This thesis seeks to examine what parts of the “Roadmap for the Man and Biosphere Programme” document have their starting point in anthropocentrism, contrasting to what degree a more ecocentrist orientation can be detected. The document entails the MAB Strategy (2015-2015), the Lima Action Plan (2015-2025) and the Lima Declaration. The methodological approach is document analysis through the tool of idea analysis, a type of discourse analysis. The theoretical framework consists of the ideal types of anthropocentrism and ecocentrism placed on a four rung ladder designed by Susan Baker. As tools of power analysis, the concept of value and Steven Lukes three dimensions of power are used. The findings show that the joint documents indicate an overall significant anthropocentrist focus, which is occasionally contradicted by more ecocentrist statements, which however appear to have no rooting in the policies. The documents are also found to show a strong organizational and economic focus and do not seem to take into account Indigenous knowledge and participation in the policy process as they attempt to claim.