The Indonesian government has promoted the Merdeka (Freedom) curriculum which aims to create a profile of Pancasila students. Developing students’ global diversity character has been emphasised as one of the teaching goals. This goal aligns with the need of World Englishes pedagogy where students learn English to get mutual intelligibility and develop intercultural communicative competence in relevant cultures over native-speakerism focus. This research aims to investigate whether and how three English textbooks for Indonesian Junior High School students, published by the Ministry of Education, depict cultural diversity, and prepare students to be global English users. The study adopted Kirkpatrick’s Lingua Franca principles and Moran’s cultural dimensions (referring to products, practices, perspectives, communities, and persons). The findings indicate that the investigated textbooks greatly emphasise on source culture with superficial Indonesian cultural diversity depiction. American and British English remains used as the norm. Fostering students’ so-called Indonesian noble character has become the content focus. The underlying value of global diversity seems neglected.