Universities need effective advertising techniques to stand out from the abundance of higher education institutions. Higher education marketing is a complex domain within the field of marketing which can greatly contribute to the way how prospective applicants apply to a given university. According to Fairclough (1993), higher education institutions are often referred to as businesses and therefore, university students are the consumers of the opportunities offered by the given university. Relationship marketing is a frequently applied marketing technique within higher education marketing. It helps to establish a closer contact with the applicants and future students of a university. This study includes an analysis of five introductory videos from five Swedish universities and aims to analyse how potential prospective students can be persuaded to choose the given university. The analysis is conducted by Fairclough’s Critical Discourse Analysis. The findings of this study show that some of the most important components of higher education marketing in Sweden are high quality teaching, wide range of opportunities within different fields and research, furthermore, constant improvements to fulfil the needs of actual students and their environment. Furthermore, informal milieu and cooperation among teachers and students might also assisting in improving a plethora of skills which can contribute to becoming more competitive in the job market.