Bachelor thesis in Interaction Design by Håkan Carlsson, spring term 2007, Malmö University, School of Arts & Communication. The climate for video sharing online is somewhere in the border of becoming a place for only the big companies to distribute material with general interest, or small communities with genre-specific interest to attract a larger audience. In this article I will look at the travelindustry to see what possibilities can be implemented into communities with interest in planning and travelling. I will argue that the importance of collaboration with different media can create a bigger picture so that more people can use and discover each other’s travel videos and experiences. I have also taken a closer look at social interaction at online communities such as MySpace and YouTube. The concept Dtourist is an online travel planner so that people can share experiences and use video as a part of their planning for trips and vacations. If we are to understand what kind of experiences we are publishing we must first look at our own material and understand them fully before we expect that a larger audience can be attracted.