Mobile apps have emerged ever since the smartphone has been established into most peoples everyday life. Almost half of those available apps in the app stores are mobile games. We study game design patterns speci cally for endless mobile minigames, as they are one of the emerging categories. This genre has become popular in the app stores with its unique characteristics which include very short play session iterations and its minimalist design. Game design patterns are focused on the interaction with the player and provide knowledge and experience with regards to games in general. Not only are they bene cial for game designers, but also for developers, practitioners and possibly researchers, as patterns provide a common terminology to share information between di erent professions. We conduct a case study including ve example games and analyze endless mobile games to identify and create genre speci c game design patterns. We search for commonalities and major aspects of endless mobile minigames to facilitate the production of such games for developers. To con rm our results, we implement a prototype of an endless mobile minigame, which is then evaluated through a survey. The result is a collection of game design patterns based on our cases. The questionnaire reveals which of those patterns are relevant and should be considered when developing an endless mobile game. The result outlines that game design patterns are considered supportive when designing a game, however requires ad- justments and revisions.