat göra insteg i Sverige, och har på olika sätt etablerats på flera lärosäten i landet. Fältet har under de senaste åren introducerats och diskuterats i ett antal skrifter, och alla landets läkarutbildningar har någon form av humanistiskt inslag i sin kursgivning. Samtidigt som mycket hänt under de senaste åren är humanistisk forskning inom fältet medicin, hälsa och vård inte på något sätt nytt i Sverige, utan i flera ämnen finns en lång forskningstradition med väl utarbetade teorier, metoder och frågeställningar. Medicinsk humaniora kan alltså ses som både något nytt och något ganska väletablerat. Vi menar dock att något är på väg att hända när fältet nu formerar sig på ett aktivt sätt med fler ämnen inblandade och när det går i en tydligare mångdisciplinär, och kanske också tvärdisciplinär, riktning. Med detta temanummer om medicinsk humaniora önskar vi synliggöra fältet och betona bredden av de ämnen som kan bidra inom det. Därför har vi i det här numret av Socialmedicinsk tidskrift samlat ett antal yngre forskare som på något sätt är eller har varit knutna till Lunds universitet.

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  • 11.
    Bernhardsson, Katarina
    et al.
    Lunds universitet.
    Hansson, KristoferLunds universitet.
    Tio fallstudier i medicinsk humaniora2016In: Socialmedicinsk Tidskrift, ISSN 0037-833X, E-ISSN 2000-4192, , p. 110Collection (editor) (Refereed)
    Abstract [sv]

    Medical Humanities har varit ett etablerat begrepp i den engelsktalande forskarvärlden sedan mer än ett decennium. Inom forskningsfältet har tidskrifter och centrumbildningar skapats och introducerande böcker getts ut. Under sitt engelska namn eller försvenskad till medicinsk humaniora har området också börjat göra insteg i Sverige, och har på olika sätt etablerats på flera lärosäten i landet. Fältet har under de senaste åren introducerats och diskuterats i ett antal skrifter, och alla landets läkarutbildningar har någon form av humanistiskt inslag i sin kursgivning. Samtidigt som mycket hänt under de senaste åren är humanistisk forskning inom fältet medicin, hälsa och vård inte på något sätt nytt i Sverige, utan i flera ämnen finns en lång forskningstradition med väl utarbetade teorier, metoder och frågeställningar. Medicinsk humaniora kan alltså ses som både något nytt och något ganska väletablerat. Vi menar dock att något är på väg att hända när fältet nu formerar sig på ett aktivt sätt med fler ämnen inblandade och när det går i en tydligare mångdisciplinär, och kanske också tvärdisciplinär, riktning. Med detta temanummer om medicinsk humaniora önskar vi synliggöra fältet och betona bredden av de ämnen som kan bidra inom det.

  • 12.
    Brenthel, Adam
    et al.
    Lund university.
    Hansson, Kristofer
    Lund university.
    Waiting for a Cure: Cultural Perspectives on AIDS in the 1980s2019In: A Visual History of HIV/AIDS: Exploring The Face of AIDS film archive / [ed] Elisabet Björklund, Mariah Larsson, Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge, 2019, p. 123-134Chapter in book (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    The aim of this chapter is to study waiting as a cultural practice in the medical context at the end of the 1980s, with the help of a number of unedited documentary sequences that journalist Staffan Hildebrand shot in 1988 together with cameraman Christer Strandell. How is waiting framed in Hildebrand’s filming? How is it visually expressed and how do Hildebrand and the persons he talks to incarnate it in speech and bodily expressions? Waiting becomes central in the documentary sequences. The doctors reflect upon waiting in relation to the questions asked by Hildebrand. In 1988, people are waiting for any new drug that will give life back to the young people that have AIDS. People also fear that this emerging infectious disease could spread and escalate. But, above all, people are waiting for death, all the young men in cities like Paris, New York, and Stockholm, who are carrying the deadly disease, and this burden is reflected by the doctors in the sequences.

  • 13. Brounéus, Fredrik
    et al.
    Glasdam, Stinne
    Hansson, Kristofer
    Malmö University, Faculty of Health and Society (HS), Department of Social Work (SA).
    Irwin, Rachel
    Lenander, Cecilia
    Loodin, Henrik
    Nordgren, Lars
    Nyberg Alamaa, Linda
    Tunlid, Anna
    Wemrell, Maria
    Wrigstad, Jonas
    ”Vi måste förbereda oss för att antibiotika slutar fungera”2021In: Dagens Nyheter, no 2021-02-16Article in journal (Other (popular science, discussion, etc.))
  • 14. Brounéus, Fredrik
    et al.
    Glasdam, Stinne
    Hansson, Kristofer
    Malmö University, Faculty of Health and Society (HS), Department of Social Work (SA).
    Irwin, Rachel
    Lenander, Cecilia
    Loodin, Henrik
    Nordgren, Lars
    Tunlid, Anna
    Wemrell, Maria
    Wrigstad, Jonas
    DN Debatt Repliker: ”Nej, vårt inlägg handlade inte om att ge upp kampen mot antibiotika”2021In: Dagens Nyheter, no 2021-02-24Article in journal (Other (popular science, discussion, etc.))
  • 15.
    Cory, Erin
    et al.
    Malmö University, Faculty of Culture and Society (KS), School of Arts and Communication (K3).
    Domiano, Michaela
    Bowling Green State University, USA.
    Foroughanfar, Laleh
    Malmö University, Faculty of Culture and Society (KS), Department of Urban Studies (US).
    McLaughlin, Conor
    San Diego State University, USA.
    Pruulmann-Vengerfeldt, Pille
    Malmö University, Faculty of Culture and Society (KS), School of Arts and Communication (K3).
    Writing the Borderlands of Desire and Distance: A Workshop in Love Letters asResearch Method2024In: PARSE Journal, E-ISSN 2002-0953, no 19Article in journal (Other academic)
    Abstract [en]

