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Abduktiv analys i samverkansforskning: fokus på didaktiska modeller i förskola
Malmö University, Faculty of Education and Society (LS), Department of Childhood, Education and Society (BUS).ORCID iD: 0000-0002-4521-1528
2022 (Swedish)In: Pedagogisk forskning i Sverige, ISSN 1401-6788, E-ISSN 2001-3345, Vol. 27, no 4, p. 157-179Article in journal (Refereed) Published
Abstract [sv]

Den abduktiva analysen som fokuseras i artikeln genomfördes mot bakgrund avsamverkansforskning i två storskaliga forsknings- och utvecklingsprogram (FoU).Totalt genomfördes FoU-programmen i 18 kommuner/skolhuvudmän och icirka 175 förskolor/avdelningar. Artikeln syftar till att bidra med kunskap om abduktiv analys i samverkansforskning med fokus på didaktiska modeller i förskola.I samverkansforskningen prövades abduktiv analys som metodologisk strategi föratt kunna sluta sig till en nyanserad praktikteoretisk tolkning av vad som kundekänneteckna undervisning i förskola. Den abduktiva analysen utföll i didaktiskamodeller som byggde på en robust teoretisk grund och empirisk bas, vilken bestod av cirka 3 700 dokument, cirka 145 filmtimmar och cirka 780 000 ord, därsammanlagt cirka 15 500 personer hade samtyckt att medverka. Det upprepadeprövandet av abduktiv analys i två FoU-program stärkte trovärdighet, generaliserbarhet och användbarhet. Sammantaget utföll den abduktiva analysen i ”flerstämmig didaktisk modellering” som relaterades till demokrati i en klokare värld. 

Abstract [en]

 Abductive analysis in collaborative research: A focus on didaktik1 models in preschool

Abductive analysis is linked to the concept of abduction, which focuses oninterpretive processes that create meaning, moving between empirics andtheory on encountering unexpected results. In addition to the fact thatabduction can deepen and change current research in pedagogy and didaktik,abduction can also constitute an approach that is related to democracy.Shedding light on abductive analysis in collaborative research is important inthat it regards all participants in collaborative research as knowledge users andpotential knowledge developers, potentially leading to multivocal traces in theanalysis. In this way, the possible multivocality of collaborative research holdsdemocratic potential. In addition, democracy can be found in abductive analysis that results in didaktik models that unite multivocal practices and theories.In this context, there is a need for abductive studies conducted over longperiods of time in collaboration between, for example, preschool teachers,leaders and researchers.The article provides examples of abductive analysis tried out incollaborative research in two large-scale research and development (R&D)programs. The programs were implemented over a six-year period, with twoconsecutive three-year periods between 2016-2018 and 2018-20212. Theempirical data in the R&D programs were generated over long periods of timeand assessed against several theoretical perspectives, in line with abductiveanalysis.There is a shortage of abductive studies focused on practice-based didaktikmodels in preschool. This article gives examples of abductive analysis thatresult in "multivocal didaktik modeling". Multivocality entails multiple voicesbeing included in both practice and theory. In the R&D programs, the participants were involved in question formulation, method design, datageneration, co-exploratory conversations, and analysis. Didaktik models canbe both verbal and graphic. Two classic didaktik models are didaktikquestions and the didaktik triangle. The models can provide support forteachers and leaders to make didaktik choices.This article reveals the contribution of abductive analysis to thedevelopment of multivocal practical-theoretical models in collaborativeresearch. The purpose is to provide knowledge about abductive analysis incollaborative research, with a focus on didaktik models in preschool.When teaching was written into Sweden's governing document for preschool in 2010, an uncertainty emerged as to what teaching could mean inpreschool. In response, it was determined that education and teaching shouldrest on a scientific basis and proven experience. It turned out that there wasa deficit of both teaching-oriented, Nordic research and of proven experienceof teaching in preschool. A mismatch emerged between governing documents, research and practice. This mismatch was a driving force behind theR&D programs in which preschool teachers and leaders, from 18 municipalities and school authorities, raised questions about what characterizesteaching in preschool.Abduction, as described in the article, requires that we pay attention tonuances in empirical material and try approaches that in being multivocal atboth the action level and the (meta) theoretical level are democratic in nature.In the complex reality of teaching in a preschool, a multivocal rather thanunilateral approach favors nuance over reduction and creates conditions forcontributing knowledge at both the action and the (meta) theoretical levelabout the complex nature of reality. In other words, the logic of abductioncan add a critical, nuanced and openly change-oriented dimension to didaktikcollaborative research within the framework of democracy.The contribution of this article lies in abductive analysis having been triedout and proven to be feasible in large-scale R&D programs over a six-yearperiod. Abductive analysis in collaborative research makes it possible togenerate research findings that include empirical examples, proven conceptsand didaktik models. Having the abductive analysis replicated in two R&Dprograms strengthens credibility, generalizability and usability. All in all, theabductive analysis resulted in “multivocal didaktik modeling”, which could berelated to democracy.

NOTES1In this article the German word “didaktik” (with use of the letter k) is used, whichis common in continental Europe and the Nordic countries. This term is distinctfrom the Anglo-Saxon word “didactics,” which refers to a narrow way of teaching,for example, learning-outcome oriented teaching. In the article, collaborative research refers to research conducted in R&D programs(ibid). The article uses the third-person plural “we” instead of “I” to emphasize thatdidaktik models have been tried out in collaboration.

2 The article has been written within the framework of the R&D programs Teachingin preschool (Undif) and Multivocal teaching in preschool (Fundif) in acollaboration between 18 Swedish municipalities, the independent Institute forinnovation, research and development in school and preschool (Ifous) and MalmöUniversity (Mau). The study was co-financed by Mau and the 18 municipalities. Theresearch group thanks everyone who participated and contributed with funds,materials and views in analysis and discussions. The peer-reviewed article in thisthemed issue is based on a scientific report that was reviewed by Professor StigBroström at Aarhus University in Denmark (Vallberg Roth et al., 2021).

Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
Växjö: Linnaeus University Press, 2022. Vol. 27, no 4, p. 157-179
Keywords [sv]
Abduktiv analys, didaktiska modeller, förskola, samverkansforskning, undervisning.
National Category
Research subject
Child and youth studies
URN: urn:nbn:se:mau:diva-57369DOI: 10.15626/pfs27.04.09OAI:, id: diva2:1725898
Available from: 2023-01-12 Created: 2023-01-12 Last updated: 2023-01-12Bibliographically approved

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