Porcelain and glass ceramics need to be bonded to teeth for the reinforcement of restorations: according to studies, the best results are achieved by pretreating and etching the ceramic surface with hydrofluoric acid, then applying a silane coupling agent or a ceramic primer, and luting with a light- or dual-cured adhesive cement, depending on the restoration thickness. Zirconia may be cemented after gentle roughening by airborne abrasion (grit-blasting) using an adhesive resin composite cement. In addition, tribochemical silica coating combined with silane application is an alternative that might provide enhanced adhesion. The best durable bonding to zirconia is achieved by applying a dual-cured adhesive resin composite cement that contains phosphate ester groups. Among the clinically relevant parameters involved in choosing an adhesive cement system to bond ceramic restorations to the dental hard tissues, the aesthetic properties, colour stability, ease of handling, and appropriate working times of the cement are to be considered.
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