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VPN is the new black - En studie kring unga svenskars attityder kring illegala former av legal streaming
Malmö högskola, Faculty of Technology and Society (TS).
2016 (Swedish)Independent thesis Basic level (professional degree), 10 credits / 15 HE creditsStudent thesis
Abstract [sv]

Studien har undersökt vilka attityder unga svenskar i åldern 16-29 har kring olika former av streaming. Studien har också undersökt vilka attityder de unga svenskarna har kring illegala former av legal streaming samt om dessa attityder överensstämmer eller inte med attityder kring övriga streamingformer. Studien ämnar komplettera tidigare studier som inte tidigare undersökt unga svenskars attityder kring illegala former av legal streaming. Studien genomfördes med både kvalitativ och kvantitativ metod. För att samla in det empiriska materialet genomfördes en webbenkät med 82 respondenter och en intervju med en fokusgrupp bestående av fyra personer. Utöver detta har det också genomförts en innehållsanalys av två internetforum. Det resultat som de empiriska undersökningarna resulterade i överensstämde till stor del med tidigare studier. Attityderna som fanns kring de olika formerna av streaming överensstämde till stor del även de. Signifikanta faktorer som påverkade dessa attityder var bland annat viljan att se en stor mängd film samt ny film. Den ekonomiska aspekten var inte alltid den mest drivande faktorn. Vidare ansåg respondenter att streamingtjänsters utbud inte bör begränsas geografiskt. Slutsatsen var att attityderna kring de olika formerna av streaming till stor del stämde överens med attityder som påvisats i tidigare studier. Attityderna som påträffades i studiens empiri överensstämmer oavsett hur användaren streamar. Vidare vittnade respondenterna om att avstängande från legala streamingtjänster om de geografiska begränsningarna kringgicks kunde leda till ett ökat användande av illegala streamingtjänster.

Abstract [en]

The study has examined the attitudes of young Swedes in the ages 16-29 have on various forms of streaming. The study has also examined the young Swedes attitudes towards illegal forms of legal streaming and circumventing geographic limits. The goal was to see if these attitudes were consistent or not with the attitudes about other forms of streaming. The study had the purpose to complement previous studies with the attitudes about illegal forms of legal streaming since this have not been examined before. The study was conducted by using both quantitative and qualitative methods. In order to collect the empirical result the study used a web survey respond2ent by 82 respondents and an interview with a focus group concluding four respondents. In addition to this, a content analysis of two Internet forums has been done. The empirical inquest resulted in similar results as previous studies. The attitudes that were found in this empirical study were also consistent within the different forms of streaming. The respondents testified that a factor they had that affected the attitudes was a will to see a large amount of movies. The economical aspect was not one of the biggest factors that affected the attitudes. The respondents did not though that the amount of movies they offered to the users should be limited geographically. The conclusion was that the attitudes of the various forms of streaming were largely consistent with the attitudes demonstrated in previous studies. Attitudes found in the study's empirical evidence were consistent regardless whichever way as the user streams. Furthermore, respondents testified that seclusion from the legal streaming services if the users were circumventing the geographic limits might lead towards an increased use of illegal streaming services.

Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
Malmö högskola/Teknik och samhälle , 2016. , p. 71
Keywords [sv]
Legal streaming, Fildelning, Illegala former av legal streaming, Attityder, VPN, Illegal streaming
National Category
Engineering and Technology
URN: urn:nbn:se:mau:diva-20736Local ID: 20961OAI:, id: diva2:1480616
Educational program
TS Medieproduktion och processdesign
Available from: 2020-10-27 Created: 2020-10-27 Last updated: 2022-06-27Bibliographically approved

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