Forced migrations are a pressing and very contemporary topic. Immigration is perceived as the main concern in Europe and particularly in Italy, one of the countries most exposed to new migration flows, feeding words of hatred and dehumanization of the issue. This thesis explores possibilities to increase a sense of community, empathy and understanding between migrants and the collectivity around them. The topic of migrations is first introduced. Then, through a combination of cultural probes, interviews, participatory methods, and qualitative enquiry and a wide theoretical framework that intertwines social innovation, Design Things and platforms, the importance of nurturing relational values is highlighted, and it is pointed out how digital platforms can contribute to rebuilding social capital for migrants. The prototype of a platform is then proposed, where initiatives, workshops, thematic groups, and content production can emerge between migrants and local communities. Finally, the process is discussed through the lens of the theoretical framework and reflections are made on how platforms can be a valuable tool for building inclusion based on collaboration and creation of common values.