Dual identity is something that a lot of people with forein born parets struggle with. Trying to find their identity is an on going process for a lot of young adults. The purpose of my study is to deepen my knowledge of how people with foreign-born parents interpret their dual identity, how they experience their cultures and also gain a deeper understanding of how Swedish-born young people with foreign-born parents experience social intercations. And also their own belonging in society. I have chosen to narrow my studie to only young adults that are born i Sweden and have parents that are of Bosnian and Kosovo albanian origin. I used semi-structured interwievs to further help me interpret my respondents experiences with tryning to fit in. The theme throughout the whole interview was that people with foreign-born parent dont really feel like they belong anywhere. Although they might feel at home in a culture, society does not see them as, for example Swedish. They feel a constant identity crisis. The study shows how young adults struggle with finding their identity and trying to find a way to fit in.