En semistruktureradintervju studie på framgåNgar och utmaningar i ett HVB-hem fråN social arbetarnas perspektiv
2024 (Swedish)Independent thesis Basic level (university diploma), 10 credits / 15 HE credits
Student thesisAlternative title
A semi-structuredinterview study of successes and challengesin out of home care fromperspective of socialworkers (English)
Abstract [en]
Background:Staff at residential facilities for children and young people face dilemmas balancing competence and strict guidelines, with limited resources andscope for action complicating their work. This system explores how staff navigatearound these limitations and focusing on factors they believe influence their work,including guidelines, laws, resources, and their own abilities, particularly within Sweden's residential care homes Purpose:The aim of this study is to identify thefactors that influence the quality of care within residential care homes for childrenand youth (out of home care) by examining this impact from the employees ownperspectives regarding what constitutes success factors as well as challengefactors within their daily work.Method A qualitative study with semi-structured interviews where 12 individualswho have worked in residential care homes for children and youth (out of homecare) have responded to questions about what they experience as successes in carequality and their perceived scope for action.Results: The study shows that key aspects such as work environment,relationships, skills development, and information exchange are crucial forcreating a functional whole in healthcare work. By increasing focus on thesefactors, the quality of care can be improved. Where safety, planning,communication, relationships, and scope for action have been identified as someof the important factors for quality care.
Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
2024. , p. 61
Keywords [en]
Staff, Out of home care, Social work, Quality-care, care
Keywords [sv]
Personal, HVB-hem, Socialt arbete, Kvalitetsvård, omsorg
National Category
Social Work
URN: urn:nbn:se:mau:diva-66664OAI: oai:DiVA.org:mau-66664DiVA, id: diva2:1850478
Educational program
HS Socionomutbildning
2024-04-112024-04-102024-04-11Bibliographically approved