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Individuella upplevelser av sexuallivet efter en förvärvad hjärnskada-en intervjustudie
Malmö högskola, Faculty of Health and Society (HS).
2010 (Swedish)Independent thesis Advanced level (degree of Master (One Year)), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
Abstract [sv]

Det finns tidigare studier som visat att sexuallivet påverkats efter förvärvade hjärnskador. I denna studie avsågs att lyfta personernas individuella perspektiv. Intervjustudien omfattar nio personer som förvärvat en hjärnskada för mer än ett år sedan, och som deltagit i hjärnskaderehabilitering vid Skånes universitetssjukhus. Åldern på deltagarna varierade mellan 25 och 64 år, och ålder vid skadetillfälle eller insjuknande var 16-55 år. Frågeställningar i uppsatsen var huruvida personerna i studien upplevt förändringar i sexuallivet efter att ha förvärvat en hjärnskada, och hur personerna hanterat detta, samt om det förekom skillnader i mäns och kvinnors upplevelse. I resultatet framkom att förändringar skett inom flera områden relaterade till sexualitet. Tydligast var förändringar som påverkats av trötthet, förändringar i erektion, lubrikation samt orgasmförmåga. Förändringarna påverkade även sexualiteten på det interpersonella planet. Dessa förändringar tolkades och hanterades olika av deltagarna. I analysen har scriptteorin använts, samt resonemang om copingprocesser. Slutsatsen är att sexualitet är en viktig del i rehabiliteringsprocessen, och att program som omfattar detta bör utvecklas

Abstract [en]

Sexuality is a central part of life among people in general. What happens to sexuality when a person suddenly acquires a brain injury as a result of severe illness or an accident? The focus at primary rehabilitation concerns more obvious functions which are aimed to make the person more independent in daily life. Questions about the personal experience of how the brain injury has affected identity as a male or female, and questions about sexuality can therefore be neglected. A review of earlier studies shows that sexuality is affected among persons who have acquired a brain injury. Sexuality can be seen as constructed both on intra psychic and interpersonal level, and script theory can be used to analyze changes in experiences of sexuality. AIMS: The aim of the current study was to illuminate the personal perspective of sexual changes among persons who had acquired a brain injury. Has the brain injury resulted in changes of the experienced sexual life, and if so how did the person manage these? Methods: In the current study nine people, both women and men were interviewed. The participants aged between 25 and 64 years had acquired a brain injury at the age between 16 and 55. All participants had acquired the brain injury for more than one year ago, and all had participated in a rehabilitation program at Skåne University Hospital. Results: Changes in sexuality was seen in relation to common consequences of brain injury such as fatigue and difficulties concerning concentration. Changes also appeared in relation to the ability to achieve erection, lubrication and orgasm (the intrapsychic level). There were also changes at the interpersonal level for example role changes in the relationship. All changes were managed in different ways by the participants including different coping strategies. Not all coping strategies were efficient for the person. Conclusions: Sexuality can be seen as a vital part of the rehabilitation process and therefore rehabilitation programs including sexuality should be developed. Partners’ perspective should also be considered.

Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
Malmö högskola/Hälsa och samhälle , 2010. , p. 58
Keywords [sv]
coping process, förvärvade hjärnskador, sexualitet, sexualliv, sexuell dysfunktion, sexuell förmåga, sexuella script
National Category
Social Sciences
URN: urn:nbn:se:mau:diva-24836Local ID: 12477OAI:, id: diva2:1486258
Educational program
HS Sexologi
Available from: 2020-11-02 Created: 2020-11-02 Last updated: 2022-06-27Bibliographically approved

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