    This article explores the intricate dance between desire and distance in ethnographic research and creativepractice, advocating for the inclusion of love letters as a methodological tool for critically articulatingindividual and collective desires. Grounded in the authors’ experiences at a workshop held during the 2023PARSE conference, the text delves into the genealogy of desire in research, situating love letters within aframework of intimacy and vulnerability. Drawing on diverse academic backgrounds, the authors reflect onthe intersections of personal and professional realms, emphasizing the ethical imperative of acknowledgingresearchers’ subjective experiences. Through a deep dive into the workshop’s planning process and itsenactment, the article elucidates the transformative potential of love letters as a means of fosteringconnection and understanding within academic and creative communities. This article invites readers toreconsider traditional research methodologies and embrace the tender work of love letter writing in theirown practice.

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  • 16.
    Damsholt, Tine
    et al.
    Københavns Universitet, Denmark.
    Salomonsson, KarinLund University.Schollert Hvalsum, LauraKøbenhavns Universitet, Denmark.Wiszmeg, AndréaLund University.
    Kulturdreven innovation : Nye metoder, nye muligheder2011Collection (editor) (Other academic)
  • 17.
    Edman, Kristina
    et al.
    Malmö University, Faculty of Health and Society (HS), Department of Social Work (SA).
    Hansson, Kristofer
    Malmö University, Faculty of Health and Society (HS), Department of Social Work (SA).
    Nilsson, Gabriella
    Institutionen för kulturvetenskaper, Lunds universitet.
    Hur kuratorn balanserar känslor och byråkrati: blanketters betydelse i vårdmötet2022In: Socialmedicinsk Tidskrift, ISSN 0037-833X, E-ISSN 2000-4192, Vol. 99, no 1, p. 99-107Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    The article focuses on the work of clinical social workers who, on the one hand, respond to the emotions that children and families experience after the child is diagnosed with the chronic disease diabetes, on the other hand, deal with various bureaucratic processes aimed at ensuring that the child’s medical needs are met in the family’s new life. The work is directed towards two different worlds that are interdependent, yet bringing them together fre­quently necessitates a balancing act. The purpose is to examine how the social worker deal with these two worlds in the encounter with the child and the family. A result is the document’s role when the social worker translates the family’s new everyday life into a language that can generate assistance or allowance from the state.

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  • 18.
    Egard, Hanna
    et al.
    Malmö University, Faculty of Health and Society (HS), Department of Social Work (SA).
    Hansson, Kristofer
    Malmö University, Faculty of Health and Society (HS), Department of Social Work (SA).
    Strandsatt och förbisedd – men envis: Erfarenheter av att resa kollektivt med funktionsnedsättning2020In: Kollektiva resor: Utmaningar för socialt hållbar tillgänglighet / [ed] Malin Henriksson & Christina Lindkvist, Lund: Arkiv förlag & tidskrift, 2020, p. 107-120Chapter in book (Refereed)
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  • 19.
    Egard, Hanna
    et al.
    Malmö University, Faculty of Health and Society (HS), Department of Social Work (SA).
    Hansson, KristoferMalmö University, Faculty of Health and Society (HS), Department of Social Work (SA).Wästerfors, DavidLunds universitet.
    Accessibility Denied: Understanding Inaccessibility and Everyday Resistance to Inclusion for Persons with Disabilities2022Collection (editor) (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    This book explores the societal resistance to accessibility for persons with disabilities, and tries to set an example of how to study exclusion in a time when numerous policies promise inclusion. With 12 chapters organised in three parts, the book takes a comprehensive approach to accessibility, covering transport and communication, knowledge and education, law and organisation. Topics within a wide cross-disciplinary field are covered, including disability studies, social work, sociology, ethnology, social anthropology, and history. The main example is Sweden, with its implementation of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities within the context of the Nordic welfare state. By identifying and discussing persistent social and cultural conditions as well as recurring situations and interactions that nurture resistance to advancing accessibility, despite various strong laws promoting it, the book’s conclusions are widely transferable. It argues for the value of alternating between methods, theoretical perspectives, and datasets to explore how new arenas, resources and technologies cause new accessibility concerns — and possibilities — for persons living with impairments. We need to be able to follow actors closely to uncover how they feel, act, and argue, but also to connect to wider discursive and institutional patterns and systems. This book will be of interest to scholars and students of disability studies, social work, sociology, ethnology, social anthropology, political science, and organisation studies.

