This thesis analyses the Swedish party The Swedish Democrats by applying an idea-analysis on the party platform document as well as various election manifestos. The purpose of the thesis is to gather knowledge about the Swedish Democrats and their ideas relating to migration. It accomplishes this by using the theory of securitization to give meaning and interpret the ideas in the material during the analysis. The research question the study seeks to answer is whether or not the Swedish Democrats express securitizing ideas in relation to migration. The result of this question, and the study as a whole, is that the Swedish Democrats do indeed express securitizing ideas in relation to migration. These securitizing ideas are mainly framed as being in the defence of the collective identity, and therefore most of the threats depicted are from migration outside of Europe. This insight is a valuable cumulative contribution the research field of the party in question, but also in a wider context of studies of similar parties and the relation between migration and securitization.