Abstract. Digital objects have controversial roles in the exhibition space [1, 2],ranging from being a vague ‘must be’ element at the exhibitions signifying theircontemporaneity, to being a crucially important design tool shaping museumexperience. Departing from the museum communication studies, this articleseeks to provide an analytical framework about the digital exhibits within theexhibitions. Based on an iterative reflexive process whereby the empirical datain the form of exhibits at the Estonian National Museum and literature are in acircular dialogue with each other, we look at the potential role of the digitalexhibits by using analytical dimensions, which have been strategically, althoughnot always consciously utilized in the exhibition development. We start with 1)Spatiality, involving potentials and limitations of space-bound digital elements,and 2) Temporality, concerning dilemma between stability and changeability ofthe content. Next, approaching digital exhibits from the perspective of 3)private-public dimension as well as 4) single-multi-user aspects allows for abetter understanding of the previously discussed sociability dimension [1, 3]. 5)Increasingly, narrating the past depends on the fusion of fictional-documentaryformats. Finally, considering the critical perspective, we will also look at thedimensions of 6) authoritative-collaborative voice and 7) openness or determinednessof the interpretation. Outlining some of the theoretical underpinningsthrough concrete examples, we argue for the heuristic value of these dimensionsin understanding visitor engagement.