The aim of the present thesis is to explore the linkages between the phenomenon of migration, particularly emigration and the process of Vocational Education and Training (VET)/ professional education in Moldova. The adverse socio economic circumstances in the country caused mass emigration in the last two decades. With the use of eight semi-structured interviews with directors and deputy directors of VET institutions, the research focuses on the reasons for emigrating, as well as the perception of the impact of the phenomenon of emigration on the development of the VET system. The concepts of brain drain, human capital, push and pull are used as analytical instruments to investigate the research questions. The analysis is also based on the secondary sources (statistics, reports, articles and literature in the field). The research points out that several major factors, including economic reasons and political instability, represent the push elements for the development of the emigration phenomenon. The results reveal that in the last five years the VET system through the reform processes has been adapted to the socioeconomic changes. However, the development of the VET sector continues to be challenged by economic issues and emigration of skilled human resources. Keywords: emigration, Vocational Education and Training, Vocational Education and Training system, brain drain, human capital, push and pull,