Based on original data on the synthesis between language policy, language attitudes and identity strategies in a highly minorised sociolinguistic situation, this paper will analyse the affects of introducing Gallo in the education system in Upper-Brittany (eastern Brittany), and how this may influence the future vitality of this language variety. Gallo is the Oïl linguistic variety of Upper-Brittany which has had credibility problems in popular opinion as a result of its close linguistic relationship to French. This has not stopped its promotion within Upper-Breton society, as it benefits from a well-organised and determined activist network which has proved itself most effective particularly in the education system since the early 1980s. Following an initial presentation of Gallo, the author will show how activist groups’ strategies in favour of Gallo in the education system has helped it maintain a presence in the life of the Upper-Breton community, and helped it even start making its impact felt at a political level in the region. The consequences of this education strategy will be examined based on the quantitative and qualitative results of a study recently carried out in Upper-Brittany.