The purpose of this descriptive cohort study was to describe patients with hip fracture on the basis of ASA physical status and to identify preoperative risk factors associated with postoperative outcome up to 4 months after surgery. Data were collected prospectively through the Swedish National Hip Fracture and Anesthetic registers and retrospectively from medical and nursing records. The 428 patients (aged > or = 65 years) with hip fracture were consecutively included. Multiple logistic regression analyses were used to identify factors predicting each of 4 outcomes. Risk factors for a poorer 4-month survival after hip fracture were ASA physical status 3 and 4, more extensive fractures, 85 years or older, male sex, and dependency in living. Mortality within 4 months was significantly associated with ASA physical status 3 and 4, age 85 years or older, male sex, dementia diagnosis, fewer than 8 correct answers on the Short Portable Mental Status Questionnaire, 4 or more prescribed drugs, hemoglobin level less than 100 g/L, creatinine level more than 100 micromol/L, dependency in living, inability to walk alone, and fracture other than undisplaced intracapsular. Elderly patients with hip fracture should be identified immediately at admission regarding risk factors leading to a poorer survival and more complications.