In my master's thesis, from a conceptual historical perspective with transnational application, I have analyzed the concept transfer and the establishment from the concept of Holocaust to the Swedish word förintelsen with its new meaning Förintelsen. I have also analyzed when, how and who consolidated the concept of Förintelsen in Swedish language use.
The word and the concept of the Holocaust
My analysis shows that the concept of the Holocaust is transferred to Sweden and established in Sweden through the Swedish word and the concept of Förintelsen.
The word and the concept of Förintelsen
My work presents a result that overturns previous perceptions about the establishment of the word and the concept of Förintelsen in Swedish language. The establishment of the word and the concept of the Holocaust was carried out in the following way. Bonniers Förlag launched in 1978 a translation of the novel Holocaust, in Sweden marketed with the title Förintelsen.In 1979, SVT premiered the American television series Holocaust, in Sweden marketed with the title Förintelsen. From 1979, the newspapers were filled with articles about the Nazi genocide of Jews during World War II, entitled Förintelsen, while the Scandinavian Institute for Jewish Education and Culture produced teaching materials for all of Sweden's schools and libraries under the term Förintelsen. In 1982, the television series Förintelsen was repeated, surrounded by factual programs, all under the collective name Förintelsen. The word and the concept of Förintelsen had finally, after four years of intensive use, made its way into Swedish language.
My work shows that there was a consensus, a common will at Bonniers Förlag, SVT, the media and Jewish organizations to name the Nazi genocide of Jews during World War II under the common name Förintelsen. Everyone worked together to consolidate the word and the concept of Förintelsen. In my work, I have shown that it was not only the title of a TV series that consolidated the concept of Förintelsen in Swedish language. Extensive collaboration was required to establish the word and concept of Förintelsen in Sweden as a unifying concept for the Nazi genocide of Jews during World War II.