The United Nations (UN) Convention on the Rightsof the Child, states that all children should havethe same right to the highest attainable standardof health. This should be known by everyone whoworks with children. Despite good oral health in theNordic countries, studies show that children livingin socially deprived environments have a greaterincreased risk of poor oral health. These childrenare not reached by preventive measures, they morefrequently do not show up for dental appointmentsand they receive less dental care than others. Therefore, in addition to a more general preventive andpopulation-based method, a special high-risk approach is also needed to reach children in socially deprived areas. It is also important that promotion and preventive efforts start from an early age.There are large knowledge gaps regarding the effects of different preventative and treatment strategies, and health economic analyzes are rare. It is achallenge to systematically document and evaluate oral health promotion and prevention directed atchildren in socially vulnerable environments to enable research. There is a need for interdisciplinaryresearch that includes clinicians. The vision mustbe health equity and that both health promotionand preventive measures contribute to closing theoral health gap between different social groups. l