The purpose of this paper was to examine how people experience the practice of Cannabis in daily life. The study was based on interviews with five individuals who have experience with cannabis use. They do not represent a bigger population only themselves. We chose these particular individuals because all of them began using cannabis at a young age- everyone before they were twenty. But they have been using cannabis because of different reasons. The results of the interviews were analyzed with the thesis of Howard Becker and the new developed thesis of Hallstone about social control. The thesis explains the pattern of becoming a drug addict and what the steps are. The final results of this study contain answers about how much cannabis they have been using, how often, with whom and with what purpose. We compared these answers to the patterns to see if there was any truth to them and then we explained the function the drug has in their lives. For further explaining we used former researches about cannabis use in different areas of life. In the discussion we try to understand what these answers mean, what the thought behind cannabis use is and if these people really have the control over it.