The purpose of this study is to investigate how immigrants are portrayed and presented by Swedish newspapers’ editorials. In the recent decade, the discussion about immigration has got a wider space in media coverage due to the large number of migrants who have sought asylum in Europe. The media is a center of power, an important source of information and knowledge, and an arena that contributes to opinion formation. I have therefore chosen to study articles on editorial pages of two major Swedish newspapers which are Svenska Dagbladet and Dagens Nyheter. The empirical material covers the period between 2015 and 2019. I have used discourse analysis as a method. The theoretical framework consists of three theories: social constructionism, framing theory, and racism.The results I have come to show that on leader pages, immigrants are portrayed as groups that are studied, analyzed, and assessed by the various actors in society, ie, media politicians, the authorities, or the journalists. They are associated with various social issues such as integration or segregation. Generally, immigrants emerge as a passive, powerless, deviant, and subordinate group. Sometimes a failed integration is attributed to shortcomings in the political system, but this also has contributed to the emphasis on immigrants as a burden and challenge for society.