This bachelor’s thesis intends to examine the use and representation of ethnicity as an ingredient and aspect in Swedish discourse about youth crime and integration policy through what has come to be known as förnedringsrån, robberies with an integral element of humiliation. The study uses critical discourse analysis to analyse editorials and debates in Swedish newspapers and a debate on the matter förnedringsrån in Swedish parliament. The study shows that ethnicity is predominantly used as a discursive element, in which victims and perpetrators are divided and assigned agency through binary, ethnically distinguished groups of swedes and not swedes. This discourse takes part in a larger disourse about the discourse itself, in which presumptive and actual political counterparts takes turn to assign each otherand society as a whole discursive and interdiscursive agency which they themselves do not agree with. This is in the essay found to be a sign of a continual stagnation in Swedish integration policy discourse and a perdurable social practice of social stratification based on ethnicity.