The purpose of this study was to describe what research said about personal assistance relative to how the care affects individuals possibilities to maintain good living conditions. The study gathered research from all of Sweden's Universities own repositories for information about researchers at the Universities publications. Personal assistance is usually described in good term as something that helps people with disabilities feel free and independent. But in later years the media has reported cases where disabled people with personal assistance has been mistreated in different ways by their assistant. There also seems to be a lack in proper description regarding what the care really entails. Personal assistants is expected to cater to the needs of their individual user and help make the users life equal to others without disabilities. So what factors within personal assistance really promotes good living conditions for people with disabilities? What the primary result of the study concludes is that living conditions for people with disabilities is mainly improved when the professional considers the user as an unique individual with their own preferences, needs and perceptions about what factor within the care makes their life better. Another factor that is shown to be substantial is that the user self-determination is respected by the professional. When the user have command of their own care the sense of empowerment increases in the relationship between the personal assistant and the user. This can make the user feel more in control and independent. Obstacles for the users living condition within personal assistance is the overall lack of knowledge and the reduction of the amount of hours the user is granted personal assistance. In conclusion the study highlights two especially important factors that improves personal assistance and two factors that worsen personal assistance. She study gives a thorough explanation how these factors impact the personal assistance experience and combine and analyse them with theories about empowerment, salutogenes and KASAM.