In the article “To worry about antibiotic resistance” (in Swedish ”Att oroa sig för antibiotikaresistens” in Socialmedicinsk tidskrift, 2019) I analyses questionnaire responses and how people narrate their worry about antibiotic resistance. When bacteria’s growing resistance to our most common antibiotics, there is also a threat growing that is related to both health and body. This could be seen as one of our dangers in contemporary and future societies. It is a danger to both individual health and global public health. In the questionnaires there are stories and culture conceptions of how this danger is framed, something I analyze in the article. In the paper for the SANT-conference I will develop this perspective further and look closer to how people more specific are writing about danger in relation to their own bodies and their experiences of health. How can we make the stories visible using theories from medical anthropology? Can thus story’s say something about how people manage risk and health in relation to their bodies? And are there different representations among the stories for these threats? Are there something in this stories that can help us develop health-theories in medical anthropology?