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  • 20.
    Egard, Hanna
    et al.
    Malmö University, Faculty of Health and Society (HS), Department of Social Work (SA).
    Hansson, Kristofer
    Malmö University, Faculty of Health and Society (HS), Department of Social Work (SA).
    Wästerfors, David
    Lund University.
    Introduction: Into the fields of stubborn obstacles and lingering exclusion2022In: Accessibility Denied: Understanding Inaccessibility and Everyday Resistance to Inclusion for Persons with Disabilities / [ed] Hanna Egard, Kristofer Hansson, David Wästerfors, Oxon & New York: Routledge, 2022, p. 1-10Chapter in book (Other academic)
    Abstract [en]

    Accessibility today has a contradictory character. One the one hand, people with disabilities are welcomed and included, with ambitious promises in policies and declarations. On the other hand, they are still excluded in everyday practices. This volume explores this contradiction in three areas: city and transport, knowledge and education, and law, institutions and history. Sweden is the primary case, but the ambition is wider. The compilation includes studies rooted in disability studies, social work and sociology, as well as ethnology, cultural geography and gender studies, political science and law, architecture, history, anthropology and linguistics. It involves a range of theories and methods, from participant observation to historical analyses using archival data, from critical disability theory to ethnomethodology. Since resistance to accessibility today takes various forms, and transforms as society itself changes, we need to equip ourselves with a corresponding plurality and dexterity. Researchers have to be on the move, like the United Nations itself, whose 2006 Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities looks complete but requires constant monitoring to get nation-states to actualise its intentions. To study accessibility is to study exclusion and its constant drama, and in a democratic society this is highly relevant.

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  • 21.
    Fioretos, Ingrid
    et al.
    Lunds universitet.
    Hansson, Kristofer
    Lunds universitet.
    Nilsson, Gabriella
    Lunds universitet.
    Vårdmöten: Kulturanalytiska perspektiv på möten inom vården2013Book (Other academic)
    Abstract [sv]

    Vårdmötet är inte bara ett möte mellan vårdpersonal och patient. Det är en komplex process där kulturella aspekter, individuella erfarenheter, strukturella förutsättningar och historiska förlopp möts. Den som arbetar inom våren möter tusentals patienter under sitt yrkesliv och många gånger kan mötet ge känslor av förundran, frustration eller till och med irritation. Varför fungerar inte kommunikationen med patienten? I den här boken placerar vi in vårdmötet i en kulturanalytisk förklaringsmodell för att ge svar och verktyg till hur problem kan lösas. I boken utgår vi från empiriska exempel från etnologisk forskning för att diskutera de kulturanalytiska aspekterna av vårdmötet.

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  • 22.
    Friberg, Torbjörn
    Malmö University, Faculty of Health and Society (HS), Department of Social Work (SA).
    Exploring tensionless ethnography2021In: Ethnography, ISSN 1466-1381, E-ISSN 1741-2714, Vol. 22, no 2, p. 207-225Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    The article attempts to elucidate tensionless ethnography against the backdrop of three contemporary processes: STS ethnography, innovation policies, and the Mode 2 society. An ethnographic approach was utilized to generate the initial problem of the ‘tensionless’, which is continuously resolved by close readings of research literature and documents on innovation policies. Tensionless ethnography is described as a method in which the conceptual objects and attitude are conceived as similar among the ethnographer and the Others. As the academic world of ethnography becomes an assimilated part of the world of policy and industry, it could be argued that we are about to lose a self-reflexive qualitative approach. Therefore, it seems urgent to re-establish an ethnographic world in which we can exercise critical inquires in innovation policy.

  • 23.
    Fundberg, Jesper
    Malmö University, Faculty of Education and Society (LS), Department of Sport Sciences (IDV).
    Dubbla björngrepp och tjejkast: Att som etnolog integrera teori och praktik2019In: Eftertankar: sex etnologer korsar sina spår, Stockholm: Vulkan förlag , 2019, p. 92-11Chapter in book (Other academic)
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  • 24.
    Fundberg, Jesper
    Malmö University, Faculty of Education and Society (LS), Department of Sport Sciences (IDV).
    Strukturell rasism och svensk polis2022In: Polarisering och samexistens: kulturella förväntningar i vår tid / [ed] Zachariasson, Maria; Öhlander, Magnus och Pripp, Oscar, Boréa Bokförla , 2022, p. 227-251Chapter in book (Other academic)
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  • 25.
    Griessler, Erich
    et al.
    Institute for Advanced Studies, Vienna, Austria.
    Beynon-Jones, Siân
    Science and Technology Studies Unit, University of York,York, UK.
    Biegelbauer, Peter
    Institute for Advanced Studies, Vienna, Austria.
    Brierley, Meaghan
    Department of Communication and Culture, University of Calgary, Calgary, AB, Canada.
    Brown, Nik
    Science and Technology Studies Unit, University of York,York, UK.
    Einsiedel, Enda
    Department of Communication and Culture, University of Calgary, Calgary, AB, Canada.
    Hansen, Janus
    Department of Businessand Politics, Copenhagen Business School, Copenhagen, Denmark.
    Hansson, Kristofer
    Department of Arts and Cultural Sciences, University of Lund, Lund, Sweden.
    Jones, Mavis
    Department of Communication and Culture, University of Calgary, Calgary, AB, Canada.
    Kaleja, Ekatarina
    Centre for Bioethics and Biosafety, University of Latvia, Riga, Latvia.
    Loeber, Anne
    Department of Political Science, University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam,The Netherlands.
    Lundin, Susanne
    Department of Arts and Cultural Sciences, University of Lund, Lund, Sweden.
    Pichelstorfer, Anna
    Institute for Advanced Studies, Vienna, Austria.
    Putnina, Aivita
    Centre for Bioethics and Biosafety, University of Latvia, Riga, Latvia.
    Versteeg, Wytske
    Department of Political Science, University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam,The Netherlands.
    Xenotransplantation as policy problem: Comparing public debate and policies in an international perspective2012In: Xenotransplantation, ISSN 0908-665X, E-ISSN 1399-3089, Vol. 19, no 1, p. 15-15Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    Xenotransplantation research had a hype in the late 1990s and early 2000s and was by then considered a therapeutic option with huge financial potential which was to become clinical standard practice in the near future. Driven by these economic hopes and by the expectation that xenotransplantation might alleviate the so-called organ shortage, governmental actors in different countries but also international organizations (WHO, OECD, Council of Europe) and EU institutions started to think about the implications of xenotransplantation and how to regulate this potential new technology.

