This thesis is about the construction of Orcs as Monstrous enemies in Fantasy genreacross multiple works and their subsequent deconstruction in Terry Pratchett’s UnseenAcademicals. It analyses the Orcs by following their evolution across three major franchises:Lord of the Rings, Dungeons and Dragons, and Warcraft. Their portrayals are analysedthrough the lens of Monster Theory to determine which aspects of Orcs remained Monstrousand which became subject to change. The paper finds that while war and conquest are someof the most core aspects of Orcs, they also take on certain characteristics of a life reduced toits bare minimum. It then points to the concerning similarities between certain portrayals oraspects of Orcs and various marginalised groups of people. This is important, as it highlightsthe avenues in which dehumanising language is normalised and used seemingly unexamined,causing possible discomfort among people who have been subject to the same rhetoric in reallife. The text also argues for befriending our Monsters as an exercise in addressing culturalanxieties as well as honing our empathy towards perceived difference.