Verdens Ende
2023 (Danish)Artistic output (Unrefereed)
Resource type
Mixed materialAlternative title
The World's End (English)
Physical description [da]
Udstillingen Verdens Ende af Emilia Bergmark fortæller en historie om landskabet ved Skagen i vores antropocæne tidsalder, hvor intet er uberørt af mennesket; ikke engang himlen, der møder havet i horisontlinjen, eller fuglenes træk, der krydser himlen.
Centralt i udstillingen er et stort vævet billedtæppe, hvis motiver er skabt under et ophold på Skagen Fuglestation (Det Grå Fyr), hvor Bergmark i det tidlige forår 2023 boede og arbejdede sammen med det lokale og internationale fællesskab af fuglekiggere, forskere og fugle, som bor på stedet.
Physical description [en]
The exhibition Verdens Ende by Emilia Bergmark tells a story about the landscape at Skagen in our anthropocene age where nothing is untouched by humans; not even the sky meeting the sea at the horizon, or the flight of birds crossing the sky.
Central to the exhibition is a large woven tapestry, the motifs of which were created during a stay at the Skagen Fuglestation (Det Grå Fyr), where Bergmark in the early spring of 2023 lived and worked together with the local and international community of bird watchers, researchers, and birds who live on site.
Place, publisher, year, pages
Skagen, 2023.
Publication channel
SKAL Contemporary
Keywords [en]
Installation art, arts based research
National Category
Visual Arts
URN: urn:nbn:se:mau:diva-63168OAI:, id: diva2:1826012
The Swedish Arts Grants Committee
Supported by the Danish Arts Foundation, North Denmark Region, 15 Juni Fonden, the Municipality of Frederikshavn, and Grosserer L.F. Foght's Fond. Emilia Bergmark has collaborated with the Naturstyrelsen Vendsyssel, Skagen Fuglestation, and a number of knowledgeable locals in the development of the exhibition.
2024-01-102024-01-102024-01-12Bibliographically approved