    Xenotransplantation, however, for several reasons was not an uncontroversial technology. In the aftermath of food crises, the GMO conflict and blood scandals connected to HIV and hepatitis, xenotransplantation not only raised serious risk problems – connected to xenozoonosis – there were also basic human rights and animal welfare at stake. These were hotly discussed not only within science but also by different NGOs.

    In this situation many countries and international organizations carried out Technology Assessment (TA) and participatory Technology Assessment (pTA) procedures which should inform policy-makers about what to do.

    In my presentation I will compare attempts of TA and pTA on xenotransplantation in different countries and international organization (Austria, Canada, Denmark, Latvia, Netherlands, Sweden, UK, Switzerland OECD, and the European Commission). The paper addresses the following questions: How was xenotransplantation framed as a topic in these countries and institutions? In which settings of TA and pTA was xenotransplantation discussed? Who was included and excluded in policy making? In what way? What was the impact of TA and PTA on policy-making? What can we learn from these examples for negotiating techno-scientific futures in complex societies?

    The paper draws on an international comparative research project about the impact of citizen participation in knowledge-intensive policy fields (CIT-PART) financed by the European Commission within the 7th Framework Programme (Project Number: SSH-CT-2008-225327). For this research, document analysis of literature and media reports has been carried out. One main source, however, were interviews with people involved in pTA and TA either as participants, researchers, civil servants, politicians, stakeholders and practitioners of TA and pTA. For preliminary results see

  • 26.
    Hansson, Helena
    et al.
    Lunds universitet.
    Hansson, Kristofer
    Lunds universitet.
    Värde och etik i vården: ett ledningsperspektiv2019In: Health Management: Vinst, värde, kvalitet i hälso- och sjukvård / [ed] Lars Nordgren & Kristofer Hansson, Stockholm: Sanoma Utbildning , 2019, p. 83-101Chapter in book (Other academic)
  • 27.
    Hansson, Kristofer
    Lund University.
    A different kind of engagement : P.C. Jersild´s novel A Living Soul2017In: Interpreting the brain in society: Cultural reflections on neuroscientific practices / [ed] Kristofer Hansso; Markus Idvall, Lund: Arkiv Förlag , 2017, p. 17-28Chapter in book (Other academic)
    Abstract [en]

    Society today seems obsessed with the human brain. It has become a crucial component in our culture, for people’s attitudes to themselves and others, and for how they should plan their lives. Modern neuroscience has a great impact on society, not only on medical treatments but also on existential questions such as how human consciousness can be defined, where feelings arise, when life ends and death occurs.

    Such cultural and existential questions are addressed in this anthology. Its authors suggest perspectives and concepts to understand neuroscience, and critically scrutinize its various manifestations in society. Interpreting the brain in society. Cultural reflections on neuroscientific practices is written by scholars from art history, visual studies, and ethnology involved in a research collaboration with medical and natural scientists doing basic research on Parkinson’s disease and Huntington’s disease. There is also an afterword by one of these neuroscientists.

  • 28.
    Hansson, Kristofer
    Malmö University, Faculty of Health and Society (HS), Department of Social Work (SA).
    A Man in Crisis or Crisis of Men?: Masculinity and Societal Challenge in the 1970s in Sweden2020In: Culture Unbound: Journal of Current Cultural Research, E-ISSN 2000-1525, Vol. 12, no 3, p. 550-568Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    ‘Individual crisis’, as a psychological term, was introduced in a Swedish context in the late 1960s. In this article, ‘individual crisis’ is analysed as a concept in order to understand how masculinity and emotion came to matter in Sweden in the 1970s—not least to bring about gender equality in Swedish welfare society. With ‘individual crisis’ as the empirical starting point for pinpointing the way men were to create a new identity and how new psychological knowledge circulated in society, it is possible to analyse which masculinity ideals and norms existed at the time. The focus of this article is on self-help and debate books that drove the discussion in the 1970s.

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  • 29.
    Hansson, Kristofer
    Malmö University, Faculty of Health and Society (HS), Department of Social Work (SA).
    A number in circulation: HbA1c as standardized knowledge in diabetes care2020In: Movement of knowledge: Medical humanities perspectives on medicine, science, and experience / [ed] Kristofer Hansson & Rachel Irwin, Lund: Nordic Academic Press , 2020, p. 177-203Chapter in book (Refereed)
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  • 30.
    Hansson, Kristofer
    Lunds universitet.
    Agneta Kanold: Vårdens ordningar. Tvångsvård av normöverträdare med bristande begåvning. Pedagogiska institutionen, Stockholms universitet 2004. 274 s., ill. English summary. ISBN 91-7265-777-4.2005In: RIG: Kulturhistorisk tidskrift, ISSN 0035-5267, E-ISSN 2002-3863, Vol. 88, no 1, p. 33-35Article, book review (Other academic)
    Abstract [sv]

    Vårdens ordningar. Tvångsvård av normöverträdare med bristande begåvning är en aktuell avhandling skriven av pedagogen Agneta Kanold. Under de senaste åren har det diskuterats flitigt hur samhället skall vårda personer med psykisk sjukdom eller utvecklingsstörning, som på ett eller annat sätt begått brott. Debatten är infekterad och det har givits en tämligen polariserad bild av både vårdens roll och de människor som är tänkta för denna vård. Kanold har riktat sitt intresse mot de människor med bristande begåvning som har begått någon form av brott eller normöverträdelse och därefter blivit tvångsvårdade. Avhandlingen sätter fokus på de konstruktionsprocesser som definierar vad en normöverträdelse är och vilka konsekvenser detta får för vårdgivare respektive vårdtagare.

