The purpose of this report was to investigate how social workers experience their exposure in their profession. One of the central queries that the study aimed to answer, is which kind of strategies the professionals can use to manage the possible vulnerability that can occur as a part of the job. The selection in the study was to interview seven social workers who are employed by the government in Sweden. To be able to collect material from the professional’s experiences, the study used a qualitative method with semi-structured interviews. This method was preferred to get close to the social workers working environment and their own, personal experiences. The central theory that was applied on this study was the theory of coping strategies, and the study was strengthened by Goffman’s theory of front-stage and back-stage. The result and analysis of the report showed that the feeling of exposure from the client, is different from each person and are based on the social workers experience of the profession. How the social worker handles the risk of being threatened or harassment by a client, is linked to each individual’s coping strategies. The result also showed that the social workers that had experienced a threatful environment in meetings with clients, had developed a strategy to cope with the exposure, by seeking support from the colleagues.