Our main purpose in our pilot study is to study pupils' influence in class council and socialscience from teachers' perspective. We want to find out how teachers' include pupils in classcouncil as well as how they create engagement in the subject of social science to meet therequirements for students' influence in the syllabus. The previous studies about pupils'influence showed that pupils don't show interest in class council and therefore do not engageactively in democratic moments such as class council. Class council can be experienced as along process by the pupils as it makes them feel that they have not been involved and hadinfluenced in different matters. We interviewed ten teachers and a student coordinator thatworks at a school in Malmö, to be able to answer our issues. Balli Lelinge has written a lotabout pupils' influence and democracy, therefore we used a lot of his work as our theory in thispilot study. We also used deliberative democracy as our theory. The result showed that teachersfeel that pupils actually want to be included in pupil council. Some teachers include pupils byplanning different lessons in social science out of their interest. The conclusion showed thatthe teachers argued against themselves. Students don't have enough knowledge about studentinfluence.