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  • 31.
    Hansson, Kristofer
    Lunds universitet.
    Analysis of a Childfree Life: Tove Ingebjørg Fjell, Å si nei til meningen med livet? En kulturvitenskapelig analyse av barnfrihet. Tapir Akademisk Forlag, Trondheim 2008. 110 pp. Ill. ISBN 978-82-519-2352-1.2010In: Ethnologia Scandinavica, ISSN 0348-9698, Vol. 40, p. 151-152Article, book review (Other academic)
    Abstract [en]

    In the preface to the book “Saying No to the Meaning of Life? A Culture Analysis of Childfree Life”, Tove Ingebjørg Fjell points out why she became interested in studying women who had decided not to become mothers. In her previous work she had studied reproduction and interviewed women who were involuntarily childless. Many of them told her that they did not understand why other women could choose not to have children of their own. This made Fjell interested in women who had decided not to have children. In her new book she has now focused on the childfree life in general and, more specifically, Norwegian women’s experience of choosing a childfree life. This very interesting topic can say something about contemporary views of both heteronormativity and the cultural meaning of having children.

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  • 32.
    Hansson, Kristofer
    Lunds universitet.
    Att dölja det märkbara: Unga killars kamouflering av sin astma2005In: Barnbladet : Riksföreningen för Barnsjuksköterskors tidskrift, ISSN 0349-1994, Vol. 30, no 2, p. 20-21Article in journal (Other academic)
    Abstract [sv]

    En utgångspunkt för att förstå hur unga killar med astma förhåller sig till sin långvariga sjukdom är att studera de kulturella föreställningar som finns kring den maskulina kroppen. En av många föreställningar är den maskulina kroppen som en effektiv, regelbunden och förutsägbar maskin. Unga killar intar ibland olika strategier för att dölja att de upplever att deras kroppar är motsatsen till denna föreställning. Genom begreppet kamoufleringskultur kan dessa strategier tydliggöras och unga killars förhållningssätt till astman tydliggöras.

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  • 33.
    Hansson, Kristofer
    Malmö University, Faculty of Health and Society (HS), Department of Social Work (SA).
    Att ge stöd vid sorg: Recenserad bok: Möta den som sörjer: flera perspektiv på sorg efter dödsfall2022In: Socialmedicinsk Tidskrift, ISSN 0037-833X, E-ISSN 2000-4192, Vol. 99, no 1, p. 111-113Article, book review (Other academic)
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  • 34.
    Hansson, Kristofer
    Malmö University, Faculty of Health and Society (HS), Department of Social Work (SA).
    Att hålla ihop det sociala arbetet: Hur covid-19-pandemin påverkade tre olika civilsamhällesorganisationer2021In: Socialvetenskaplig tidskrift, ISSN 1104-1420, E-ISSN 2003-5624, Vol. 28, no 4, p. 499-516Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    When the Covid-19 pandemic reached Sweden, civil society organizations and their activities were affected to varying degrees, as was the rest of society. This article examines how three different civil society organizations – the Church’s deacons, women’s shelters and organizations that support the homeless – were affected by the pandemic. The purpose is to describe and investigate what so-called alignment work was carried out in three different spheres of civil society during the pandemic. This study has followed fourteen different civil society organizations from March 2020 that are active in various places in southern Sweden. This has been done through short telephone interviews. The term alignment work analyses the work of the civil society representatives to continue and maintain social work despite heavy restrictions. In other words, a form of harmonization between, on the one hand, the guidelines and risks created by the pandemic, and, on the other hand, the continued social need for help, support and care.

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  • 35.
    Hansson, Kristofer
    Lund university.
    Att oroa sig för antibiotikaresistens: Kulturella föreställningar kring ett läkemedel2019In: Socialmedicinsk Tidskrift, ISSN 0037-833X, E-ISSN 2000-4192, Vol. 96, no 6, p. 851-858Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    Today, bacteria’s growing resistance to our most common antibiotics is arising threat to both individual health and global public health. This is somethingthat is described as a scare scenario in investigations and the media.But how does the threat affect people’s relation too antibiotic? In thisstudy, 102 questionnaire responses are analyzed and how these containnarratives about people’s concerns that the antibiotic should not be effectivein the future. In the stories there are also cultural conceptions that point out”The Other” as responsible for the development, these can be doctors whoprescribe too many prescriptions, parents who demand antibiotics for theirchildren or other countries that sell antibiotics without prescriptions. The materialalso shows that women more often describe this threat as a concernfor the future than men do.

