This is a research study which highlights sport’s positive connections to human dignity and human rights and thereby stresses it as a right to be ensured by all governments. In support of such claims, a case study with deep interviews has been exercised with professionals ofFitness24Seven’s CSR initiative and social project in Palmira, Colombia which uses sports as a mechanism towards positive societal change in the vulnerable society of Comuna Uno. The material is further assessed in a content analysis filtered by the capabilities approach by Martha Nussbaum, which serves as the main theoretical framework in which the fulfillment of sports is held as crucial in qualification for any society to be deemed as just. It clarifies to a certain extent the effectiveness of sports as a means towards positive societal change. Serving in contribution to our understanding of sports as a right in article 31 of the CRC, andfurther strengthening the argument that it is not optional for governments to ensure this opportunity to all individuals, let alone children. It concludes that oftentimes, as revealed in the case of the Colombian State, it is not a matter of lack of resource, but rather States not prioritizing the best interest of children.