The aim of this study was to examine what obstacles a young transgender person can meet while entering the heteronormative world of football, but also examine the solutions for including transgender children in the future. This study is based on semi-structured interviews with a qualitative approach. All participants were adult football coaches and board members from different football clubs in southern Sweden. Earlier studies showed that young transgender children often felt excluded when taking part of sport and many of the young transgender persons gave up sport because of the obstacles they met. They also often felt the need to educate their team mates and coaches. Our study showed that obstacles of practical matters, such as offering separated locker rooms, could easily be solved. However, the heteronormative structures and values are still big challenges for all footballs clubs to take on. To end the discrimination and instead include transgender children, education within all football clubs is necessary. One unexpected result was that none of the participants could see a reason for gender divided football teams for children under twelve years.