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  • 36.
    Hansson, Kristofer
    Lunds universitet.
    Att studera sjukdomskulturer2014In: Socialmedicinsk Tidskrift, ISSN 0037-833X, E-ISSN 2000-4192, Vol. 91, no 3, p. 314-316Article, book review (Other academic)
    Abstract [sv]

    Jag vill till och med hävda att den humanistiska hälsoforskningens huvuduppgift, en av dem i alla fall, är att synliggöra, problematisera och nyansera samtidens och historiens ständigt skiftande sjukdomskulturer. En som genomför detta perspektiv på ett mycket tilltalande sätt är idéhistorikern Maria Björk när hon i sin avhandling Problemet utan namn? Neuroser, stress och kön i Sverige från 1950 till 1980 analyserar talet om neuroser och stress i en tid när den svenska välfärdsstaten byggdes upp. I denna studie hämtas begreppet sjukdomskulturer från historikern Roy Por¬ter och blir i avhandlingen ett teoretiskt begrepp för att studera ”ett samhälles transfereringssystem för hur sjukdomskänsla uttrycks och tolkas” (s. 18). 

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  • 37.
    Hansson, Kristofer
    Lunds universitet.
    Att ta ett andetag2019In: Sånt vi bara gör / [ed] Jenny Nilsson; Susanne Nylund Skog; Fredrik Skott, Stockholm: Carlsson Bokförlag, 2019, p. 264-266Chapter in book (Refereed)
  • 38.
    Hansson, Kristofer
    Lunds universitet.
    Att utveckla digitala föremål för vården2017In: Health Management: Att göra hälso- och sjukvård mer tillgänglig / [ed] Lars Nordgren, Stockholm: Sanoma Utbildning , 2017, p. 189-206Chapter in book (Other academic)
    Abstract [sv]

    Boken beskriver hur hälso- och sjukvård kan göras ännu mer tillgänglig för vårdsökande och patienter. Utifrån olika teoretiska perspektiv och fall presenterar författarna vägar och hinder för vårdsökande. För att uppnå ökad tillgänglighet krävs det koordinering av resurser och tjänster, en ökad digitalisering av hälsotjänster, lagreglering av tillgänglighet samt implementering av nya sätt att organisera vården och att möta vårdsökande. Allt med en syn på verksamheten som en service. Författare: Health management - att göra hälso- och sjukvård mer tillgänglig är skriven av sju forskare vid institutionerna för service management och tjänstevetenskap och kulturvetenskaper vid Lunds universitet. De är verksamma inom etnologi, företagsekonomi, juridik, logistik, sociologi och tjänstevetenskap. Boken vänder sig till studenter främst inom health management, service management, medicin, vård, omsorg, hälsovetenskap, etnologi och logistik. Praktiker inom vården liksom politiker och patientföreningar kan också använda boken för internutbildning, studiecirklar och i utvecklingsarbete.

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  • 39.
    Hansson, Kristofer
    Lunds universitet.
    Att väga varje ord på guldvåg: Att handleda studenter i deras uppsatsskrivande2014In: Högskolepedagogisk reflektion och praktik: Proceedings från humanistiska och teologiska fakulteternas pedagogiska inspirationskonferens 2012 / [ed] Maurits, Alexander; Mårtensson, Katarina, Lund: Lunds universitet,Humanistiska och teologiska fakulteterna , 2014, p. 97-107Conference paper (Refereed)
    Abstract [sv]

    Inom många humanistiska ämnen är det i skrivandet av den första egna uppsatsen som studenten på allvar får ge sig i kast med att genomföra en självständig analys. det blir i orden, meningarna och styckena som undersökningen växer fram och tar form. Det blir också i relation till denna textmassa som handledningen kan bli mer handgriplig. Där kan en dialog mellan student och handledare – den ämneskunnige – utgå från vad orden och meningarna betyder, men också hur studenten kan utveckla sina egna perspektiv. Dialogen kan ta sin utgångspunkt i många olika perspektiv på texten; hur teorier presenteras, hur uppsatsens olika delar disponeras, hur frågor används retoriskt och så vidare. I denna artikel ska jag presentera och diskutera ett pedagogiskt moment där utgångspunkten är ett specifikt handledningstillfälle där studenten och handledaren diskuterar uppsatsens minsta beståndsdelar: de enskilda orden och meningarna.

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  • 40.
    Hansson, Kristofer
    Malmö University, Faculty of Health and Society (HS), Department of Social Work (SA).
    Bakterier och nationalistiska idéer i ett post-antibiotiskt samhälle2022In: Polarisering och samexistens: kulturell förändring i vår tid / [ed] Zackariasson, Maria; Öhlander, Magnus; Pripp, Oscar, Umeå: Borea , 2022, p. 375-397Chapter in book (Refereed)
    Abstract [sv]

    Vi lever i en tid där både bakterier och virus förändras i snabb takt och därmed också förändrar världen så som vi känner den. Under våren 2020 spreds coronaviruset hastigt och världen fick anpassa sig till en pandemi. Inte lika synligt, men likväl sakteligt föränderligt, ökar de antibiotikaresistenta bakterierna runt om i världen och ställer framför allt hälso- och sjukvården inför nya utmaningar. Detta kapitel tar sitt avstamp i att kulturanalytiskt förstå och analysera hur dessa olika utvecklingar hänger ihop och vad framför allt resistenta bakterier kan säga om nationalistiska och immigrantfientliga idéer. 

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  • 41.
    Hansson, Kristofer
    Lund university.
    Biopop: Biovetenskapens popularisering i medierna2005In: ETN. Etnologisk skriftserie, ISSN 1653-1361, no 1, p. 107-117Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [sv]

    Institutioner som bedriver forskningsverksamhet, finansiärer till forskning och forskare har ett intresse i att deras forskning framställs på ett fördelaktigt sätt i de medier som riktar sig till allmänheten. Detta är en del i kampen om de ekonomiska anslagen, där institutioner och forskare agerar entreprenörer. Det är också en del i att skapa allmänhetens samtycke för den aktuella forskningen. Samtidigt som det är viktigt att nå ut med information om de vetenskapliga resultaten inom den egna forskningen, är det avgörande för vetenskaperna att forskningen framställs på rätt sätt i medierna. Syftet med artikeln är att ge ett exempel på hur en nyhet från ett biotekniskt företag populariseras i medierna.

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  • 42.
    Hansson, Kristofer
    Lunds universitet.
    Camouflage2005In: Ethnologia Europaea, ISSN 0425-4597, E-ISSN 1604-3030, Vol. 35, no 1, p. 136-140Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    To camouflage is to adapt in a situation. The word is used in different ways with many connotations and synonyms, as in disguise, mask, hide, conceal, obscure, cover-up and create a façade or smoke-screen. What the words have in common is that they point out how something can give protection from recognition. Camouflage is therefore a good word to use in studying how the individual being can mask and hide differences, stigmas, or abnormalities. Before translating the concept into specific cultural practices, it may be worth noting that it has been developed in two very separate fields: biology and warfare.

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  • 43.
    Hansson, Kristofer
    Lunds universitet.
    Carola Skott, Lisen Dellenborg, Margret Lapp och Kristina Nässén: Människan i vården. Etnografi, vård och drama. Carlsson Bokförlag, Stockholm 2013. 239 s. ISBN 978-91-7331-612-5.2015In: RIG: Kulturhistorisk tidskrift, ISSN 0035-5267, E-ISSN 2002-3863, Vol. 98, no 4, p. 229-232Article, book review (Other academic)
    Abstract [sv]

    I boken Människan i vården. Etnografi, vård och drama återfinns en stark argumentation för etnografins, som författarna skriver, uppdrag i vården. Antologin är skriven av Carola Skott, Lisen Dellenborg, Margret Lapp och Kristina Nässén, alla med en forskningsbakgrund i socialantropologi alternativt pedagogik, samt tre av dem också legitimerade sjuksköterskor.

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  • 44. Hansson, Kristofer
    Christina Jansson: Maktfyllda möten i medicinskarum. Debatt, kunskap och praktik i svensk förlossningsvård 1960–1985. Sekel Bokförlag, Lund 2008. 320 s., ill. English abstract. ISBN 978-91-85767-25-0.2009In: RIG: Kulturhistorisk tidskrift, ISSN 0035-5267, E-ISSN 2002-3863, Vol. 92, no 3, p. 160-163Article, book review (Other academic)
    Abstract [sv]

    Samtidshistorikern Christina Jansson fokuserar i sin avhandling Maktfyllda möten i medicinska rum på svensk förlossningsvård under åren 1960–1985. Det är en tid när det sker stora förändringar inom sjuk-vården som får konsekvenser för förlossningsvården. Det är också en tid där nya ideal tar form i samhället och som återverkar inom sjukvården. Jansson lyckas fånga den här dynamiska processen mellan sjukvård och samhälle och hennes studie ger en nyanserad bild av vad som skedde inom förlossningsvården under den aktuella perioden.

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  • 45.
    Hansson, Kristofer
    Malmö University, Faculty of Health and Society (HS), Department of Social Work (SA).
    “COVID cultures” in the Swedish civil society: Complex entanglements between guidelines and everyday practice in civil societies organizations2021Conference paper (Other academic)
    Abstract [en]

    This paper is based on interviews with organization representatives for three different civil society’s organizations in Sweden: women's shelters, homelessness organizations and deacons. From March 2020 I have followed how they have adapted their work in relation to the risks that the emerging infectious disease SARS-CoV-2 viruses evokes. It has been short telephone interviews that only give a glimpse of the complex practice in the everyday work with people in vulnerable situations. Isolated women and children at risk of violence, older people with very few contacts or people that has no home. The aim of this paper is to study complex entanglements between this organizations and the COVID-19 guidelines from The Public Health Agency of Sweden. What kind of “COVID cultures” emerged in this organizations? How are the guidelines translated into practice in this organizations? What similarities and differences are there between the organizations? What infrastructures are changed and what have consisted over time? How has this affected the work with people that even before the pandemic was in vulnerable situations? Or with other words, what kind of “COVID cultures” have emerged in this organizations during the first months of the pandemic? With this kind of questions I hope to analyze the complex entanglements there are between the knowledge production in different political and scientific-medical performance – read guidelines – and civil society’s organizations.   

  • 46.
    Hansson, Kristofer
    Lunds universitet.
    Crisis and Caring for Inner Selves: Psychiatric Crisis as a Social Classification in Sweden in the 1970s2012In: Culture Unbound: Journal of Current Cultural Research, E-ISSN 2000-1525, Vol. 4, no 3, p. 499-512Article in journal (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    This article aims to contribute to the understanding concerning the introduction of crisis psychotherapy in the 1970s in psychiatric clinics in Sweden. The article discusses how this psychotherapy became central in the work of the clinics in supporting patients to well-being and inner growth. The ambition was that patients in an acute crisis-situation would be offered care immediately, aiming at a short and intensive contact with the professionals to avoid hospitalization and long-term sick leave. These ideas were by no means new; in the 1960s, a Western debate had emerged in which the hospitalization in psychiatric clinics had received criticism. In Sweden, the psychiatrist Johan Cullberg was a key actor during the 1970s in the introduction of the psychiatric crisis perspectives. Here, his publication ’The psychic trauma’ from 1971 is analysed. The publication inspired psychiatric clinics to introduce crisis psychotherapy in three different pilot projects. The projects were presented in articles in the Swedish Medical Journal. These articles have also been analysed here. Self-care is highlighted through this material as a concept to be analysed. The question is discussed as to how the concept of the psychiatric crisis initiated and institutionalized a new form of social classification in which the patients were to take more responsibility for their own inner growth.

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  • 47.
    Hansson, Kristofer
    Lund University.
    Critical Places and Emerging Health Matters: Body, Risk and Spatial Obstacles2020In: GeoHumanities and Health / [ed] Sarah Atkinson & Rachel Hunt, Cham: Springer, 2020, p. 71-83Chapter in book (Refereed)
    Abstract [en]

    The essay presents and develops the concept of “critical places” and how it can be used when studying the everyday experience of living with long-term sickness and/or disability. The concept analyses the duality of both physical risk and social benefit and how they can collide in one specific place and create a bodily situation where the individual needs to act. The concept of “critical places” explores the phenomenological thought about doing and happening in specific situations, and, as such, the concept can also be seen as an ethnographic method. As a more theoretical concept, “critical places” can be used for a hermeneutic analysis of risk-taking, hiding from stigma, identity formation, power relations in a specific place and so on. I have used the concept in a couple of Swedish text concerning disability, and in these texts the concept has been elaborated with theories from geographies. 

  • 48.
    Hansson, Kristofer
    Lunds universitet.
    Cultural Analysis of the Brain: Michael Andersen, A Question of Location – Lifewith Fatigue after Stroke. Det Humanistiske Fakultet, University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen 2014.187 pp. Diss.2016In: Ethnologia Scandinavica, ISSN 0348-9698, Vol. 46, p. 152-154Article, book review (Other academic)
    Abstract [en]

    The brain has received little attention in ethnology. Yet it is the brain that in many ways both shapes our actual lives, and today, through neuroscience, shapes the way we look at ourselves. Knowledge produced by neuroscientists is to a large extent shaping our understanding of the Self. In simple terms we could say that we have gone from seeing the man with a Soul to seeing the man with a Brain. This is knowledge in constant transformation, which should be of ethnological interest as regards how knowledge is produced and reproduced in people’s everyday lives. It can be neuroscientists’ work in the laboratory or living with, for example, Parkinson’s disease, a degenerative disorder that results from the death of dopamine-generating cells in the midbrain. But the reverse perspective is also of interest for the cultural analysis of the brain. Even if the brain is absent in our everyday lives and we don’t need to think on or with the brain, it is part of our bodies’ being-in-the-world. This becomes clear when a person gets a brain disease and the symptoms become something that defines the features of our being. From this perspective the brain becomes a thing that an individual starts relating to, but also something that the individual no longer can control. For a person with Parkinson’s disease the brain is the uncontrollable factor that rapidly changes the perception of the everyday life of eating, walking and dressing oneself. The experiences of the brain, the everyday with an illness and the neuroscientific knowledge will together create and affect what we can call beingin-the-world. Ethnology should be more progressive when it comes to research questions that relate to these field because it is rapidly changing.

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  • 49.
    Hansson, Kristofer
    Lunds universitet.
    De oskäliga kreaturen! Något om synen på lantbrukets djur de senaste 200 åren. Niklas Cserhalmi (red.). Kungl. Skogs- och Lantbruksakademien, Stockholm 2002. 86 s., ill. ISBN 91-89379-32-2.2004In: RIG: Kulturhistorisk tidskrift, ISSN 0035-5267, E-ISSN 2002-3863, Vol. 87, no 3, p. 188-189Article, book review (Other academic)
    Abstract [sv]

    Välfärden för lantbrukets djur är idag en fråga som debatteras flitigt i medierna. Som mediekonsumenter möts vi stundtals av en tämligen polariserad bild mellan en romantisering av förhållandet för lantbrukets djur till en mörk bild där djuren plågas av vanskötsel och långa transporter till slakterierna. Som matkonsumenter är det många gånger denna polariserade bild vi har med oss när vi står vid mjölk- och köttdisken. Utifrån denna polarisering är De oskäliga kreaturen! Något om synen på lantbrukets djur de senaste 200 åren en viktig skrift som kan ge nya perspektiv på välfärden för lantbrukets djur.

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  • 50.
    Hansson, Kristofer
    Malmö University, Faculty of Health and Society (HS), Department of Social Work (SA).
    De smittsamma sjukdomarnas kultur: Hur vår uppmärksamhet har kommit att riktas mot vardagens mikroorganismer2021In: Tidskriften Ikaros, ISSN 0782-6052, Vol. 17, no 4, p. 47-50Article in journal (Other academic)
    Abstract [sv]

    Den engelska termen emerging and reemerging diseases formulerades formellt 1987. Termens lansering kan sägas vara kulmen på människans strävan att skaffa sig kontroll över de mikroorganismer, bland annat bakterier och virus, som gör henne sjuk, en utveckling som präglat hela 1900-talet men som på senare år har intensifierats. Det är en utveckling som inte bara har förfinat den medicinska blicken på de framväxande smittsamma sjukdomar som drabbat och drabbar människan, utan också lett till en kulturell förändring av hur vi förhåller oss till och framställer de risker som förknippas med gamla och nya sjukdomar. Exempel på sjukdomar som dokumenterats för första gången i en nära samtid är ebolafeber, HIV/AIDS och, under den senaste tiden, viruset SARS-CoV-2 som orsakar infektionssjukdomen Covid-19.

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